Chapter 4

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~Several Years Later~

"Hey Itari! Wake up! The Chunnin exams are in 2 days we need to train!" I grabbed my pillow and tried to shove my head under it to block the blonde kunoichi out. *SLAM Someone ripped off the covers and I pulled my knees to my chest as the fresh morning air made contact with my body. "Temari" I groaned. I heard the tap running and quickly jumped out of bed just as she launched the water in my direction. I looked down at my now soaked pyjamas. "Well next time you-" "WATER STYLE: WATER SPIRAL JUTSU!" Temari was thrown to the floor with the pressure of my jutsu. I smirked evily as I walked over her and slammed my bathroom door. She screamed something about having to change and I heard the front door slam. Giggling to myself I jumped into the warm embrace of my shower.

I shut my front door and made my way towards Temari's house. Suna was, as usual, over-crowded with market stalls, ninjas, civilians and children.. screaming, crying children. I hated children.. never in my life did I want children. Before I could even knock on the door it opened and I was greated by the purple-faced puppet wielder. "This is a nice surprise Itari" He leant across the doorway blocking my entry. "You should really get out of here before Temari finds out you've taken her purple eyeshadow again" His smirk turned into a frown and he folded his arms angrily across his chest. "Ya know I can't  understand why you keep on refusing me Itari" He slowly started advancing and I backed away nervously "Kan-ka-" *SWOSH A gust of wind blew Kankuro off his feet and I was grabbed by the hand and whirled away by none other than Temari. Thank god for Temari. I glanced behind to see Kankuro giving chase. Temari giggled as we dodged kunai and made our way into the desert. We heard Kankuro's shouts getting quieter and quieter and eventually they faded into the distance. "Well I think that counts as our work out for today" I puffed. Temari had bent over and placed her hands on her knees in an attempt to regain her breath managed a grin and offered a trip to the dango shop. As we began to walk away the ground beneath our feet began to rumble and the sand whirled about. "Arghh!" I glanced over at Temari who had something wrapped around her ankle. A snake? A quickly pulled out my katana from my back and ran towards the viper. Something wet and slimey wrapped around my body locking my arms to my waist. A tongue?! What the hell? I looked to where it came from and my eyes met with who I assumed was Orochimaru. We had been warned about him and the powers he wielded in ninja academy and the snakes were a dead give away. I wriggled trying to get free as he slowly sauntered over to me. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" I screamed but he meerly chuckled and kept heading in my direction. Before I knew it he was right upon me and sunk his snake-like fangs into my shoulder. The fangs piercing my flesh was bearable but the pain that came after was intense and I collapsed under the pressure, falling to my knees grasping onto my bleeding shoulder. "ITARII!!" I seen Gaara's sand whizzing past me followed by sand shinobi and I smelt someone's familiar scent as two muscular arms caught me as I blacked out from the searing pain raging through my body.

 I awoke to the sound of .. snoring? I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the light and glanced around the room. My eyes fell upon a tangle of brown hair resting beside me on the bed. That can't be comfortable.. Whoever it was, was fast asleep half in a chair, half on my bed. I froze as he turned his head sideways revealing smudged purple face paint.. Kankuro? How long had he been there? Or better yet, how long had I been there? ..  I closed my eyes trying to remember what had happened.. My eyes snapped open at the last memory before I blacked out.. Was it Kankuro who had caught me? I looked down at the sleeping boy who began to stir. For some reason I closed my eyes and pretended I was still asleep. After a few minutes of silence I felt a hand cup my cheek "Please be ok Itari.. please wake up" His voice, barely inaudible, sounded broken. Had he been crying? I resisted the urge to open my eyes and check his face for any signs of the later thought. Loud footsteps came rushing into the room "Kankuro, he's returned to the village" I heard Kankuro gasp and quickly jump to his feet at Temari's words. He? Could they mean Orochimaru? What did he want with me anyways? "Right let's make sure he doesn't get anywhere near this hospital! You two stay here" With that Kankuro ran out of the room followed by Temari and the other shinobi, except for the two that remained to protect me. The door to my room slammed shut and I heard one of the shinobi scream in pain.. He was here.. I was practically shaking with fear when I heard the second guards limp body fall to the floor. "So your alive? Well well the mighty Uchiha never cease to amaze" My eye-lids ripped open at the sound of his words.. how did he know? "My dear Mikio did you really think you could fool me? No." "What do you want from me?" I mentally face palmed myself at how shaky my voice came out. "Me? I seek nothing from you, but when the time comes.. you shall seek me out.. for power" "What! I would never" Suddenly something, something dark and powerful took over my body. I could see everything so clearly .. had he awakened my sharingan? "My My after all you have been through and you are still able to call upon the sharingan in the state your in? And without the aid of the curse mark either.. You will prove most useful one day Mikio" I jumped out of bed and threw myself at him but before I could connect he had vanished and I connected with the floor instead.. I sat there on the cold tiles thinking about his words. The door to my room burst open and Kankuro rushed to my side. "Itari? Are you ok?" I looked up at him and his eyes went wide "What has he done to you?" I stood up and glanced at the mirror on the wall. The sharingan.. shit. But what was this tattoo like markings covering half of my body? I felt someones hand on my shoulder and watched as the nurse caused the markings to retract into the bite wound. My sharingan faded and I turned around to see Temari, Kankuro and Gaara alongside the Kazekage. The kazekage nodded at the nurse and she left the room swiftly. "For your own safety Mikio you will not be going to the chunnin exams" "But kazekage I-" "Mikio?!" He turned to face his daughter who looked confused as hell, as it turns out all three of the sand siblings were (Gaara just hid it better). The kazekage released a long sigh before explaining to the three my real name was Mikio Uchiha and that for my own protection I was brought to Suna. After finishing he turned back to face me. "If you can get that thing controlled you might be able to make it to the chunnin exams." I half smiled.. 2 days.. how was I possibly going to do that in 2 days. I felt an intense stare and looked up to see Gaara staring me down.. he could sense my newly found power and was practically drooling at an oppurtunity to test himself against me. The kazekage walked between us, breaking the gaze as he exited the room and Gaara followed suit. "So your.. an Uchiha?" I looked toward my best friend and laughed nervously .. "Yeah.. sorry I never told you.." "Mikio.. that's a cute name" I blushed at Kankuro's comment and headed out to start my training.

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