Chapter 34

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Sasuke's p.o.v

Judging from Madara's reaction I guessed Karin had succesfully bound Mikio. "Now, to release that jutsu!". I pushed away from him and began casting my jutsu for chidori. "Earth style: Earth eruption!" the ground beneath me feet began to shake and crack as a tidal wave of rocks came crashing down onto me. I was surrounded by darkness but I could still here the cries of Karin. I wriggled my hands free from the crushing rocks and managed to conjure my wind jutsu. I wiped the blood from my forehead before pursuing Madara. It was too late, Karin had been knocked out and the jutsu released. Mikio was free.. She headed straight for me and I had no other choice but to knock her out so that I could continue my fight with Madara. We were locked in hand to hand combat with no sign of letting up. I sensed Madara's chakra disappear and glanced around without thinking. Mikio took that time to deliver a swift blow with her katana to my stomach. I groaned in pain and fell to my knees. Blood erupted from my mouth as I looked up at the girl I loved. Madara appeared by her side grinning like the idiot he was. "Mikio, finish the rest" She nodded before taking off in Juugo's direction. Madara sqatted down so he was at eye level with me. "I was going to kill you myself, but this... this was much more satisfying." He looked over at Mikio and I took the oppertunity to pull the sword from myself and plunged it straight through his torso, twisting it. His mouth opened but the only scream that followed was that of Mikio's. I smirked as I formed a hand signal and released my genjutsu. "Wh-when?" I stood up and looked down on Madara. "That's not important, what is important is that Mikio is free and we will be rid of you.. forever." His body twitched a few times before the blood loss was too great and he collapsed at my feet. I turned in Mikio's direction and she too had collapsed, but from exhaustion. I checked all the members of my team before carrying Mikio's body inside.

Mikio's p.o.v

I awoke back in Sasuke's room with scratches and bruises all over my body. I rubbed my head and looked around, but I was alone. I froze mid sigh.. I could see! My vision had returned! I ran out of the door and towards Sasuke's chakra. "Sasuke! Sasuke!" He turned just as I had pounced on him sending us both to the floor. "I can see again!" He smiled before pulling me into a tight hug. "Your welcome". I furrowed my eyebrows before pulling away and sitting up. "What do you mean? How did you-" "Take a look for yourself" He stood up and extended his hand and pulled me to my feet. We walked down the hallway and into the bathroom. I stared at my reflection. My hand went up to my eyes.. my permanently red eyes. I could feel the power that they wielded.. his power .. my power. I turned to Sasuke before pulling him into a hug and kissing him on the lips to thank him. My vision was back and I was stronger than ever.

~The End~

Thanks to all my followers and people reading this story.. I was amazed at how popular it was =]

I am planning to do a sequel so keep an eye out! xx

@rodeoperson23 - You seem to really love my story so thanks =] this ones for you

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