Seven: Some Dares

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OOC: Some necessary context to understand this: Smeagol was living in our closet? I don't remember how this came to be, but apparently it was a thing?

Log_Lady: Hey guys! Sorry it's taken me so long to get this all done.... But here we have a couple dares! The first one is for Gustave from StarringTheNight! "I dare you to go to Smegal's closet and say, "HEY! PASS ME THAT TOWEL!" Then keep saying "not that one!" Until he either stops looking or attacks."

Gustave: Oh no.....

Log_Lady: *laughing* You have to!!!

Gustave: Fiiiiine..... *goes over to Smeagol's closet and knocks*

Smeagol: *opens door a crack and peeks out* What does it wants, Precious?

Gustave: Could you hand me that towel? *vaguely points*

Smeagol: Why should we?

Gustave: Because.... Uh..... You like me?

Smeagol: No we doesn't.

Gustave: I'll cook all your fish and feed it to the cat unless you do.

Smeagol: *groans* Fiiiiiine we gives it towels. *throws towel out and shuts door*

Gustave: *opens door and throws towel back in* Not that one!

Smeagol: *hisses, throws out different towel, slams door again*

Gustave: *bangs on door* Wrong again!

Smeagol: *snatches towel and shoves another one into Gustave's hand* Is THIS it? *mockingly* Oh wait we bets not. *takes it back and gives him different one* *growls and shuts door again*

Gustave: *sighs* Not this one either Smeagol. *throws towel back in*

David Tennant: Many, many towels later.


Gustave: I'm telling you Smeagol, this is the wrong one!

Smeagol: *hisses and jumps at Gustave*

Gustave: *screams* GET HIM OFF ME GET HIM OFF ME!!!!!

Log_Lady: Okay Smeagol, that's enough. *pulls him off and puts him back in closet*

Gustave: He's scary..... *runs away*

Log_Lady: He's not THAT bad.... He's actually kinda cute sometimes when you catch him in a good mood! Anyway. ERIK!!!! Your turn! Get in here!

Erik: *walks in wearing Santa costume, complete with beard*

Log_Lady: From Klidio: "Uhmz....I dare Erik to act like Santa for 24 hours! (we're doing Christmas stuff already in drama and soon in harp...)Oh and can you ship him to the North Pole too?"

Erik: Why do you guys put me through this? *sighs* It's COLD there.

Log_Lady: Hmmmm..... *stuffs a couple pillows in his shirt* Here this'll keep you warm! Also you're too thin to be Santa.

Erik: How are we supposed to get to the North Pole?

The Doctor: *skips out of T.A.R.D.I.S.* I'm taking you! I've arranged it all with the REAL Santa, he says you can take his place for a day and be in charge of the workshop and everything! He needed a day off anyway. Now come on! Get in!

Erik: Wait- what????? The REAL Santa??? HE'S REAL???? But..... But....... HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT????

Log_Lady: I'll come too and coach you! *jumping up and down excitedly BECAUSE IT'S NEVER TOO EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!*

David Tennant: Once they arrive....

Erik: So.... Ummm...... Hmmmm.......

The Doctor: Here, he left a list of things that need to be done. *hands over clipboard*

Erik: This is a list of things he does in a DAY? Wow this man is busy....

The Doctor: I'll leave you two to work then! Jeff and myself have some catching up to do. Be back at the end of the day! *leaves*

Log_Lady: *looks at list* First off we have to visit the reindeer!!!! Let's go!

Erik: *confused* Huh?

Log_Lady: You know..... Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph?

Erik: Um...... I am unfamiliar with Christmas customs..... Never really had a proper one....

Log_Lady: I SHALL AMEND THAT!!!! Ya know.... When it's ACTUALLY Christmas.... Anyway lets go! *skips off humming Christmas carols*

David Tennant: At the reindeer stables.

Erik: What am I meant to do here?

Log_Lady: Ummm..... Just talk to them I guess? It's important for humans to spend quality time with their animal companions. *starts petting and talking to all the reindeer*

Erik: Hello.......

Reindeer: *flock around Erik and start rubbing against him and licking him, one starts eating his fake beard*

Erik: I guess you must like me! *smiles and pets them*

David Tennant: Later.

Erik: Alright, check, check, and check. *crosses things off of list* Now it's time to...... Oversee the toy making? I don't know how to do that....

Log_Lady: Well, I guess we'll find out! *pulls Erik off to the toy making room*

Head Elf: Hello sir! *salutes* You must be the fill-in.

Erik: That is correct. Will you walk me through my duties here?

Head Elf: All you have to do is walk around and make sure that everyone is working and working well.

Erik: Alright then. Doesn't sound too hard!

David Tennant: Erik and Log_Lady walk around and do just that for a bit, until the inevitable happens....

Log_Lady: *trips and knocks over stuff* Oh sorry! *tries to put stuff back, but accidentally knocks over more stuff in doing so* Shoot! *this continues for a while until nearly half the workshop is a mess* Oh dang it.... Sorry.... Uh..... *backs away* I'll just stop touching things.....

Erik: *sighs* Good idea. I'll go figure out what we're supposed to do about this.... *weaves his way through the elves that are angrily swarming to try and clean up the mess* Hey, uh, head guy! How can I uh... Help with this?

Head Elf: Hmmm..... Perhaps you and your fiancée ought to move along and do something different.....

David Tennant: The day as Santa was finished without further incident!

Log_Lady: TIME FOR A QUICK FOURTH WALL BREAK!! I have two points to address. One: Kik. I know that I was communicating with some of you using Kik, and I have had to change my Kik account because I couldn't log in with my old one. So if I haven't answered anything it wasn't intentional! You can catch me now at Log_Lady on there. The second point: filler. I am debating making a separate book for filler and keeping this one to mostly questions and dares. What are all your thoughts on this? Aaand that's the end of the session! See y'all next time!

Erik and Gustave: Bye!

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