Chapter 5

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I threw my kunai at each of the targets and stopped to catch my breath. I smirked to myself knowing I hadn't missed a single target since yesterday. With my sharingan I felt unstoppable. "Here you are" I looked across the training field and spotted the youngest sand sibling. "Oh hey Gaara" He never smiled back but just assumed a fighting stance. I giggled at the thought of testing my powers even if it was against Gaara and Shukaku. He started his hand signs but I could easily read them and move out of the way before his sand could wrap itself around my ankles. In mid-flight I threw kunai with paperbombs at him and smirked when he caught them with his sand. I landed a few feet behind him and exploded the bombs. As usual his sand had gone to his aid. But now the back of him was an easy target. "Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!" before I could see if any damage was done something yanked me into the air by my ankles... sand. I looked down at Gaara who had not a scratch on him, as usual. "I thought you would be a challenge Mikio" He started doing hand signs for sand burial and I tried to figure a way to escape before it was too late. "GAARA STOP!" I looked over at Temari who had made her way in and was watching with fear.. But she knew better than to get involved for it would be at the cost of her own life. "Sand burial!" "NOOOOOOOO!" Temari's scream became muffled by sand and intense pressure from the sand began to crush my body. Suddenly an intense pressure from within my body arose and I felt something powerful take over as I broke free from the deadly sand. Temari, who had tears streaking down her face, looked up at me and I glanced across at my opponent who was just as shocked as she was. It took awhile for me to notice that I was in fact, flying. I looked over my shoulder at the feathery wings that were pretruding from the middle of my back. "Well that's new" (SEE PICTURE IF IT WORKED =P) A kunai sliced my cheek and I quickly looked back at Gaara. I wiped the blood off my cheek before tasting it. I chuckled evily at Gaara's expression before my body began to move on its own. I did some handsigns and a lightening style jutsu appeared and I lunged at Gaara. I was beginning to like this new found power. As usual he made a sand barricade "Predicatable" I yawned as my jutsu broke through and struck my target. "Gaara!" Temari rushed to his side but he waved her off before retreating into a ball. "Oh no.. Gaara stop! Mikio get out of here!" I meerly smirked and dismissed her pleas before she ran out of the arena. I hovered mid-air awaiting my opponent. He slowly emerged with the arm of shukaku (he has control of shukaku in this story and can control which parts of his body change). "Your going to have to do better if you want to defeat me!" With that I did several handsigns "Firestyle: Pheonix flower jutsu!" He used shukaku's arm to protect himself and as he did so I swiftly moved behind him. "Your so slow Gaara" I grabbed him from behind. His head swivelled around to look at me "Wait what?!" His arms latched onto my body and the sand from his face began to crumble away to reveal crow. Before I knew it I was locked inside the puppet. "DAMN IT! Kankuro you release me or else!" I thumped the sides but it was too strong. Something jabbed me through the side of the puppet and my wings began to retract along with my markings. I began to black out as I returned to my normal form.

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