Chapter 16

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Tobi's p.o.v

I laid down on the cold, hard floor of the cave and tried to get some rest.. it was almost impossible in these conditions. I looked over at Mikio.. She was shivering.. I debated with myself for several minutes before going over to her and cuddling up behind her. She squirmed for a bit but she never woke up. I placed an arm around her to pull her closer to me allowing our body heat to mingle before I too fell asleep. I awoke to someone trying to lift my mask and I grabbed their wrist, squeezing it tight. Mikio screamed out in pain but I gripped her tighter as the anger took over "What were you doing?!" "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry!" Tears made their way down her cheeks. I released her wrist but kept my eyes locked with hers.. I hated the fact that I had caused her pain. As I was about to wipe away her tears I heard a noise coming from the back of the cave. I signalled for her to stay quiet as I activated my sharingan and looked around. A sharingan came whizzing past us and ANBU of the leaf began to attack.. I had to do something.. even at the cost of my identity. Mikio was already on her feet and locked in combat with three of the ANBU. Her face held emotions of focus and.. joy.. I smirked watching her graceful fighting skill.. she was something to behold. A kick that nearly landed on my face whipped me from my thoughts. I activated the sharingan and took the ANBU's life. I glanced around the cave and from the looks of it there was about three squads left.. Why were they so intent on finding her.. what had she done or taken. I heard some ANBU gasp at the sight of Mikio's transforming body and I took that oppertunity to run them through with my chidori. Eventually the battle was won and I glanced  over at Mikio who was still in mid-air. The cave walls were covered in a nice coating of red and bodies littered the floor. She retracted the curse mark and stood by my side. "Time to go" I had to know what they were after her for.

Mikio's p.o.v

My katana pierced my opponent and his limp body dropped to the cave floor. I hovered mid air making sure I hadn't missed any. It felt amazing to have such power of people.. I determined wether they lived or died.. my lust for power increased.. I had to find Orochimaru. I retracted my curse mark and stood by Tobi's side. "Time to go" I nodded before picking up my bag and following him out of the cave. He was oddly quiet the entire journey back to the hideout.. maybe he was just enjoying not having to act like a total idiot? I threw my belongings onto my bed and headed to the kitchen for a decent feed. "Heard you and Tobi got into a battle with some ANBU off the leaf" I looked up from my food at Kisame. "Wow news travels quick around here" "So did you use any of your new techniques?" Itachi.. who was sitting on the opposite side of the table seemingly uninterested in the conversation leaned in slightly to hear better. "They were so easy I didn't even need to use any of it.. I would love to test my powers against someone.." Itachi went back to eating his lunch and Kisame wandered off somewhere leaving Itachi and me alone. "There is something I wish to tell you Mikio-san.. however as I am constantly under surveillance it must be done away from here.. meet me here tonight when everyone is asleep.." I nodded as he left the room. What did he have to tell me? and who was keeping an eye on Itachi.. maybe he knew about Tobi? The hours slowly ticked by as I sat on my bed waiting... Every minute felt like an hour.. it was almost unbearable.. I looked at the clock "Only half an hour to go.." "Only half and hour until what?" I froze at the sound of his voice. Tobi slowly emerged from the shadows in my room.. shit how does he keep doing that?! "Oh hey Tobi-san.. shouldn't you be in bed.. its late" I pulled a fake smile but he was clearly not amused. He folded his arms across his chest waiting for an answer. Crap.. now what. I avoided his sharingan at all costs but it wouldn't be long before he grew impatient. Just as he reached for my chin I heard him groan and Itachi opened the door. "Itachi-sempai! Tobi was talking to Mikio-chan.. you should knock next time.. Tobi would knock because Tobi is a good boy!" Even through his childish voice I could hear the malice that laced his words. "Come Mikio" I walked past Tobi half expecting to be cut down on the spot but he just stood there and watched me leave with Itachi.

The fresh air filled my lungs as Itachi and I walked in silence. We ended up at a waterfall which Itachi proceeded to walk through. I shivered as we entered a secret cave and Itachi moved a boulder infront of the door. "So whats up Ita-" My eyes met his sharingan and I fell into an all-too-familiar dimension.. was it all a trap?! Maybe he brought me out here to kill me without interference.. how was I to fend him off now? I cursed myself for not thinking this through as Itachi appeared before me.

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