Chapter 15

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I woke up in the early hours of the morning and decided to go for a stroll after my shower. The cool, fresh morning breeze whirled through my hair and the sky was a light orange/pink as the sun began to rise. "Beautiful isn't it?" I whirled around to see Orochimaru admiring the view. How did I not sense his chakra? My eyes shifted to the man with silver hair and glasses beside him.. a sound ninja. "What do you want?" "You can't speak to master Oro-" "Calm yourself Kabuto, she is not our enemy. I need from you a small favour and in return you will recieve the power you so desire" I stood contemplating his offer.. but what was it he wanted? As if he heard my thoughts he told me he was after a scroll that lay in the basement of the Uchiha complex back in Konoha. "What is it for?" He chuckled "My dear child you are inquisitive aren't you.. I wish to learn a reincarnation jutsu" I agreed to his terms before returning back to the hideout. How was I supposed to get away with Tobi keeping such a close watch on me? "Where have you been all morning?" Speak of the devil..I shrugged my shoulders "Out" before heading into the loungeroom where I knew some of the others will be. At least he couldn't pester me about this morning for now. I listened in on Konan and Pein's lovers quarrel before retreating to the tranquility of the battle arena. Most of the others were out on missions and Tobi was busy annoying Deidara. Well it doesn't look like I'm going to get a better opportunity than this.. I headed to the far corner of the arena behind some trees and using my fire jutsu blasted a whole through to the other side. I left my Akatsuki robe behind to conceal my identity should I get caught by the leaf.

I glided through the trees making sure to keep my senses open for signs of anyone elses chakra but so far no one knew of my escape, it was almost too easy. As the day turned to dusk I reached Konoha. After a few years with the Akatsuki not much had changed.. it was still as backward as ever. My thoughts ran to Naruto.. how much had he changed? I shook away the thoughts and headed towards the Uchiha complex. "Leaf ninja are so stupid.. this is just too easy" I had reached the complex and headed toward the temple. *Bark *Bark A dog? I turned around and was face to face with a 'dog' that was bigger than me. Shit..  Just as I was about to make a run for it the gigantic white dog licked my face, pushing me over with the force. Eww.. dog slobber! "Akamaru.. what you got there boy?" The dog barked its reply to its owner. Akamaru... than that must mean that guy is.. "Hey sorry about Akamaru.. He's harmless really.. " I looked at the extended hand before taking it and being pulled to my feet. "You.. you look familiar.. who are you and what are you doing in Konoha?" I looked to the ground trying to conceal my face with my fringe. "I-m I-m -" "KIBA!!" "Shit .. that's my mum.. i gotta go" He jumped on Akamaru's back and they headed off towards his house.*phew thank god for Kiba's mum.. Kiba had grown up to be quite handsome.. A slight blush crossed my cheeks until I remembered why I had come here and I turned and continued on my path to the temple. I descended down the stairs and into the sacred room of the Uchihas.. Now where would they put this scroll.. *Smack I landed face-first onto the ground.. What the shit? I turned to see what I had tripped on and I noticed a tile sitting loosely on the ground.. I quickly moved over to it and lifted it revealing what I was after. I froze at the sound of footsteps above me.. "Are you sure it was Mikio?" "Yes Hokage, I'm positive" I froze at the sound of Kiba's voice.. he had recognised me and now the hokage and the ANBU were searching for me.. I was strong but I couldn't handle so many powerful opponents.. I snatched the scroll and searched frantically for a place to hide but I came up short. I crouched on the ground ready to fight to the death when out of nowhere something grabbed me from behind and I was transported into the forest. "What the?!" "Are you out of your mind! What were you doing there? You almost got yourself killed Mikio!" The familiar voice of Tobi boomed through the forest.. for once I was glad to see him. "I'm sorry I just wanted to-" "To what?" crap.. I had to come up with something.. and quick.. "visit the place where my family were killed and I stumbled upon the temple.. I'm sorry Tobi" I heard him sigh deeply before walking away "Come on.. we must get out of sight.. " "Wait aren't we going back to the hideout?" He ignored me and I ran after him. After a short walk in silence he stopped outside of a small cave "We will camp here tonight.. tomorrow we will return to the akatsuki.. I'm going to get some firewood" I entered the dark and gloomy cave and awaited Tobi's return. Great.. just great.. a whole night with this loon.

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