Chapter 9

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I stood outside the door to the apartment waiting for Temari to finish getting ready. Gosh, what takes that woman so long. Suddenly the door to Gaara and Kankuro's apartment opened and Kankuro appeared. "You waiting for Gaara huh?" He nooded before leaning against the wall and looking anywhere but at me. That was it! "What's your problem Kankuro?! How about you grow up and stop giving me the cold shoulder, I've done nothing wrong here!" I stormed off down the stairs leaving behind a shocked Kankuro. I caught up with Kiba and Akamaru and we headed to the arena together for the first round of battles (ignore all the other exams). I stood on the viewing platform between Kiba and Shika.. No sign of Naruto yet.. the idiot must still be asleep. Suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. In panic I latched onto the person's arms and yanked them over my shoulder and onto the concrete. "Oh hey Naruto!" I giggled as he groaned and tried to get up. "Remind me never to surprise you again!" "Hey Naruto stop fooling around! The battles are about to begin!" I turned to face a familiar pink head and the Uchiha boy. He must have remembered me from the day in the Uchiha compound because he kept staring me down. I smirked at the thought of shoving his face into the dirt. I hope I get him as an opponent. "Alright may I have your attention please" Everyone stopped and looked over the balcony at the Hokage. "Thank you. First I would like to welcome everyone to the leaf village. I hope that you all enjoyed the festival last night. Now we will randomly select two opponents to vs each other. The winner will go on to the next round and so on and so forth. If you do in fact loose, it does not mean you are not a chunnin. Your skills will be graded by a panel of judges and the list of chunnin will be announced after the final match. Now let's begin and good luck to you all" We all looked to the computer screen in anticipation. Ha.. picked first round.. what are the chances. I looked across at the sound ninja who was to be my opponent. "Piece of cake" I muttered. I glanced over the arena to Temari who nodded and I leaped over the balcony and landed on my feet in the arena. "A show off huh?" I looked over at my opponent who had just finished climbing down the stairs. "I'm not even getting started" Iruka, who was standing between us, sweatdropped. "3..2...1.... go!" he darted to the out skirts of the arena and watched us intently. "Well well pretty girl.. Looks like you did your hair and make up for nothing! You won't even survive the first round" I smirked at his snide comment. I won't even need to activate the sharingan.. what a joke. I pulled out my katana and did some hand signs "WATER STYLE: WATER DRAGON JUTSU" The ground beneath us began to tremble and water shot out of it and assumed the shape of a dragon. My opponent used a wind technic and sent the dragon straight towards me... a direct hit and I landed against a concrete wall with a thud and slid down. I had released my katana on impact and my opponent picked it up before walking over to me. I looked over at the expressions of the audience.. Everyone but Temari was in utter disbelief... My eyes met with Kankuro's fearful ones and I let out a small smile to let him know that I was ok. "Your good... but not good enough" My opponent stood over me katana in his hands. He stabbed it straight into my stomach. "NOO ITARI!" I looked back up at Kankuro who looked like he was about to jump off the balcony. *POOF the stabbed 'me' disappeared and my katana was embedded in a log. I raised a kunai to my opponents neck from behind him "Your good.. but not good enough" I smirked as small beadds of blood formed where my kunai met his neck. "The winner of this match is Itari Nara!" I smiled at Iruka sensei before climbing the stairs and standing next to Naruto. I glanced over at Kankuro who looked like he had just endured a heart attack. I watched the next few matches intently until it was my turn again against.. Sasuke Uchiha. I smirked.. I couldn't wait to knock this idiot out. "You better not touch my Sasuke cha!" I turned around to see Ino and Sakura giving me evils. I laughed in their faces as I jumped off the balcony and onto the arena floor. Sasuke copied me eager to begin the fight. "Alright 3...2...1... go!"

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