Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

“Yeah, it’s me,” she answers, I was still half asleep  and I couldn’t quite believe that Kimberley was ringing me.

“Is everything alright?” I asked, something was clearly up.

“Actually no,” she answered, like realisation is kicking in, “I’m in hospital -,”

“Oh my god!? Are you okay?” I asked quickly, jumping out of my hotel bed.

“No, I’m fine, it’s Hilda, she’s had an accident, I – I found her,” she started to cry,

“Oh my god, Kimberley, shall I come down?”

“You don’t have to, I just thought I’d ring you, to let yoy know, you were always close,” she replied.

“No, I’ll come down,” I said defiantly, already pulling on clothes. She gave me the ward’s details and I made my way quickly out of the hotel that was now temporarily called ‘home.’

Climbing into the car, I shivered. It was freezing outside and seemed even colder in the car. This certainly wasn’t how I thought my next meeting with Kimberley would be, to be honest, I sometimes wondered if I’d ever see her again, it was like we had both given up on each other, but I for sure wasn’t over her, I was just to stubborn to admit it.

I had managed to keep myself busy, promoting, performing and dancing were my life now, I was living a dream, but sometimes it did cross my mind if this was my dream atall? Coming back to an empty hotel room every night isn’t the most enjoy able thing in the world, but it was all I had at the moment and I had to make the most of it.

I had had offers flooding in all over the place about possible album’s and what not, but I always refused them, but now eight weeks later I was finally coming to terms with the fact that maybe Kimberley was moving on and maybe I should try to do the same, taking an album deal in America would be a first step towards that.

Making my way into the hospital reception I asked a grumpy receptionist where to go, she eventually after many questions, begrudgingly told me the way and I began to pick of my pace a little, trying to make up the time the receptionist had lost me. Bursting in to the private room, I must of startled Kimberley, she half jumped up off her seat, spilling her coffee on to her legs,  it was strange, I had been so concerned about seeing Hilda and finding the room, I’d forgotten that I was about to come face to face with Kimberley, the person I love, for the first time in eight weeks,

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” I said quietly, watching her dab at her now damp jeans.

She smiled, the smile that I had missed so much, “it’s okay, I’m surprised you didn’t wake her up after the way you bustled in,”

I blushed, “some stupid women on reception took ages to tell me where the room was, I think she thought I was going to kidnap her or something – and I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t coming,” I said quickly.

“I knew you would come,” she said, “but you do look the type to kidnap,” she smiled.

“Oi,” I exclaimed, crossing my arms.

She smiled at me and it was silent for a moment, Kimberley broke our eye contact by looking back towards Hilda, she looked so fragile led on the bed, machines hooked up to her and a big gash on her head, I can’t imagine what it must of been like for Kim to find her like that, “how is she doing?” I asked.

“The doctor said she’s okay, but it’s still a bit iffy,” she answered, turning back towards me, “you can sit down you know,” she gestured towards a chair on the opposite side of the bed to her.

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now