Chapter 34

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Anna's pov://

I woke up and checked the time seeing it was 9:48 and I had a message from Mahogany.

M- Hey! You want to go shopping around noon and get lunch then too?
A- Yeah. That's perfect. See you at noon!
M- Great! See you then.

I set my phone down and looked at how cute Hayes was sleeping. Every once in a while he would snore softly and it was so cute.

"You checking me out?" He asked opening one eye.

"Yes. Yes I am." I replied causing him to laugh.

"I am leaving at 12 to go shopping with Mahogany, but we can cuddle until then." I said.

"Okay. And tonight I am taking you out. I have a surprise."

"Okay. Sounds good." I replied and closed my eyes and laid my head back on his chest.

I woke up a few minutes later and couldn't go back to sleep so I just got up. I changed into ripped jeans with a grey sweater, a dark green vest,with a gold necklace (box above) and straightened my hair and brushed my teeth. I put on mascara and thin eyeliner with eos. I had just finished everything and heard a knock on the door. I opened it seeing Nash.

"Hey Nashley." I giggled and he rolled his eyes.

"Is Hayes dead or something? He won't answer his phone." He asked.

"Hm. I don't know. I think he's just sleeping but we can wake him up." I smirked.

"I get to smack him. You can video it." He said and tossed me his phone and ran past me.

"You're lucky I caught your phone." I chuckled and got on vine.

"Ready?" Nash whispered.

"Yes." I said and started recording.

Nash got right by Hayes's face then yelled "Wake up!" and smacked Hayes on the cheek.

Hayes didn't even open his eyes he just mumbled "Ow." And turned over.

I finished recording and handed Nash back his phone and jumped on top of Hayes.

"Babe. Get off." He groaned.

"Nah." I laughed. "Wake up. It's like ten." I said.

"Ugh. Fine." He said and turned over and rubbed his eyes. He picked me up by my waist and set me beside him and sat up.

"Uh... Hey Nash." He said clueless causing Nash and I to laugh.

"Mom said she kept trying to call you. Call her back sometime." Nash said and left.

Hayes got up and stretched and walked over to his suitcase and got some clothes and went into the bathroom. I got out my phone and texted Gwen.

A- Hey.
G- Heyyyyyyyyy!
A- Wow. You're awake.
G- I'm always awake before you.
A-True. What you doing?
G- Nothing.
A- I'm gonna go shopping!
G- So your coming back with 2 more suitcases of stuff?
A- Duh 💁
G- 💩
A- You're a terd
G- 😭😭😭
A- 😘😘
G- ☺️☺️
A- What are we doing? 😂
G- I have no idea.
A- Bye.
G- Why?
A- Idk.
G- K
A- Don't k me.
G- K
A- Bye then.

Hayes came back out and I plugged my Phone in and turned the tv on. He came and laid on top of me squishing me.

"Hayes you're squishing meeeee." I whined.

"I know." He replied.

"Get offffffff."

"Nooooooo." Hayes mocked me.

Little Miss "Perfect" (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now