Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

I woke up with a start. My neck and head throbbing with pain, I tried to sit up, but my head told me that wasn’t a good idea just yet. I had obviously stumbled in and fell on to the sofa, because that’s where I was. Still in my outfit from last night, I tried to drag myself up again , with much effort I hoisted myself into a sitting position.

I remembered vague bits from last night, various pubs and clubs. The promotions team who worked for and the man himself, persuaded me to come out for a celebratory drink, to mark the video being all wrapped up and the song was ready for release. It turned into more then one drink, okay, a lot more then one drink.

I pulled myself up from the sofa, kicking off my heels that I was still wearing; my feet were blistered and sore. Not great for a dancer, I walked towards where it felt most natural; not really knowing why I didn’t drag myself to bed last night when I knew Kimberley was there, even if I was drunk. I crept into our bedroom, it was early so she was still sleeping peacefully, looking as beautiful as ever with her pout in full working order – That’s when it hit me, that’s when I remembered bits of what had happened.

The phone call, about the meal. Oh god, I missed the meal we had arranged, that’s why the table was all set, I started to figure out as I walked back into the living room, past the table. Oh god, she really went to a special effort and everything, I was such a dick, I had some serious making up to do.

I crept quietly back into our room, grabbing the first of my clothes I could see. Some tracksuit bottoms, vest top and hoody. I took them into the bathroom and changed quickly, despite my head telling me to slow down I took no notice. I couldn’t let Kim deal with my hangover as well.  I slipped on my trainers, taking Buster and his lead with me. I figured a walk to the shop would do me some good and that way I could get some things for a special breakfast for Kim. I had to try and repair the damage some how.

I walked as briskly as possible with Buster to the super market. It was the only shop that would be open at this time in the morning, not many people were out though thank god.  I wasn’t an enthusiastic cook by any means, but I still picked up every breakfast item available.  Pancake mix, fresh orange juice, eggs, bacon, knowing full well she wouldn’t be able to stomach everything, but she deserved to know I did care, even though I behaved appallingly the night before.  I even bought the biggest bouquet of flowers I could find, making sure they smelt and looked perfect to.


She was still asleep when I got back, it was still only half eight. But I decided to put the bacon and eggs on, knowing I would probably mess it up first time and need extra time to try again. When I heard her walk into the bathroom, I began to get a little nervous, not sure how she would react to me. I switched on the kettle, ready to hand her a cup of tea as a first peace offering.

She walked into the kitchen with a sleepy and confused expression, clearly wondering why I was up so early and I had the oven on, very unusual for me. “I made you a tea,” I said, handing her a cup, breaking the awkward silence.

“Thanks,” she mumbled, walking back out of the kitchen with the mug. Yep she was mad, but did I really expect her not to be?  I followed her out of the kitchen, watching her sit down on the sofa, taking small sips of her tea and wincing when it was to hot, I always loved it when she did that.

“Look Kim,” I started, sitting down on the chair opposite her, knowing I had to fix this, “I’m so sorry about last night, I know you’re upset and you have every right to be. I was completely out of order, it’s just I lost track of time and by the time you called, I didn’t know what was going on,” I tried to explain.

She sighed loudly, “I don’t know Cheryl. You really upset me, I put a lot of effort into it, not that I minded doing that because it was meant to be a treat for us, but then you went and fcuked it up!”

I hung my head in shame, feeling worse then I did this morning, “I know, I know I did. Just well we had got everything wrapped up, the single is about to be released and they wanted me to come out for a drink to celebrate,”

“Oh right, so where do I fit into all of this?”

“Well, I just lost track of time, I knew we had the meal, I just kind of forgot after the drinks,”  I said, knowing my explanation was not good at all.

She snorted, “well thanks, next time I just won’t bother Cheryl. I mean it’s fine for you to go out and get trashed, but when I’m out with work friends, who I told you I was going out with, you go crazy, acting like I’ve slept with all of them!”

I bit my lip, not wanting to say anything to rash, I just wanted to get this sorted, “I know but that’s different! I’ve said I’m sorry Kim, I don’t know what else to do, I’m trying here,”

“You think making me a cup of tea and buying me some flowers is going to make it all alright so quickly? And how is it different, how do I know you weren’t out shagging someone?”

I glared at her, “well I guess you don’t, but I would have thought you’d at least trust me,” I could feel myself getting angry now.

“What, like you trust me you mean?” She shot back.

“I’ve told you, I do trust you - Just not anyone else. I’m only like that because I care about you so much,”

I was sure I saw her expression soften slightly, “even so, it doesn’t mean it’s fair that you can go off out – anything could of happened to you,” she said in a more softer tone.

I sighed, moving over to the sofa she was sat on, I put my arm around her, relieved that she didn’t pull away, “I really am sorry, but you don’t have to worry about me, I’m a tough cookie,”

She let her head lay on my chest, “I’m still angry at you, you know,” completely contradicting herself,

I smiled, playing with her hair, “I know.  But the flowers and tea wasn’t all I did to try and make it up to you,”

“What else?” she mumbled into my chest.

“Well I was making breakfast, thinking about it, I think you could have some very burnt bacon, come on let’s go look at the damage,” I said, getting up, holding out my hand for her to take, which she did. 

“Christ almighty Cheryl,” she laughed, looking at the contents of the oven, “what time did you put these in? When you got in last night?” She laughed, bringing out the tray of charcoaled black bacon and prodding it suspiciously. “Good job I like it well done eh?”

I frowned, taking the tray from her hand and placing it in the sink, well not so much placing more throwing it due to the heat, “ I think we might have to throw out this pan, the scrambled egg isn’t exactly scrambled, more like just fused to the bottom of the pan,” she laughed again, handing me the pan for me to inspect.

“Another thing I’ve fcuked up then,” I sighed, taking the pan to the bin. She didn’t disagree; she just pulled me into a hug,

“Come on, let’s try cereal – can’t burn that,” she giggled.

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now