Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

That was it, it was over, I finished the song and the audience exploded in a mass of clapping and whistling. However I could hear Cheryl over them all, I looked to the side block of seats to see her, along with everyone else, on her feet, she was screaming, whistling, jumping up and down, blowing kisses, the whole lot. But for that one moment, it felt like I had only been performing to her, no matter how many people were in the audience, all I really cared about was how she reacted, it made me burst with pride that she was proud of me. If I wasn’t in love, it probably wouldn’t make any sense!

Me and the other members of the cast did one final bow and I headed off stage, beaming from ear to ear, but still in need of that drink Cheryl had promised.  I found my way back to my dressing room, being stopped every two seconds by cast and crew, congratulating me, it only occurred to me that I would be doing this every other night for hopefully a long time to come, depending on reviews and ticket sells, I really hope my nerves won’t be quite as bad as they were tonight.

I changed quickly and sat down,  waiting for the stampede that was about to come through my door and sure enough it came, bounding through the door first was my Mum, I didn’t get to see who was after that because she was hugging me with such force I couldn’t think of anything else then her arms that were tight around my neck,

“Mum you’re strangling me,” I forced out, pushing her as gently as I could off of me.

“I-m so – so proud,” she stammered out. 

I gave her a kiss on the cheek, “thanks Mum,” I said, happy that I had made her proud, I turned towards my Dad, who gave me a kiss on the cheek, “Well done love, you made us all proud,”

Next in line was Nicola, “you were amazing , actually amazing,” she gasped, kissing my cheek and grasping my arms tightly before moving away, to let Nadine wrap her arms around me, it was like a queue.

“I’m so proud of yous,” she smiled. “Brilliant... Best on the stage,”

“Well done Kimbo, I knew you’d do amazing-and you did,” Sarah laughed in her usual tongue and cheek way.

Next was who I was desperate to see, I could tell she had been crying from her blotchy eyes and she wrapped her arms around my neck tight, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” she whispered delicately into my ear.  “I love you too,” I whispered back.

Knowing we were in company we parted from each other, even though I could have hugged her like that forever, she found my hand and squeezed it tight. We all turned towards the door which swung open, revealing one of the other cast , James, nice guy,

He smiled warmly at everyone before finding me, pulling me slightly away from Cheryl’s grip into a hug, “you were amazing tonight, I told you, you had nothing to worry about,” he laughed rolling his eyes.

“I know, I know,” I smiled, backing away from him, finding Cheryl’s hand again.

“I told her that as well,” Cheryl announced, staring quite intently at James, squeezing my hand hard.

“Well anyone with eyes and ears would be stupid to think not,” he replied, “but I’ll leave you to it, just wanted to let you know you did amazing, see you at the next performance,” he smiled, before heading out the door.

“He seemed nice,” Mum said as he walked out the door.

“Yeah he’s alright,” I said, cautiously, I knew how Cheryl could get.


“Darling again you were amazing tonight, but me and your mother best be getting back now, or we’re never get back before morning,” Dad said after Mum had finished another Gin and Tonic.

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