Chapter 7

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I shoved my belongings into my bag and threw it over my shoulder. Realization had set in.. I was going to see Naruto again. I locked up and ran over to the Kazekage's house. An unexcited Gaara opened the door and, much to his dismay, I pulled him into a bear hug "Morning Gaara!". Deafened he pulled away and muttered a reply before turning and heading off to his room. I raced up to Temari's room to find she still hadn't finished packing. "What's taking so long?!" "I can't decide what clothes to bring.. are there any cute boys in Konoha?" I giggled "Your such a girl!" "Are you ready to leave yet?" I looked over at Kankuro who was standing in his usual position leaning against the door frame. "Yeah yeah.. so Itari you haven't answered my question yet.. are there any cute boys?" Kankuro raised an eyebrow and eyed me carefully. I blushed and scratched the back of my head nervously "Um.. well.. It was so long ago I really can't remember" The Kazekage appeared behind Kankuro and announced it was time to leave. Temari shoved a few more shirts into her bag and followed Kankuro and I out of the room. We met up with Gaara and made our way into the desert. (I know in Naruto it takes 3 days between suna and konoha but meh)

It wasn't long before the sandy desert started to turn into the lush green forest that surrounded Konoha. I quickened my pace at the thought of seeing Naruto leaving the others behind. "What's she so eager about?" Temari looked across at Gaara and a devilish smirk appeared on her face. "Probably a boy she wants to see again" He remained emotionless but out of the corner of her eye she could see Kankuro grit his teeth at the thought.

I stopped at the giant green gates and signed in with the others. "Right I'm going to go get something to eat!" I headed off to Ichiraku thinking it was my best bet of finding Naruto. Temari raced off to follow me leaving Gaara and Kankuro alone. I burst into ichiraku but the blonde was nowhere to be seen. As I turned to leave with Temari I heard someone call my name. I glanced over to the booths to see Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji. I walked over and introduced Temari to them all. "So have you guys seen Naruto?" "No, thank goodness. My day is bad enough" I glared down Ino who quickly resumed eating her ramen. "Alright well I'll see you later. Come on Temari" I looked at Temari who was basically staring at Shikamaru. Aye Carumba -.- . I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the shop. "Why didn't you tell me you knew a cute guy!" "Shika? Eww" I shook my head teasingly before scouring the village for Naruto. "Urghh he's not here anywhere!" I gave up and leaned against a wall. "Who's 'he'?" "Naruto.. He was my best friend when I-" We stopped when we heard an angry Kankuro yelling at someone and quickly headed around the corner to see what was wrong. Kankuro was challenging some kid.. hey wait a second.. Naruto? I bolted straight towards Kankuros opponent and tackled him to the ground. "Hey whats the big idea!!" He whailed but when he realized who I was he stopped kicking. "I-Itari.. Is that you?" "The one and only!" I got off him and he pulled me into a bear hug. "I missed you so much!" I pulled out of the hug and grabbed him by the hand to introduce him to Temari. She smiled and waved politely but Kankuro looked disgusted and turned to leave. Temari simply shrugged her shoulders and reminded me we had to go see the hokage. I hugged Naruto good bye and then followed after my team mates. Kankuro didn't speak a word the whole way to the Hokage's office. I wondered what was up his butt.. on second thought I didn't even care. Gaara knocked on the door and the old man called out for us to enter. He sat behind a desk covered in paperwork. Just behind him was a balcony with a view of the whole of konoha.. It was stunning. "Welcome sand shinobi. You will be staying in seperate apartments. I trust you will enjoy your stay here in the leaf village. Tonight there will be a festival to celebrate the beginning of the chunnin exams I hope you all will attend." "Thank you hokage" Gaara bowed and took the keys to our rooms from the hokage before we left him to his paperwork.

We arrived at the apartment complex eager to get ready for the festival tonight. "Hn.. only two keys.. Looks like we are sharing" I quickly snatched a key from Gaara "Well me and Temari will have this one and you can share with Kankuro" I smiled before turning to our apartment and unlocking the door. It was spacious and I headed into one of the rooms to unpack. After getting ready I emerged in a knee-length, white kimono with long sleeves and a purple sash (see picture >>) and Temari was wearing a long black one with a red sash (her shippuden outfit). "I've never seen you so dressed up Itari.. You look amazing" You blushed "You look great too". With that you both left the apartment and ran into Gaara and Kankuro who were both wearing baggy jeans and t-shirts. Kankuro kept staring at you and you began to wonder if you kimono was too short. Oh well too late now.. Temari looped your arm with hers and together you headed down the stairs and onto the street.

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