Chapter 30

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Mikio's p.o.v

I gripped my head.. this has got to stop happening. The door to my cell opened and there he stood. I backed myself into a corner "Please.. stay away" tears rushed down my face but he kept on coming. The thought of another session with tsukoyomi flashed through my mind "Amaterasu!" He fell to the floor but it wasn't long before the flames were extinguished and a very unhappy Madara stood before me. "Do-don't make me hurt you" He chuckled and sat beside me on the bed. "Mikio.." I slapped his hand away before it had a chance to touch my face. Before he had done anything I could sense that I had pushed my luck too far this time. He gripped my wrists and slammed them into the wall above my head rendering me helpless. I shut my eyes to avoid his sharingan it was exactly like the first time we had met. I expected his lips to rejoin mine like before but it never happened. After a few minutes I could no longer resist the temptation to open my eyes. His sharingan was deactivated, his usually emotionless face showed remorse and sorrow but at the same time anger. "Why are you doing this! What's happening? Why are you working with Kabuto! What have I-" "Did you mean what you said!" I stopped my yelling and stared at him blankly thinking on what he meant. "You said.. you loved me" I couldnt meet his gaze "How could I love.. a traitor" tears made their way down my cheeks and I could feel my heart being torn. He released my hands and left without another word. I sobbed myself to sleep that night.. I had meant what I had said but why shouldn't he hurt as I had. It wouldn't make a difference if he knew, he had betrayed the akatsuki.. he had betrayed me. Dawn came and with it the realization of all that had undertaken last night. My cell door opened and food was thrown in before it slammed shut again leaving me in the darkness. I refused to take their food, I would rather go hungry. For days this was the endless cycle. After a few days I began to feel the effects.. I lost track of the days, I felt dizzy. It wasn't long before Kabuto noticed my state and hooked me up to machines to keep me going. "W-wh-" "We need you alive.. for now" A grin of pure evil played across his lips and he left the room after hooking up more machines to my arm. I didn't have the energy to fight them off when the time came so I had to do what was necessary... I looked around only to find my katana had been confiscated. There was only one other option.. the amaterasu. I activated my sharingan and just as I was about to end it all, the door opened and a glimmer of hope appeared. "S-sasuke?" I shook my head not believing it to be true but he still remained in front of me as clear as day. "We must be quick whilst Madara is not here" He cut loose my bonds and freed me from the machines. "I don't think that I-" before I could finish my sentence he had scooped me up bridal style and whisked me out of the lair. I cringed at the sunlight.. it had been so long since I had been subjected to natural light. "The hideout is the other way?" "We can't return there, it would be too easy for Madara to find you" I nodded before resting my head into his chest and falling asleep.

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