Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty – Seven

It took me a moment to register why I had woken up smiling and then I remembered, Cheryl was back in my life. Flicking my eyes open I expected to see her dimpled grin staring back, but it wasn’t, I reached around behind me and still nothing , she regrets it. That was my first thought, she’s left again, she’s going to sign the contract and leave, in a matter of moments all these thoughts were whirling around my head and I got up out of bed and pulled on some bed shorts and a jumper, expecting it to be an empty flat I was surprised to hear a certain Geordie voice humming along to a tune as I walked out of the bedroom,

Breathing a sigh of relied, I followed the sound and pushed open the kitchen door, peering in I caught a glimpse of a rare sight, Cheryl leant over the oven, prodding at something which smelt like bacon in the frying pan, “that’s a sight I never thought I’d see,” I laughed, leaning on the door frame.

She tutted and smiled, bringing herself up from the oven hobs,  “well there’s a first time for everything. You should of stayed in bed, I was going to bring it to you, on a tray and everything,” she said cutely, looking a little disappointed.

“Well I didn’t know where you were.. I -,” I trailed off, thinking maybe it was best I didn’t say the doubts I had in my head.

She stopped what she was doing and moved towards me, the look on her face evident that she had read my mind, something Cheryl had the ability to do so well, “you thought I had gone didn’t you?” She said quietly as she gently cupped my cheek, so it was impossible for me to ignore her stare,

“No, I didn’t, I just panicked,” I half bluffed,

“It’s okay to be scared Kimberley, - I’m scared,” she shrugged.

“You are?” I asked, having never of guessed it, “what are you scared of?”

She nodded, “I’m scared I’ll lose you again, I’m scared you will change your mind and think you’re better off without me, what are you scared about?”

“The same as you, but the other way around,” I said, smiling at how ironic it was, taking her hand away from my cheek and holding it.

“Don’t you think it’s funny how we’re scared about the same thing?” She smiled.

“Yes,” I replied, “I just don’t want you to regret not going for the album stuff,”

“Look Kimberley, where am I right now?” She asked,

I looked at her with a puzzled expression, “here,”

“Do you know where I should be? I should be at the album signing right now, but I’m not, I’m here – because I want to be, because I love you, so on my half you have nothing to worry about,” she said simply, making my lip wobble.

“I don’t deserve you,” I answered, blinking rapidly to try and get rid of the tears.

“Shut up you,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around me. “You’re making us burn the bacon,” she mumbled into my shoulder.

“It’s worth it,” I mumbled back, breathing in her familiar scent.

“Tell you what, why don’t you get back in bed – and I’ll come back in with the food,” she said, retreating from he hug and just holding my hands.

“I’ll help you,” I offered.

“No you won’t, this is mine,” she replied, kissing both my hands and moving swiftly back to the oven, “go on – go,” she ordered.

Not wanting to argue with her and knowing I would lose if I did, I smiled as I passed Buster on the way to the bedroom, we were all back together again, how it was meant to be. I climbed back into bed and waited patiently,

“Please be careful,” I said seriously as I watched her balance two trays on her arms.

“Stop fretting,” she smiled, making the trays look increasingly at risk, “I used to be a waitress you know,”

“Yes, when you were sixteen Cheryl,”

“Aye, but you never lose your touch,” she winked, handing me a tray and then climbing on to the bed, settling herself opposite me and crossing her legs.

“Thank you baby, this is perfect,” I smiled, beginning to eat my warm toast.

“Only the best for you,” she smiled, eating her own toast.

I grinned broadly, “so what do you want to do today?”

“Hmm, let me think,” she grinned, her eyes looking up, “absolutely nothing – well nothing that’s outside this flat anyway,” she winked.

“I think you’re sexually frustrated,” I teased, “don’t you want to go and get your stuff from where you’ve been staying?”

“Well I didn’t want to rush back in, incase you didn’t want -,”

“Cheryl, you know what I want,” I interrupted her. “I’ll come with you and help,”

“Alright then,” she said quietly, suddenly looking very worried. I didn’t have to think hard to know what about,

“It’s okay, you don’t have to see him – I’ll be there,” I tried to reassure her, putting down my food and reaching out for her.

“I know, just he scared the hell out of me,” she said, involuntary shivering.

“I know, but it’s going to be okay now, I promise,” I smiled

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