Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty-Six
“What?” I smiled, watching Kimberley’s eyes gaze at my exposed lower back, I was in the middle of undressing,

She gulped, “you got a tattoo,” her eyes transfixed.

I laughed at her non existent smoothness, “I did,”

“I like it,” she smiled, finally tearing her eyes away for long enough to meet mine,

“Well it fcuking hurt enough,” I laughed, I still hadn’t quite gotten over the un expected pain.

“I think it was worth it,” she said, staring again.

“You can touch it if you like,” I offered.

“Okay,” she smiled, making her way from her position at the door to meet me in the middle of the room beside the bed.

I turned my back towards her and shivered – not out of coldness – when her fingertips met my lower back, she traced the pattern delicately and I felt like fireworks were exploding throughout my whole body.

After doing that for what felt like an eternity, she slowly wrapped her arms around my waist, her chin resting on my shoulder, I could feel her breath on my neck, driving me crazy, “kiss me,” I whispered, covering her arms with my own.

She began to slowly kiss me on the shoulder with the tenderness I had missed so much, I turned around in her arms and we just looked at each other for a moment, as if our stares were saying everything our words couldn’t, how much we missed one another, how sorry we were and how much we wanted this.

She ducked her head slightly and kissed me softly, I could sense she was a bit reluctant whether to push it further, so  I ran my tongue along her bottom lip, indicating what I wanted, she got the message and opened her mouth, meeting my tongue with her own. 

Holding her hips tightly, I moved backwards until the bed hit the back of my legs, not breaking our kisses, which were turning increasingly passionate, she gently lowered me down onto the bed and climbed on herself, sitting astride me.

As I was just in my underwear and she was fully clothed, I began to feel increasingly exposed, wanting to see and feel more of her I ran my hands underneath her top, she broke the kiss, pulling away slightly to pull it off over her head.

Instead of diving right back into the kiss, she hovered close to my face, just letting our noses graze. Resting her forehead on my own we began to look at each other again, but this time I knew I was grinning like a loon, but as she was doing the same, I didn’t feel to embarrassed about it.

“I really missed you,” I whispered, before I caught her lips once more.

“I missed you too,” she whispered back, lowering her head and letting her tongue roam around my mouth again, “are you okay?” She whispered again, stopping the kiss abruptly and taking her previous position of hovering above my lips.

“Of course I am,” I smiled, running my fingernails up and down her now exposed sides.

“Because if you want to wait or -,” she rambled,

“Walsh, just shh,” I giggled, using force to swap positions with her, so I was no sat astride her and in control.

She didn’t put up any more argument after that and I swooped down and began kissing her softly, but full of passion, slowly running my hands down her stomach to reach her jeans button, which I undid with ease. Getting them off was a little more difficult but eventually she kicked them off, leaving me to admire her amazing curvaceous figure, how I had gone on this long without it I didn’t know.

I began to kiss her neck, something I knew she always loved, sometimes lightly tugging at the skin with my teeth, causing her to squirm and giggle, but I knew she loved it all the same.  Sensing she was getting desperate for me, by the way she was breathing and kissing me back, I slid my hand down to her underwear and slowly pulled the down, not taking my lips off hers for a second.


She lay on her arm watching me come down from my sexual high, which had left me undeniably breathless, “if that’s your idea of taking it slow, I’d love to know what you think taking it fast would be like,” I giggled, moving in closer to her.

“I didn’t mean that to happen,” she smiled, blushing.

“Well what changed?” I asked, “I feel a bit used now,” I teased.

“You and that tattoo,” she replied, raising her eyebrows, “let me have another look,” she begged.
I giggled, granting her wish and turning over onto my front, I craned my neck as best I could to see her, she had the most excitable in awe expression on her face, it was adorable, “has it changed much since you last saw it ten minutes ago?” I teased.

“No it hasn’t, but I just like looking,” she smiled, bending down and giving the tattoo a kiss,

“You’re an incredibly cute weirdo,” I laughed, as I knelt up and dragged the bed covers back so I could climb in under,

“Well at least I’m incredibly cute eh,” she winked, watching me as I got comfortable under the duvet, I hoped she’d get the hint I wanted her in there aswell.

“Come on then, I’m cold,” I said impatiently, dragging back the duvet for her. I couldn’t help but admire her naked form move its way over to me,

“Perv,” she muttered, as she slid under the duvet and turned to face me,

“Oi,” I said, faking annoyance, “I’m allowed to look, it’s been a long time,” I sighed, placing my hand underneath the duvet on to her hip, pulling myself close,

“too long,” she sighed back, bringing her hand up to stroke the hair behind my ear, “you’ve kind of lost your touch,” she grinned, knowing it would cause a reaction,

“Oh so you’re back to being cheeky to me are you Walsh? Fine,” I said, turning over so I was no longer facing her, “have it your way,”

“Cheryl,” she moaned, obviously disappointed at the loss of heat,

“Nope,” I smiled stubbornly, even though she couldn’t see me. She sidled along the bed and placed her chin on my shoulder and wrapped an arm around my waist, I wasn’t as stubborn as to tell her to get off,

“Turn around,” she pleaded into my ear. I was never one to refuse Kimberley anything very often, so I did as she asked, even though I pretended I was still annoyed, putting on my best pout,

“Didn’t sound like I’d lost my touch,” I mumbled, not being able to help myself then to place my hand on her waist again.

“Faked it,” she smiled, raising her eyebrows.

“Walsh, even you aren’t as good an actress as that!”

Now it was her turn to pout, oh god those lips, “whatever,” she mumbled and I couldn’t help myself but to claim her lips on my own, she didn’t deny me.

Feeling the days exhaustion wash over me, I tucked my head underneath her shoulder and reached for her arm, wrapping it around me, I intertwined our fingers and looked at how perfect they looked together, “don’t regret this in the morning,” I whispered, almost begging.

“How could I?” She whispered back, gripping onto my hand a little tighter.

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