Chapter 11

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I sat silently, perched on my branch watching the leaf ninja searching for me below. Concealing my chakra from them was too easy.. It wasn't long before I watched them disappear into the forest. I headed in the opposite direction, away from the village. I stopped at a lake to get some rest. I fumbled around in my pouch for any traces of food instead I pulled out my Suna headband. I gripped it tightly thinking about the Kazekage's words over and over again.. the hatred reawakened in me and with my katana I slashed my headband along with any ties to Suna and Konoha. I cast the headband aside and looked out at the lake. The water looked so peaceful and I decided to take a dip to relax and clean. I stripped down to my undergarments and climbed in. The cool water surrounded me and my troubles were instantly forgotten.. I was so lost in the tranquility of the moment that I didn't notice two powerful chakras coming closer. Before I knew it two men wearing black coats with red clouds stood before me, one holding my newly scratched headband. "Well well well.. a rogue ninja.. I wonder if she is in my bingo book.." He proceeded to pull out some sort of book whilst the other one with slicked-back hair continued to stare at me. I pulled my arms to my chest in an attempt to cover myself.. great a pervert. "Who are you two and what are you doing here?" "We will be the ones asking the questions here" he snickered. The other one put away his book "Worthless" he sighed before turning to leave. "Kakazu I'm going to sacrifice her to Jashin-sama" He pulled out a scythe as the other one began to walk away. Great fighting half naked.. just great. He swung the scythe at me missing everytime.. but only just. If I was going to survive I was going to have to resort to transforming. Kakazu suddenly became interested at the sight of my powers and rejoined his friend by the lake. "Your an Uchiha?.. " I debated wether I should tell them who I really was or not but before I could reply he made me an offer I couldn't refuse. "Join the Akatsuki" I didn't have anything better to do with my time so I agreed to make the trip with them back to their leader. The journey was long and silent and eventually we came upon a cave.

As I entered the loungeroom there was more members wearing the signature red and black coats. I recognised Sasori of the red sand instantly thanks to Kankuro and who I assumed was Itachi Uchiha. I wondered what he would do once he realized that another Uchiha existed. Would he try to kill me? If he did I wasn't sure I would be able to make it even with my new powers.. That was when I made the decision to track down Orochimaru and become even stronger. I was led through the hideout until I reached a door I assumed belonged to the leader. Hidan knocked and a deep voice boomed from within "Enter". His purple eyes looked up from his desk when he sensed my chakra "Why have you brought her here?" His voice was so demanding it almost made me scared.. almost. "Leader-sama she is powerful and she possesses the sharingan" His eyes immediatley darted to me and he waved at Hidan and Kakuzu to leave. "Your name?" I still wasn't sure to tell him the truth or not.. I decided with not.. "Itari Nara" I heard the door open and close behind me and a voice more commanding than leader-samas boomed over my shoulder "We don't take too kindly to liars here.. Now again.. what's your name" ... How did he know I was lying? He couldn't have.. I turned to meet two crimson eyes staring deep into my soul. I quickly looked to the ground avoiding his gaze. He wrapped a hand around my neck and forced my eyes to meet his "I'm growing impatient" "M-m-mikio Uchih-ha" He released his grip and I fell to the floor gasping for breath. "Leave us" he commanded and leader-sama rose and swiftly exited and I was completely alone with this psycho.. great.

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