Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

Chapter 3]

“Good morning baby,” I was awoken by her familiar Geordie accent; a mug of steaming tea was put down beside me.

“You’re up early,” I yawned, whilst sitting up and reaching for the mug.
“I know, but I thought you’d need a bit of pampering before you went in, I figured you’d be nervous,” she smiled, sitting herself on top of my duvet covered legs, straddling my hips, reaching for her own tea.

“That’s sweet babe,” I smiled, “thank you, but somehow I don’t think any amount of pampering is going to stop my nerves,” I said truthfully, wincing at my hot tea.

“Well I can at least try and help my Walsh relax a little,” she giggled, as I winced again. “Wait till it cools down, we can’t have you having deformed lips tonight can we?” She chimed.

“No, maybe that wouldn’t be a great idea,” I admitted, putting down my tea, and reaching hers from her hand,

“Hey! Mine isn’t ho-,” she moaned, before I interrupted her by claiming her lips with my own and giving her a long lingering kiss. “What was that for?” She asked bemused and a little breathless.

“Do I need an excuse to kiss the world’s best girlfriend in the morning?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“No you don’t,” she replied, this time it was her leaning in to claim my lips. “Am I really the world’s best girlfriend?” She teased.

“I don’t know, I’ve got nothing to compare to,” I laughed, as she poked me in the ribs.

“Keep saying things like that and you will have to be comparing, because I’ll be moving out,” she smirked.

“I wouldn’t let you go anywhere,” I laughed, putting my hands around her sides and holding her close.

“As comfortable as this is,” she murmured into my shoulder, pausing to kiss it softly, “I’ve left the bath running for you, I’ll just go turn it off, before we have a scene from titanic,” she laughed, jumping off of me and the bed.

“As long as it’s the car scene I don’t mind,” I laughed as she glided swiftly out of the room. I on the other hand dragged myself from bed, nerves building inside me already, although I have to give it to her, Cheryl was making me feel slightly more at ease, that girl did look after me, whether I let her know or not.  I walked sleepily out of the bedroom, through the main room towards the bathroom, Cheryl appearing at the door way, “careful when you get in it’s really hot,” she smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek as she walked past me, towards the kitchen.

“Hey,” I called, turning around, “where do you think you’re going?”

“Well seeing as we didn’t get round too much clearing up yesterday, I thought I’d tidy the table up before you freaked out about it,” she said, balancing plates and cutlery in her arms. “But if you’d rather me somewhere else?” She asked in a suggestive tone.

“You know where I want you, don’t be long,” I winked, moving in to the bathroom and stripping off. I dangled my toe cautiously into the water, flinching at the heat when I lowered myself in and leant against the back of the bath, letting the bubbles surround me.

“Room for two?” She chuckled, captivating my eyes as she stripped off her pyjamas quickly, she didn’t give me much chance to admire though, she stepped in the bath, with her back towards me and sat down resting the back of her head against my shoulder, I scooped my hands around her to rest on her toned torso, where she held my hands with her own.

“I love you baby,” I said softly, kissing the back of her head.

“Who wouldn’t love the world’s best girlfriend?” She teased, unclasping one hand from mine and flicking some water into my face, making me splutter.

“Oi! Or I’ll push you out,” I grinned.

“Never!” She exclaimed, laughing. “What time do you have to leave babe?” She asked, putting her hands back safely into my own.

“At about five, then you and the girls can come at Six and meet my parents, Plan?”

“Plan,” she agreed, “do you want me to drive you? I promise to drive sensibly,” she smiled, gripping my hands a little tighter.

“No it’s okay babe, you can stay here,” I replied, not wanting to be a bother.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind? Because I’m thinking after the performance, you are going to want a big drink,” she laughed, knowing how I liked to relax after something big.

“On that thought, I might take you up on your offer,” I softened.

“Plus, I want to be able to take home the star of the show me self,” she smiled, proudly, craning her neck back to kiss me on the cheek.

“That you can do I promise you, but I’m driving there,”

“We better leave now then, will take you a couple of hours,” she teased.

“Oi,” I shrieked, unclasping my hand from hers and poking her hard in her sides, making her squirm,

“Arghhh Kimberley stop it,” she spluttered, her body jerking wildly, “are you trying to drown me?” she screeched, getting herself comfortable again after I had stopped.

“I was teaching you some manners,” I laughed, “I don’t drive that slow,” I protested. “At least when I drive, every pedestrian doesn’t have to worry about being mowed down by the next fricking Lewis Hamilton,”

“Kimberley, most of the pedestrians that are on the streets when you are around get to their destination quicker then you do anyway!” She shot back.

“That’s it,” I yelled, cupping my hands under the water, filling them up with water, then flinging it into Cheryl’s face, repeating the action several times, even though I was getting myself just as soaked, she wriggled, screamed and squirmed managing to turn herself around and copying my action to her, on me.

“Oh now who’s in control,” she cackled, throwing more and more water over me.

“Arghh Cher- okay okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I pleaded, as she gripped my wrists tightly.

“Say I’m a good driver,” she smiled.

I shook my head, “I don’t tell lies,”

“You’re asking for it,” she smirked.

“Alright alright, you’re a good driver,” I backed down.

“That’s much better,” she smiled, giving me a kiss. “I’ve told you Walsh, no good will come from trying to fight me,” she said smugly.

“I know, I know,” I sighed, “I’ll win one day though,”

“You keep telling yourself that,” she sneered lightly, rubbing her hands up and down my hips, “Walsh-baby?” she said softly, seductive tone creeping into her voice as she left light kisses on my collarbone.

“Mmm?” I asked, knowing full well what was coming.

She propped her head back up, so it was close to mine, she smiled that smile, that I was so used to, but somehow couldn’t get enough of, “do you want to.. you know?” she grinned, raising her eyebrows suggestively, water dripping from the ends of her hair on to my stomach.

“You think you’re so irresistible don’t you?” I teased.

“Tell me I’m not then,” she said defiantly, standing up, leaving me cold and climbing out of the bath, “I’ll be in the bedroom, but obviously I’m not irresistible so you won’t be joining me,” she turned and said to me before leaving the bathroom in her naked form, I was already hot for her and she knew it. I got up, let the plug out and went to join her in the bedroom, just like she knew I would.

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now