chapter 3

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I slowly made my way through the first street before curiosity washed over me and I began sprinting towards my former home. I froze outside the gate to what was my childhood home. It looked just as I had remembered except for the front door slightly ajar. I  imagined that my family was still alive inside eagerly awaiting my return from Suna.. I smiled to myself and stepped forward still immersed in my day dream. "Don't you know this place is off limits" I snapped out of it and mentally slapped myself for not sensing this person. I turned to see a boy with raven hair staring me down. This must be Sasuke.. "I was just curious .. I'm - I'm sorry" I gulped before sprinting off to the exit. He didn't bother following me thankfully. I heard a loud bell siren off in the distance. Shit.. late for my first day and I headed off in the direction of the academy. I walked into class and straight away felt everyone's stare. "Ah you must be the new student? I am Iruka sensei. Class this is our new student Itari Nara, please make her feel welcomed" I glanced around to try and find a free seat. My eyes fell upon Kiba and then to the raven haired boy who was glaring at me and I quickly looked away. "Hi Itari! I'm Naruto Uzumaki the strongest ninja of the leaf!" The blonde haired boy yelled out but before I could say hello back the pink haired girl next to him stood up and thumped him one "Everyone knows Sasuke-kun is strongest your such a loser Naruto! CHA!" She looked over at 'Sasuke-kun' lovingly but he seemed focused on death staring me. She followed his gaze and immediatly got jealous and began death staring me too. Great a fan girl.. "Alright well there's a spare seat next to Shikamaru" He pointed towards a boy with a spikey ponytail who appeared to have fallen asleep. "SHIKAMARU!" Iruka bellowed waking up the poor boy who sweatdropped and grinned embarrasedly. I walked over and sat down next to him. "I'm -" "Itari yeah I know. Apparently we're cousins or something" He said non-chalantly before falling back asleep. "Ok class! time to practice our shadow clone jutsu" "Aww but thats my worst jutsu" I looked over to the blonde who had slammed his face into the desk. We all had to get up and show  our jutsu starting from the left side of the class where Naruto and Sasuke were. Sasuke's technique was flawless and then came Naruto's turn.. It was a failure.. He sweat dropped and tried to laugh it off before the everyone else started to tease him. Even Shikamaru woke up and started laughing. Naruto started to cry and I got to my feet and stood by Naruto's side. "EARTH STYLE: EARTHQUAKE JUTSU" I yelled and punched the floor with all my might. The floor of the classroom suddenly erupted and broke as if a real earthquake had just hit Konoha. Everyone stopped laughing instantly and the room was filled with screams. Sweet music to my ears.. I smirked and turned to the blonde next to me who was wiping his tears away. He looked back at me questioningly. It was as if no one had ever defended him before. "ITARI NARA! DETENTION FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK!" I sweat dropped and looked around. Maybe I did over do it just a tad... "Well thanks to Itari here class is dismissed whilst I find someway to fix this mess" He passed a glare at me as I walked out the door. I left the academy grounds and sat under a blooming sakura tree beside a lake and waited for the sun to set. "Hey thanks.. ya know for back there.." I looked up at Naruto who stood sheepishly before me. "Don't you have a family to get home to?" He looked down at the ground and kicked some dirt with his feet. Shit.. Good job Mikio.. "Hey come sit and watch the sunset with me" I patted the grass next to me and he gave me a brilliant smile before happily taking his place. "So you live alone too huh?" "Yeah.. Not many people want to be my friend.. or even come near me" "It's alright Naruto.. I'll be your friend" I beamed at him and he gave me another brilliant smile before inviting me to have some ramen.

We sat in the ramen shop in a booth chowing away. "Hey Itari I didn't know you were that strong" I looked up to see Kiba and Shikamaru "Oh thanks Kiba .. " He nodded before looking across to Naruto and walking away followed by Shika. "So what did you do to make everyone not like you?" He stopped eating and looked into his bowl without saying a word. I could see tears welling up in his eyes again.. Shit.. what is up with this kid? He must have had a terrible past.. "Tell you what ramen is on me tonight!" "You mean it?!!" He looked up and gave me the biggest grin before finishing his bowl and ordering another round. Rookie mistake I face palmed myself. This kid could eat.

After a week or so of attending Konoha academy the hokage told me that Suna was willing to accept me as a sand ninja and that tomorrow I would be taken back to the sand village. I sighed sitting beneath my usual sakura tree awaiting my best friend. He sprinted up to me waving "Itari san!!" "Naruto-san!" I called back. He took his seat next to me and began talking about Sakura. A smile pulled at one corner of my mouth but I couldn't bring myself to smile fully knowing what I had to tell him. He would be heartbroken.. Maybe I wanted to stay? But it was too late now.. I stared at the ground not paying attention to anything that he said. "Hey Itari what's wrong? You've been staring at the ground ever since I got here" I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them still not averting my gaze from the ground. "Naruto I have to tell you something... I'm going back to Suna" Tears started to form in my eyes. Why was this happening? I was supposed to be a shinobi. No emotion, no mercy. I was growing soft because of this kid. Maybe Suna was the best thing for me. I looked up to see his reaction. He had tears welling up in his eyes too.. "I'm sorry Naruto.. " I looked down again "I promise we'll keep in contact?" I felt his arms around me and I faced him to return the hug. We sat like that until it got dark and I headed to my apartment to pack.

I stood at the giant green gates of Konoha. "Itari we must leave now if we are to make it to Suna before dark" I ignored my escort and scanned the village crowds for any sign of my blonde friend. He was supposed to be here... "I'm sorry but we can't wait any longer. To travel at night is far too dangerous" I looked towards my escort and back to the village. Tears began to form. He wasn't coming.. "Good bye Naruto" I whispered a single tear running down my face. I turned and followed my escort into the forests and towards what would be my new village.. Suna.

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