Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

“I have never been so cold in my entire life,” I moaned, as we trudged through the park, giving Buster his daily walk.  It had been a week since Kimberley’s first show and I had been to every other one she had done this week, each time she was more amazing then the last and I swear as soon as I walked in that theatre an emotional gate always opened up inside me.

“It’s gotta be done,” Kimberley said in a muffled tone, her mouth being blocked by a big scarf she had wrapped around her mouth.

“How is it that you’re always so positive about everything?” I asked, her optimism never ceasing to amaze me.

“Have to make the best of things, don’t you,” she laughed, watching Buster happily run around the park unleashed.

“Is that you’re motto for me?” I laughed, moving closer to her as we walked, embracing her warmth.

“Yeah.. I have to dig deep for your best bits,” she teased, nudging me in the rubs gently, before wrapping her arm around my jacket covered waist.

“That sounded so wrong,” I giggled.

She stayed silent for a second, repeating in her head, I’m guessing, what she had said, “Oops, that didn’t sound brilliant did it?” She giggled at her realisation. “What time do you have to be in the studio?”

“At two,” I replied, “I was thinking a chilled night in tonight, first night we both have had off in a while,”

“Aww that sounds good babe, but I can’t -,”

“BUSTER NOO!” I yelled, running towards him, he was nipping at a much bigger fierce looking dog, the kind of dog that looked like it could eat him up in one gulp, I scooped him up in my arms, away from the drooling, disgusting big dog,

“You should keep that mutt on a lead,” a large, miserable looking lady shouted, coming towards me. Kimberley had now caught up behind me.

“What did you just call my dog?”

“A mutt,” she repeated, “If it can’t be controlled, it should be on a lead,” she spat.

he can be controlled thank you very much,” I frowned.

“Well he obviously can’t, coming up to my dog like that, could of bitten his head off – next time I’ll let him,” she laughed cruelly.

“Who the fcuk do you think are?” I asked, anger getting  the better of me now.

“I don’t think he meant any harm, let’s just leave it at that,” Kimberley said, trying to calm us down, I looked at her for a second, she did indeed have a slight calming effect on me.

“Oh shut up princess,” the lady spat at Kimberley.

“Don’t you dare talk to my girlfriend like that, you old hag,” I raged.

“Cheryl, come on lets just go,” Kimberley pleaded calmly, tugging at my arm.

“Yeah Cheryl just go,” the lady cackled. She was heading for a smack.

By this point, Kimberley had tugged me, with Buster in my arms, back the direction we had come from, towards the flat, “does she want me to turn around and hit her?” I asked angrily.

“Just keep walking and breathe babe,” she replied, walking slightly faster, I think she wanted to get me as far away from the cow as possible.

I ranted for as long as it took us to get back into the flat, Kimberley’s usual ‘I know’ and ‘Yeah rights’ being the only response from her, as well as a lot of back rubs and her Bradford soothing tones, but somehow they always worked and I eventually began to calm down as she passed me a glass of water,

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now