Chapter 14

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Anna's pov://

Today we are going to see Gwen again. After getting a quick shower, I changed into a rather cute outfit. Different than normal but it works. I applied light makeup and did my hair. (All in the box ⬆️) I looked in the mirror and looked satisfied. I packed some of my clothes and shower necessities for Maddie, because she probably stayed with nothing else to wear. I walked downstairs where Hayes was waiting.

"Wow. You look great Anna." He said before softly pecking my lips.

"Thank you. Let's go." I sighed and took his hand as we walked out to my car.

We drove back to the hospital silently, because neither of us could find any words to say. We were both worried and anxious. We finally arrived and I got out along with Hayes and brought the bag for Maddie. I grabbed Hayes's hand nervously and he gave it a small squeeze.

"It's gonna be okay." He whispered.

I just nodded and kept walking. We gotta his room and I walked in slowly. Still out. I saw Maddie sitting on the couch with her knees to her chest staring at him intently.

"Hey. I brought you some clothes. They are mine but I think we are about the same size." I said quietly walking over to her.

"Thank you so much Anna! Your the best little sis ever. I'm gonna go shower and change." She said while hugging me before leaving to the bathroom after I gave her the bag.

I sat on the couch with Hayes and we stayed silent. A single tear rolled down my cheek and Hayes wiped it away with his thumb and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, I love you Anna." He whispered into my ear.

"I love you too Hayes. What if he's not okay. Wh- what are we going to do?" I asked worriedly.

"God has a plan. I promise. That's how I know everything will be okay." He said rubbing circles in my cheek with his thumb. I felt better actually. God does have a plan.

"He does." I stated and smiled softly.

Hayes's phone dinged and he pulled it put of his pocket and looked at it.

"Mom needs me to babysit Sky. Do you want to come or stay?" He asked.

"I'll stay. I love you." I said and kissed him gently.

"Okay. I love you too. Text me or call me if you need anything." He said and kissed my nose and left.

I pulled a chair up beside Gwen and sat criss cross in it.

"Gwen I know you can't hear me, but please please wake up. You can do it. I need you." I said looking down and playing with my shoe laces. "We all need you. " I sighed and my eyes glossed over. I cried as quietly as possible. Good thing I wore waterproof makeup.

"A-Anna?" I heard a faint voice and my head shot up.

"Gwen! You- your awake!" I yelled and engulfed him in not a huge hug.

His usually tight hug was loose with his weak arms barely wrapped around me. I pulled away and smiled with a few tears rolling down my cheeks. He wiped them away and smiled weakly.

"Shh. I'm okay. It's okay." He said weakly. I just nodded and held my tears in. "Did you really mean what you said yesterday and today?"He asked.

"Every word and you heard me?" I asked shocked.

"I heard every word. I squeezed your hand. Or at least I tried. I guess you didn't notice." He said.

I sat on the bed beside him. "I thought I did but I thought I was just delusional or something." I laughed lightly.

He laughed along.

"Ah! I should get the doctor. Whoops." I laughed and got up.

"Wait! Thank you." He smiled.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For being here with me." He said.

"Of course." I smiled and walked to get the doctor.

The doctor walked in and examined him and whatever. Maddie came in and cried tears of joy. She was so relieved and ecstatic. They said he could go home tomorrow. Maddie went to sign paperwork since she's 18 and left us alone in the room.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"No. Not really." He said.

"Well too bad. Doctor said you gotta eat, so I'll bring you something. Kay? Kay. Be right back." I said and walked to the subway.

I got a chicken bacon ranch melt and the same for Gwen it's both of our favorites. After I got the food, I went back to his room after grabbing 2 bottles of water.

"Your favorite." I said as I walked in.

"Yay!" He said a little more lively.

We both ate our sandwiches and drank our water.

"Now all I need is clothes." Gwen chucked pointing to his hospital outfit thing.

"Well you can tomorrow. I don't think you actually want to get up right now. Aren't you hurting?" I asked.

"Um no. Not bad,but a little. Nothing like I would've imagined." He says.

"You and your weird pain tolerance. It's crazy." I laughed.

"Hey. Its a good curse right?" He laughed too.

"Defiantly." He said. He has a lot more energy now and the color is returning to his skin.

"Oh! You gotta FaceTime Hayes! He had to leave to babysit." I said and grabbed my phone and face timed him.

He picked up really quickly.

"He- Gwen! Your awake! Bro. I'm coming like right now. Well Sky is coming too. I'll be there soon bye." He said and hung up before we could say anything.

We both just laughed.

"I know it's only been like 2 days but I missed you." I said sitting in front of him.

"I missed you too. I tried my best to wake up when I first heard your voice, but I coudnt. Today when I heard you crying I woke up. It hurt me. I can't stand you crying."

"I'm so glad you woke up." I said and his hazel eyes caught mine in a trance.something in his eyes is different. It's not fear, sadness, anger, frustration, weakness, sleepiness. I don't know what it is. I haven't really seen him look at me like that before that I've noticed.

I heard the door open and it broke my trance. Hayes walked in and ran to Gwen hugging him.

"Anna!' Sky yelled and ran to me and I picked her up.

"How you doin babygirl?" I asked sweetly.

"Well Hayes was playing horses with me then he made me come here." She pouted.

"Aw. Well, how bout next time I'm over, I'll play horses with you?" I suggested.

"Yay! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She yelled and I put her down and Hayes and Gwen were casually talking and Maddie finally cane back.

"I'm finally done!" She sighed and went and laid next to Gwen.

I picked sky up and sat on the end of the bed with her in my lap and joined conversation. This has been a pretty good day.

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