Chapter 8

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Strings of miniature lanterns lit the streets of Konoha and everywhere I turned there was a stall crammed into each corner. The smell of fresh dango and fairy floss filled the air. I walked with Temari soaking in the festival atmosphere. "Hey Temari! You guys want to have some dango?" I spun around to face Kankuro taking Temari with me. "That sounds great!" I beamed at him and he headed into the shop. Was he still ignoring me? After finishing off our dango we headed back out onto the street. *BARK BARK I turned around to see where the barking was coming from and a ball of white fluff knocked me over and sat on my chest licking my face happily. "Akamaru?!" He barked happily and I held him securely in my arms as I tried to stand up "Need a hand?" I looked up to see Kiba extending his hand which I took gratefully. He yanked me to my feet and pulled me into a tight hug. "It's been awhile Itari" He pulled away and I introduced him to the sand siblings. Kankuro, being his moody self, muttered a hn before pretending to be interested in the stall we were standing out front of. "My my you have grown up haven't you" I turned back to Kiba who was looking me up and down. "Oh stop it you" I playfully slapped his arm and turned around to hide my blush. Akamaru climbed up onto my shoulder as we walked through the festival. "So what made you go back to Suna?" I kept my gaze on the market stalls ahead I hated lying to people when I was looking straight at them. "Well.. I just missed my friends" I gestured towards the sand siblings who were walking infront of us. At least it wasn't a total lie.. "What about your friends here?" Akamaru barked in agreeance. I shrugged my shoulders, at a loss of words. The smell of fairy floss wafted past us.. Perfect subject change. "Hey guys I'm going to get some fairy floss you want any?" "Yeah grab me some and I'll go make sure we get a good seat for the fireworks" I nodded at Temari as she and the boys headed towards the oval. Kiba shouted me fairy floss and we discussed the chunnin exams as we walked towards the oval together. Temari had found a spot right next to where Shikamaru was.. typical. I smiled and handed over her fairy floss and sat down infront of her next to Naruto and Kiba. The fireworks lit up the night sky for several minutes before it was time to head home. I hugged Naruto and Kiba and Akamaru unwillingly returned to Kiba's arms. "It's alright boy, I'll see you tomorrow" He barked and licked my face one last time as I giggled and left with the others. 

"Soo.. you and Shika huh?" Temari blushed furiously and I giggled in triumph. "Yeah well it's not as bad as you and dog boy, Kiba!" I blushed and denied that Kiba was anything more than a friend. "Shut up already!" Kankuro shoved past us and headed towards the apartments. "Well what's his problem?" "My guess is that he likes you" I looked back at Gaara. "No way! Kankuro and I are just friends" He meerly shrugged his shoulders and headed off after his older brother. Temari burst out in a fit of laughter "That explains everything!" "This isn't funny Temari" I glared her down but it only seemed to make her laugh harder. I gave up and left her giggling in the street like a loon. She eventually caught up and we walked to our apartment in silence.

My head hit the pillow but I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. My head kept playing Gaara's words over and over again. I thought about Kankuro's behaviour ever since we arrived at Konoha. When I introduced Naruto to him.. I was holding his hand.. When I gave Kiba a hug.. It all made sense.. Gaara was right. But what was I to do? Kankuro was just a friend to me.. wasn't he? I grabbed the pillow and shoved it into my face.. I don't need this right now! The exams begin tomorrow and I have to stay focused. No emotions.. no mercy. I am a shinobi.. I rolled over and eventually the dark took me captive and I fell into a deep sleep.

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