Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

“I’m driving babe,” I said, waving my car keys in her face as we prepared to leave the flat.

“You know, I don’t even have the energy to argue with that,” she sighed, looking terrified.

“Am I that good?” I winked, trying to make her smile.

She smiled weakly back, sensing her discomfort I moved closer towards her, wrapping my arms around her waist and boring into her eyes, “You Kimberley J Walsh, are going to be amazing, you know I never lose fights and I won’t be losing this one either, you are going to blow everyone away, honest baby,” I smiled, eager for my words to sink in.

She smiled simply, giving me a peck on the lips, “thank you, but if I do let you down, I’m sorry,” she said sadly.

“Kimberley!” I shrieked, “you could never let me down – ever,”

“ever?” She repeated in a playful way,

“ever.” I finalised. “Now come on, I may drive fast, but my Ford Ka ain’t  no rocket ship,” I laughed, unwrapping my arms from her and heading for the door, dragging her with me.

“even though you try and make it so,” she laughed, even though the joke was on me, I was glad she was smiling.

“Even so,” I laughed, letting it drop. I opened the door, whilst she picked up Buster and gave him a kiss,

“I wish you could come and watch too Bust,” she said to Buster, kissing him again.

“Okay, Walsh, now you are full on talking to him, I’m worried, let’s get out of here,”

She put him gently down, walking out the door in front of me, “Hey, you always talk to him,” she replied, waiting for me to catch up with her down the hallway.

“Yes, but not when I have company,” I reasoned.

“Well you must of had company –If I’ve heard,” she added, as we began to walk down the stair well.

“Well it wasn’t company I knew about,” I objected, beginning to smile, as we walked outside towards my car. “I’ll be more care full next time!” I laughed, climbing into the drivers seat.

The theatre was right in the centre of London, I was bracing myself for bad traffic and I was promising to myself that I would be calm the whole journey, for Kimberley’s sake, however that wasn’t working out well,

“Why is it, that all the Sunday drivers are out today? It’s not a Sunday its a fcuking Saturday for god’s sake,” I bellowed as I got stuck behind another car that was going slower then even Kim would.

“Babe,” she said turning towards me, she was even smiling slightly, “there only going slow because there is roadworks!”

“Ayee there might well be, but it doesn’t mean they have to drive at 2mph, I swear it would be quicker if some of these drivers walked, or get the tube.. why don’t they get the tube? That’s what London’s famous for, I wish they’d fricking well use it!” I ranted, becoming increasingly frustrated at the lack of pace we were moving at.

“Well you could say we should of got the tube then?” She said calmly, I had a feeling she was enjoying seeing me like this.

“No Kimberley, because me unlike these clowns,” I replied, waving my arms around, “know how to drive properly,” she laughed loudly, I could make her out in the corner of my eye staring, “what’s funny?” I asked, turning my head to look at her.

“You,” she replied simply.

“I can’t think why,” I said, although I couldn’t help grinning a little bit to, “ I guess I should be glad you’re smiling,” I said, relaxing a little as the traffic picked up.

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