Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

“Kimberley, do you want me to bring a take away back after work? I’d really like just to have a night just us,” Cheryl cornered me in the kitchen, Buster in her arms.

It was two weeks since the argument, since then nothing had got worse, but it hadn’t got better. We were sleeping in the same bed, but sleeping is all we did. It surprised me that Cheryl suggested doing something tonight, we hadn’t been on good speaking terms, it was sad really, we were really becoming like just flat mates.  I’ll give it to her, she was trying hard, even if it was just to come home a little earlier from promo or the studio, just so she could sit and watch T.V with me, or pick me up from the theatre, she did do it, but we just didn’t communicate anymore, not like we used to.

“Uhh,” I stuttered, taken aback, “sure, why not,” I tried to smile, not quite meeting her eye.

“Great,” she answered enthusiastically. “I’ll be back before eleven, I promise,” she smiled, leaning in slightly and then withdrawing, like she was going to kiss me, but then decided against it.

Cheryl had to do yet more promo performances for the single, I’m sure if we had been fine then I would of joined her at everyone I could, but we weren’t fine. I found it easier to stay at home, whilst she did what she had to do, even though it was like Cheryl had two separate lives, I found it hard to be part of her celebrity one.

“I’ll hold you to that,” I smiled, as she left the kitchen, placing Buster back in his bed.

“Bye,” she sang as she left out the door. I think that was the best conversation we’d had in a long time, in fact, it was the happiest I’d seen Cheryl in a while. It was nice, because even after all this sh!t, seeing her happy, still made me happy.

Obviously, I was slightly heart broken after the whole ‘flat-mate,’ incident. And I certainly didn’t let Cheryl get away with it, even Sarah said something to her about it, though I’m not quite sure what. However, the more she explained it, the more I could maybe understand the whole ‘protection’ thing, it just made me feel like crap the way she went around it. Still maybe tonight would be a night to end the sh!t. We’d both been uncomfortable around each other for long enough now, it just wasn’t right, I loved her for god-sake and she did try and prove she loved me to, most days. Silly things like, putting a blanket over me when if I fell asleep, trying to do her best to help cook if I was late back from a show, folding my pyjamas after they’d been washed, just because she knew I liked it that. It’s stuff like that, that makes you realise what you mean to someone and vice versa.

Waking me from my train of thoughts, my phone started to ring, - James,

“James?” I questioned, a bit confused.

“Kimberley, Hi, how are you?”

“I’m good thanks, I don’t want to be rude, but what do you want?” I asked, in the nicest way possible.

“Haha, well I can see I’m wanted. Well I’m with some of the cast, around your area, wondered if you’d like to come and have a drink with us?”

“Uhh, I don’t know James, I meant to have a night in with Cheryl when she gets in later,” I answered.

“Come on Kimberley, just one drink, it’s only eight, we’ll be done before Cheryl gets back for sure, I won’t take no for an answer Kimberley,”

“Well you don’t give me much choice then do you?” I laughed.

“That’s my girl, meet us in the usual as soon as you can,”

“Alright, bye,” I laughed. A couple drinks wouldn’t hurt, I’d be back in long before Cheryl was.


Half eleven sh!t. “James I have to go, I’ve been here longer then I should of!” I shouted over the bar’s music,

“Come on, you haven’t even finished your drink,” he argued.

“No, seriously, I see you at the performance tomorrow,” I said, getting up.

“Alright, I’m never going to win against the famous Cheryl now am I?” He smirked.

“No, I don’t think you are,” I laughed, saying goodbye to everyone else and making my way out the bar.

Climbing the stair well after making my way back, I was slightly nervous at the thought of having a night in Cheryl, something I shouldn’t of been, what kind of relationship is it if I’m nervous of having a night in with my own girlfriend.

“Sorry, I’m late,” I said, walking through the door.

Cheryl appeared from the kitchen and smiled although she did look a bit anxious, “It’s okay, where have you been?” She asked, her casual tone slightly strained.

“Just some of the cast asked me out for a drink, I lost track of time,”

Knowing she was in no position to argue, she just smiled, “you should of texted, I was worried,” she said, turning around back into the kitchen.

“I know I’m sorry, but don’t worry, I’m fine,” I laughed, hanging my coat up.

“Well I can see that, here you are babe, I think I put everything you like on it,” she said, coming out of the kitchen and handing me a plate of Chinese food.

“You even gave me extra noodles,” I smiled, heading towards the sofa to sit down; a take away wasn’t a take away unless it was on your lap.

“Well I know they are your favourite,” she murmured, blushing slightly.

I smiled at her comment, “so how did it go?”

What the promo?” She asked, sounding surprised that I wanted to know.

“Well yeah..”

“Oh it was alright,” she said, taking a spoonful of food, “just a performance and short interview, you know,”

“I’m sorry I didn’t come watch,” I said, playing with my food.

“Oh Walsh, it’s alright, might of been a bit boring for you,” she shrugged.

I smiled, “Walsh, haven’t heard that in a while – I’ve missed it,” I smiled, looking at her properly for the first time in weeks.

“I’ve missed calling you it, it feels very domineering when I say it, ” she smiled, looking back at me.

“Kinky *Female Dog*, I’ve never thought of it that way, now you have totally ruined it for me,” I giggled.

“I’m sorry, I take it back, whenever I say ‘Walsh’ I mean it completely innocently,” she grinned, her eyes wide, trying to convince me.

“I could make an exception for tonight though,” I said suggestively, eyeing her up, suddenly having a great need for her.

“Really?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Really,” I nodded. “I’ll just go put these plates away and then I’ll join you in there,” I winked, gesturing towards the bedroom.

“Okay,” she giggled like an excited teenager, “just please don’t wash them all up, I don’t think I could cope,”

“Well for that, I’m going to wash them all individually with a toothbrush,” I laughed, taking the plates into the kitchen.

“As long as you don’t use my toothbrush,” I heard her call from the next room.

I smiled, having felt better then I had in ages. I placed the plates in the washing up bowl, not normally one to leave things, but tonight that could wait. Walking past the kitchen counter, I accidently caught Cheryl’s bag, causing it to tip on the floor, the contents spilling everywhere, that’s when I saw them, picking them up, I scanned them intently,

“Cheryl? What the fcuk are these?” I shouted.

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now