Chapter 28

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Mikio's p.o.v

Ever since I had recovered Sasuke had been avoiding me constantly. I wondered what his problem was. I jumped off my bed determined to seek him out and find out exactly what his problem was. After making a mess of his room I headed back into the hallway only to run into the redhead fan girl. "Hey there Karin!" I bounced up to her and she warily backed off, unsure of my unusually happy tone towards her. "How have you been? Thanks for healing me.. Up to much today? Hey have you seen that Sasuke kid?" She deadpanned realizing exactly why I was being nice to her. "Nope haven't seen him since yesterday, try Suigetsu" Well if stalker girl doesn't know where he is I had no chance of finding him. Nevertheless I tracked down sharkboy and demanded to know Sasuke's whereabouts. "I thought it was Madara that you liked, girls are so confusing." I sweatdropped at his comment before roughly grabbing him around his throat and pinning him to the wall behind him. "Had something to say did we, Suigetsu?" He giggled before turning into water and disappearing. I growled after him something about making him pay after I found Sasuke. I had searched the entire hideout and no one knew where it was he had vanished to. "Well, that just leaves outside.." I turned and bumped straight into Madara, knocking me to the floor.. well I would have done if he hadn't of caught me mid air and pulled me back towards his chest. After an awkward few seconds he released me and stared at me questioningly. Without him saying a word I knew he wanted to know why I wanted Sasuke so bad. I tried to ignore his look by talking about the weather and how nice today was and that it shouldn't be wasted indoors but before I could even walk past him he had my arm in a firm grip. I sighed before turning back to face him. "You can't keep secrets from me Mikio, what are you really up to?" I decided my best bet was playing dumb.. turns out it was a dumb idea. Before I knew it his sharingan was activated and he seen straight through me. "Leave him be Mikio, he will return when he is good and ready." "I just want to know why it is he is angry at me? He can't even stand to be in the same room as me, let alone talk to me.. I don't know what I have done?" He cupped my chin with his hand and brought my eye level up to meet his. "Don't blame yourself for his mood swings.. Come and train with me?" I nodded and started to follow him to the training arena. "Um I'll meet you there.. I just have to go to the bathroom" He didn't bother turning around but grunted in reply. I locked the bathroom door and cracked open the window. So I lied...I could apologize later.. I just had to see what was wrong with Sasuke and where he was disappearing to. I gracefully jumped to the ground and made sure Madara wasn't around before heading out towards the lake.

?? p.o.v

Just as anticipated the raven haired girl had finally emerged from the hideout in pursuit of Sasuke. She clearly didn't have much chakra control, I could sense her a mile away. I followed her to the lake waiting for the oppertune moment to strike. If my plans were to succeed she had to be captured.. and soon.

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