Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

I stumbled slightly through the door, trying to be as quiet as possible, making my way in to the bathroom to take off my make up.  I wasn’t drunk, but I had definitely had enough as my head was becoming a little bit woozy. The night to be honest had been a bit of a drag, I couldn’t keep my mind off Cheryl,  I hadn’t left in the best circumstances and I hated it when Cheryl and I argued. Sure we had been living together for two years; we’d had our share of petty arguments, just like this one.  They were usually resolved pretty quickly by swear words being thrown back and forth, a few lustful looks and then fantastic make up sex, followed by a round of ‘pillow talk,’ where we would whisper loving words into each other’s ears – the argument would soon be forgotten about.

I wasn’t sure if tonight would be so easy. For one, Cheryl was probably already asleep and even if she wasn’t, she’d pretend to be, she’s stubborn like that.  I knew Cheryl had a problem with James, I’m not really sure why. Yes every time she was at the theatre, he would pop in, but even if he did like me, it didn’t mean I had any feelings for him, which I certainly didn’t.  Cheryl was the jealous type; I’ve known that for ever, I even found it weirdly comforting she was like that. It meant she cared, it meant she wanted me. But it also made me feel like she didn’t trust me, something I wasn’t comfortable with.

I quickly checked on Buster sleeping in the kitchen and then crept into our bedroom. I didn’t turn on the light for fear of waking her if she really was asleep, her breathing was coming softly, she might well be asleep this time. I stripped down, folding my clothes neatly into a pile, I turned back to the bed and grabbed in the darkness for my pyjamas. I found my bottoms and I could of sworn I folded up my top with them, but my top was thrown carelessly on my side, nearing Cheryl. Not that I’d ever know, but if she had been sniffing them – I think it would be the cutest thing in the world. I put the top on, pulling back my side of the duvet and sidled in.

I lay there for a moment, she had her back to me and I wasn’t sure whether to cuddle up closer to her, I chose to do just that, the temptation of her delicate frame to much to bear. I shuffled along the bed towards her, wrapping my arm around her waist, pulling her closer towards me, I kissed the back of her neck, closing my heavy eyelids, not expecting to hear her voice,

“Kimberley,” she moaned softly, her body turning rigid against me.

“Mmm, I missed you baby,” I murmured, trying to relax her back into me again. She stayed quiet, I tried again, “I’m sorry about leaving the way I did earlier,” I whispered, kissing the nape of her neck.

For a moment, I thought she was moving herself away from me to get up, but instead she turned herself around to face me, she sighed loudly, looking slightly dreamy towards me, “you shouldn’t be apologising, you just know how I get,”

I put my hand through her hair and I smiled slightly at the fact she was talking, “I do know, I like it though – sometimes, but why?,” I added.

“I just get jealous,” she shrugged, widening her eyes.

“But why? It’s like you don’t trust me?” I said, dropping my hand from her hair. She caught it with her own and wrapped her fingers around my hand.

“Of course I do.” She sighed, “I just don’t trust anybody else when it comes to you,” she murmured.

I couldn’t help but smile a little bit at her confession, she averted her eyes quickly and squirmed with embarrassment I’m guessing, “baby, I think that’s really sweet, but you just have to relax slightly. Even if anyone else did like me, which no one does, I wouldn’t take a second glance at them. I’m with you, we’ve been together since school and Cheryl I can safely say you’re my soulmate... Even if that sounds cheesy. You’ve been apart of my entire life since the age of 16 – I think that says something,” I smiled, hoping it would reassure her a bit.

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now