Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

“Top up ladies?” Sarah giggled, leaning over the coffee table from her chair, spilling wine every where, whilst attempting to fill up my glass. Not that I cared, I was a bit to merry to be worrying about the carpet.  Even Kimberley, who could normally give Monica from friends a run for her money on tidiness, didn’t seem to mind. Well not to much anyway,

“Careful Sarah,” Kimberley said, though she was still smiling and didn’t seem to mind too much. I had positioned myself on top of Kimberley, my legs hanging over the armchairs arms. My arm draped around Kimberley’s neck and her arm around my waist, facing the girls, who were sat on the sofa the other side of the coffee table.

As soon as the girls were through the door, Sarah had gotten the wine bottles out and it didn’t take long for it to go to our heads, hence why I hadn’t even got round to telling them why they were actually here,

“So what’s this news you’ve got for us then Chez?” Nicola asked me, slurring slightly.

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?!” Howled Sarah.

I laughed, “that’s like impossible,” I giggled taking another sip of wine. “Kimberley would have to have very magic fingers for that to happen,” I laughed, whilst earning a very embarrassed look from Kimberley and a mixture of laughs and ‘ewws’ from the other girls.  “What!” I shrugged, looking at Kim, I couldn’t help but smile at her blushed cheeks.

“We just don’t want the details girls,” Nadine laughed.

“Well I do,” Sarah piped up, filling her glass up again.  “When I get you both drunk enough you’re be spilling all your secrets,” winked Sarah, but I don’t think I could of argued with her.

“Girls, we still don’t know what this is about?” Nicola said, turning the attention back to me.

“Well you know that rapper man, from that band,” I started, realising I wasn’t getting anywhere, Kimberley stepped in, “, you mean babe,” she smiled. Once I had got that cleared up, I told the girls what had happened and what was going to happen, naturally they were all very excited,

“So you mean, I could turn on one of the music channels and it would be you and, or just you on your own, dancing away,” Nicola asked, bemused.

I nodded proudly, taking another sip of wine, “ yep, that might well be,” I beamed, filling up Kimberley’s glass.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?” She giggled.

“No,” I protested, “-drunker,” I winked, before giving her a peck on the lips.

“Eurghh, get a room!” Sarah shrieked, I giggled as I turned away from Kim’s lips, “you’re just jealous.” I smirked.

“What of that thing?” She gestured towards Kimberley,

“Oi!” Kim shrieked, “I haven’t done anything, and you’re picking on me!” She pouted. God I loved it when she did that.

“Yeah leave her alone,” I added, although I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit. Sarah rolled her eyes, filling up Nadine’s glass, I swear she was on a mission to get everybody as drunk as possible as quickly as possible. But I guess for Sarah this was very normal. Whilst the other girls were talking amongst themselves, it gave me a chance to turn my full attention to Kimberley. I turned her head towards mine and put a lock of her hair behind her ear and kissed her hard, the alcohol maybe relaxing my inhibitions slightly.

“Kimberley Jane Walsh!” Shrieked Nadine, “What in god’s name is that on your neck?”

Immediately realising what Nadine was talking about, I burst into a fit of giggles. Kim on the other hand, looked horrified and quickly tried to cover the mark with her hair. “No point hiding that now Kimbo, jesus Christ,” Sarah laughed, leaning over and taking a closer look, Nicola doing the same.

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