Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

“Cheryl? What the fcuk are these?” I heard Kim shout from the kitchen. Not having a clue at what she could have found, I dashed back out of our room, into the kitchen, met with Kimberley holding up some papers I had picked up from the estate agents.

“What?” I asked, not quite sure why she looked so angry.

“Why do you have new apartment papers?”

“I walked past the estate agents yesterday and saw them, I thought they looked nice, so I asked for some more info on them and they gave me the sheets,” I answered simply.

“Well were you going to tell me about them?”

“Yes, I just didn’t think it was a big deal, I’d forgotten all about the actually,” I laughed nervously. She didn’t.

“Well it is a big deal, you want to move and you haven’t even told me,” she glared at me.

“I don’t want to move, I just saw them and they looked nice, I don’t understand why you’re overreacting Kimberley,” I said, trying to keep my emotions in control.

“I’m not overreacting,” she said in a voice that suggested otherwise, “It’s just another thing you’ve kept from me!”

I sighed loudly, “I haven’t fcuking kept anything from you Kimberley, I just saw them, I mean look at them, they are pretty spectacular!”

She looked over the papers again, “but they are completely out of our price range,” she said, her face had confusion all over it.

“Well, not really anymore. What with this whole thing working out for me, I have a bit more you know, so we could afford it,” I smiled, trying to make her come round.

“Ohh no, no way.” She said, shaking her head, putting the papers down on the counter.


“Do you realise how de-meaning that is!? You’ve got the money so you buy the apartment, I can’t let you do that, I don’t want to do that!”

“But I don’t mind, I want to treat you, us with it.”

“You don’t get my point Cheryl. Just because you have the money doesn’t mean you can make all the decisions!  Anyway what’s wrong with this place?” She asked, gesturing with her hands, “I thought you loved it here?”

“I do,” I agreed, “But we could have so much more, don’t you want all that?”

“No,” she shouted, “And a while back you didn’t want that either. You were happy. We were happy, until -,” she stopped herself.

“Until what Kimberley? Go on say it,” I urged her, knowing the answer anyway.  She just shook her head violently, so I finished it for her, “until, things started happening for me, that’s what you were going to say wasn’t it?”

“Well it’s true,” she said, crossing her arms and looking to the floor.

“So I’m the one to blame for everything that’s happened am I? Just because things have finally started working out for me, I know I made a stupid mistake a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve been trying ever since Kimberley I really have,” I said, my cheeks flushing, my voice getting louder.

“I’m not blaming you Cheryl, I’m just saying,”

“Well don’t just say, I don’t know what else to do Kimberley,” I said, walking out of the kitchen in frustration, she soon followed me.  “You know, I was trying to do a nice thing for us, new place, new start, but you always see the worst in me,” I fumed, turning around.

“That’s not true. I just don’t understand why you’d want to move, we were happy here,” she almost pleaded.

“That’s my point, were happy. It could be just what we need,”

“I don’t want anything new though, I just want it back to how it was,” she said, her voice slightly softer. Please don’t cry, I hate it when she cry’s.

“We can work at this, come up with more of a routine, it doesn’t have to be bad just because a few things in our life have changed,” I tried to convince her, my voice now lowering in volume.

“We shouldn’t have to make a ‘routine’ though,” she sighed.

“Well I’m sorry, I’m just giving suggestions Kimberley.. If you’ve got any better ideas please I’d love to here them,” I said sarcastically, folding my arms.

“We need space,” she sighed.

“Exactly, that’s why a new bigger place would be great!” I said, thinking she was coming round.

“No,” she said softly, “Space from each other.”

A tear rolled down her cheek and a tear rolled down mine. I didn’t say anything to her, I just stared for a second before turning around into the living room, I was on the sofa tonight, I couldn’t be near her, not after that.

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now