Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Thank god I was on my way home, I love dancing don’t get me wrong, it’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do, but my mind has just been on Kimberley all afternoon and now I couldn’t wait to get back in, to enjoy our celebratory night in. I’d picked up the most expensive champagne I could find, even though Kim would act like she didn’t approve, I knew underneath she would be thrilled that I went to an effort.

I was so proud of her, not only had we got our second year of living together anniversary, but we also had to celebrate Kimberley’s first performance tomorrow. Like everyone always knew she would, she got a big part on a big west end production of Les Mis, the rehearsals had been going on for months and months, Kim being continually worried she’d be cut from the production, of course she wasn’t but,  with the first performance tomorrow night. I knew she was nervous as anything, that’s why she didn’t mention it much, but I also wanted her to know I was dead proud of her.

I walked up the stair well, towards our flat, passing Hilda, the old lady who lived on the same level on the way,

“Evening Cheryl,” she smiled, “would you and Kimberley like anything from the shop? I’m just popping out?”

I stopped on the stairs to reply, “No thanks Hilda, thank you anyway though,” I smiled politely. “Have a good evening,” I smiled, as we made our way towards our destinations.

I slid my key into the lock on the door and was greeted by Buster jumping around at my feet. Kimberley was sure he had a growth defiency , because he had only grown a couple of centimetres since we had got him at Christmas, I was just sure that he was just meant to be small, either way, our little Buster was perfect.  I walked slowly into the flat, dropping my bag onto the floor, putting the champagne on the delightfully laid table and making my way into the kitchen. I could hear Kim humming to herself from outside the door making me smile,

“Hey baby,” I smiled, as she spun around.

“Arghh,” she shrieked, “I’m not ready for you yet,” she said, looking flustered.

“Babe, don’t worry,” I smiled, approaching her with open arms.

She fell into my arms and kissed me on the cheek, “I know, but I want to worry, I’ve set the table up and everything, I just need five minutes,” she smiled.

“I know, I saw the table on my way in, it looks beautiful babe- you look beautiful,” I added, just noticing the effort she had gone to with her hair and little dress, complete with fluffy boot like slippers, “but as you’re not quite ready, why don’t I go and change out of these sweaty clothes and you can call me when you’re done?”

“Perfect, although don’t change into something to nice, you are going to be getting sweaty anyway later,” she winked, pulling me in for a quick kiss. I loved suggestive Kimberley.

“Well depends how good our date goes,” I laughed, waltzing out of the room, scooping Buster up into my arms and heading towards Kim and I’s shared bedroom. I decided on a long top and leggings completing the look with a pair slippers, which were similar to Kim’s.

“Okay Okay, every things ready,” Kimberley called from the front room where the dining table was.  I walked out into our dark living room, the only light coming from the flickering newly lit candles, the light bouncing off Kimberley’s eyes. “Champagne seeing as you brought it,” Kimberley said, handing me a glass and chinking it with her own. “I hope you didn’t pay to much for it,” she smiled.

“It was worth it baby,” I smiled, taking a sip from the glass and giving her a kiss.

“Come on, it will get cold,” Kim smiled, gesturing at me to sit down.


“That was amazing,” I smiled, getting up from the table and leading Kim to the sofa.

“I hope you have room for dessert,” she winked, as I topped up her glass and we fell back into the sofa.

“I always have room for dessert,” I purred, taking her hand into my own. “So what are the arrangements for tomorrow then baby?” I asked.

“Well obviously I have to get to the theatre early, but the girls are going to meet you here and my parents will meet us there, I have your names down on a list, so you can come backstage before and after,” she smiled, but I could sense the fear in her voice.

“Don’t be nervous,” I said, moving closer to her on the sofa and putting down my glass on the table in front of the sofa. “Your going to be amazing I know you are,” I smiled, rubbing her nose with my own, causing her to giggle.

“But what if I’m not? We’ve all being working on this for so long, what happens if I ruin it tomorrow? What happens if the reviews are crap because of me? What happens if no one claps at the end tomorrow or something?”Her voice became higher as her worries becoming more and more irrational.

“Walsh baby,” I whispered, “it’s not possible that no one will clap tomorrow night, I’m going to be in the audience and I’m going to be such a fan girl, you will be embarrassed of me jumping up and down, cheering for you,” I laughed.

“I’d never be embarrassed of you,” she giggled, she seemed to be more at ease now,

“And it won’t be just be clapping away, you’re going to blow everyone away I promise,” I smiled.

“I love you,” she whispered, pulling me into a kiss, she still looked unsure, but I knew nothing I could really say would make her feel a hundred percent positive about it all, I just knew she could do it. “But you know how it is, you’ve been there,”

“I know! Remember that time at the 02, when I was dancing for Beyonce, I didn’t think I would make it on stage,” I cringed at the thought now.

“I know,” she laughed, “you were a wreck, but I knew you would do amazing,”

“Just like I know you will,” I smiled. “Our families must love us though, we can get them into all kind of shows,” I laughed, trying to relax her.

“I know right,” she smiled, “a big benefit of having a dancer girlfriend, easy access to amazing concerts,” she smiled.

“Oh I see,” I frowned, “is that the only reason we’re together? So I can get you into Beyonce concerts?”

“Not just Beyonce, ” she teased. I moved away from her to the edge of the sofa and crossed my eyes, putting on my best annoyed face on. “Aww baby, I’m only joking,” she said, sliding up the sofa towards me, “there’s lot’s more benefits,” she smiled.

“Like what?” I asked bluntly, my arms still tightly crossed.

“Well..” she started, uncrossing my arms and putting her own arm around my neck gently, I couldn’t help but fall into her. “Dancers can be very, flexible,” she said seductively, sending shivers down my spine.

“Have you experienced that with your dancer then?” I smiled, playing along.

“On many occasions, so you see there is more benefits then concerts,”

“And you get your own private shows,” I winked, playing along.

“Am I about to get one?” She asked, biting her lip, looking me up and down.

“You bet you are,” I said, standing up pulling her into our bedroom, about to find out what my dessert was.

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now