Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

I lit the final candle on the table and sighed. It was looking brilliant. The table was set and Cheryl’s favourite meal was simmering away in the oven. We decided to do something tonight, since the day she found out that she would be dancing in the video , we hadn’t had much time to ourselves, what with me being at the theatre and her rehearsing a lot.

As we all knew, she nailed the routine and had no hesitations about putting her in the video, which was all shot and done. Naturally she was very nervous on the day of the shoot, but I went along with her and despite her worries, tears and near hyperventilating she did amazingly well. The biggest surprise was that wanted to see how her vocals were, she went along to a recording studio, with no real expectations and he decided to give her vocals on the track too. I’d never seen her look so surprised in all her life, but obviously she was ecstatic, as was I. It really seemed that things were coming together for us.

I’d done my best to scrub up well for her tonight, she had seen me in trackies and big hoodies for far to long now so I decided to dress up a little bit for her, just so she knew I went to an effort.  I poured myself a glass of wine and switched on the t.v while I waited for her. She said she’d  be back for half seven and it was now eight. Putting that thought to the back of my mind, I tried to watch the t.v, smiling when a comical moment came on. It felt weird for me that in a couple of weeks, I could turn on one of the music channels and see my Cheryl dancing and singing, on it. It was weird, but amazing.  I can just imagine our shared excitement whenever it would come on.

I gave it another half an hour, when I decided to ring her. The food was all cooked and had been left in the warm oven, but it was in danger of going bad now. I dialled her number and waited for an answer, hoping that everything was okay,

”Kimberley!! Helooooo” She laughed down the phone. I immediately knew she had been drinking, it sounded busy behind her and I could hear people laughing and shouting.

“Cheryl? Where are you?” I asked.

“Where ever you want me to be baby,” she slurred again, giggling.

“You’ve forgotten haven’t you?” I said, feeling myself getting more and more annoyed.

“Forgot what?” She giggled, seeming oblivious. I heard people in the background, calling her to get off the phone.

I sighed heavily, “Just forget it Cheryl.” I hung up on her, throwing my phone to the other side of the sofa, to try and stop the tears that were about to spill from my eyes, I got up quickly, heading towards the kitchen. I took the meal out of the oven and left it on the side, maybe I did that because I wanted her to see what I had made and what she had missed.

I wiped away ferociously at the tears that were trickling down my face, I shouldn’t be crying. I should be angry. The other week she has the cheek to get annoyed when I go out, yet she can go out, get p!ssed and forget about our plans, expecting it to be alright with me. Okay she’s drunk, but she knew what she was doing when she went to the bar, pub or whatever she’s in. Tears aren’t falling anymore, I’m just incredibly annoyed.

I throw off my dress in haste and changed into my pyjamas. Not really knowing what to do now, I’m not tired or hungry, nor am I in the mood to stay awake and watch something awful on t.v. I decide to ring Nadine, I always value her opinion and she’s guaranteed to tell the truth, whether you want to hear it or not. I value her for that.  She hasn’t even rang me back, I think as I pick up my phone and settle myself back onto the sofa. I swiftly search the contacts for Nadine’s number and ring, waiting for her to pick up,

“Kimberley?”  She questioned.

“Don’t sound to excited!” I laughed at her question.

“No it’s not that, I just thought you had a night in with Cheryl tonight,”

“Hmm, It didn’t quite go to plan,” I sighed.

“What do you mean?”

I explained the whole story to her , it was good to get things off my chest and classic Nadine, she didn’t mince her words,

“You know if this whole music thing with Will.Iam works out, I mean if that is as successful as some of his other songs, then Cheryl is going to have to be out a lot more then usual.”

“I know that,” I sighed, maybe a bit too much, “that’s okay, I understand that. She just annoyed me tonight because we had something arranged and she forgot,” I could feel myself starting to well up, I was seriously pathetic.

“I know babe, it was inconsiderate of her and she’ll feel it in the morning, honest babe,”

“Well I’m going to make her feel bad,” I replied, already plotting my stubborn revenge.

“That’s good babe, you get your stubbornness out. Just don’t drag it on to long, you two are to cute not be talking for very long.”

I smiled at her comment, despite my frustration, “Thanks for that Nad’s, very helpful.”  I said sarcastically, but still smiling.

“You know your work it out Kimberley.” She said, in a know it all way.

“How can you be so sure?” I challenged her.

“Because it’s you and Cheryl sweetie. She’ll come home, you will probably have an argument, start crying, then state your undying love for one another and as much as it pains me to say it, you will probably have make up sex, it’s just the routine Kimba,”

“Hmm,” I answered, not wanting to admit that she was probably right. I spotted Buster strolling innocently in front of me, I reached across and swept him into my arms.

“You know I’m right. If you want my advice, talk to her. Tell her why you were annoyed and even though you haven’t admitted it, I know you’re scared about what the future holds if her music thing takes off. Talk to her babe, you can’t go wrong that way,” Nadine, always the one with the answers, even if I didn’t always listen.

“Hmm, I know, everything you’ve said makes perfect sense, but we’ll see what happens. I’m sorry to ring you and give you all my problems babe,”  I said, stroking Buster.

“Don’t be silly! I’m here anytime, just don’t call me up tomorrow to tell me how the sex was alright? You got Sarah for that!”

I laughed at her very true comment, “alright, I’ll refrain from calling you then, thanks again babe, bye.”

“Bye hun,” she sang in her Irish tones before I ended the call.

I was glad I had rung Nadine. No matter how much of a mood I was in, you could always count on her to talk sense. I knew how lucky I was staying in touch with all my closest friends with school, but I think when you have a bond like we all did, you don’t just lose it. It probably helped that we all live in the city too.

I was still annoyed at Cheryl, it was now eleven. And I hadn’t heard a thing from her, not even a text. But that was Cheryl, stubborn as hell, and probably by now drunk as hell. I didn’t want to have a conversation with her whilst she was drunk, so I decided to go to bed. Taking Buster into his bed in the kitchen I lay him down, “Night Bust.”

I cursed myself in my mind, knowing that if Cheryl had heard that, she would never let it drop and tease me endlessly. I loved our playful relationship, but it was hard to think about right now, when we weren’t in each others good books.

I got myself ready for bed quickly and settled myself in. Missing the warmth Cheryl usually gave, I sighed loudly. What a really crap night.

Chim - Choices (Sequel to Lights Out)Where stories live. Discover now