15: Tag

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Log_Lady: KitWells tagged me in this thing so I'm gonna do it! And so is Erik.

Erik: Shouldn't we be doing the actual questions and dares from the readers?

Log_Lady: Sssssshhhhh who says procrastination won't get you anywhere in life?

Erik: *rolls eyes* You are impossible. Get on with it then.

Log_Lady: Yay! Okay so, "1. Your nickname". I guess Log_Lady is kinda my nickname I guess? Because you can't shorten Shenna into anything that I like.

Erik: I have many nicknames! OG, The Phantom, Red Death, and so on.

Log_Lady: "2.Your eyes color". Umm my eyes are this weird brownish greenish color. Kind of boring. Some days I like them and some days I don't.

Erik: Mine are almost yellow..... Or golden perhaps.

Log_Lady: "3.Your hair color" I AM A GINGER!

Erik: My natural hair? Well it's mostly gray...... But the wig I wear to conceal it is brown.

Log_Lady: "4. One fact about you" Hmm.... I can sing opera! My greatest (and only) achievement in that category is a song called Vittoria Mio Core.

Erik: You all likely know everything there is to know about me already, but I shall say...... I am very fond of these modern things called sweatpants. Quite comfortable.

Log_Lady: "5. Favorite color" Purple!

Erik: Black.

Log_Lady: "6. Favorite place" Disney World.

Erik: I enjoy libraries. Also theatres.

Log_Lady: "7. Favorite celebrity" That is a no brainer. I choose Misha Collins.

Erik: Sierra! Of course!

Log_Lady: "8. Favorite animal" Hedgehog!!!!!!!!

Erik: Of course it is.

Log_Lady: "9. Favorite song" Hmmm.................... *thinks for about 10 minutes* I have narrowed it down to five. Mad World as sung by Gary Jules, Magic Dance performed by the amazing David Bowie in the movie we all know and love Labyrinth, All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor, Once Upon a December from the movie Anastasia, and Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (they are my all time favorite band so you should check them out if you don't know them).

Erik: You really expect me to be able to answer this one?? There are too many! Just too many songs!

Log_Lady: Okay.... You don't have to.... "10. Favorite book" This is hard.... Um..... The Palace of Laughter by Jon Berkeley I think.

Erik: I greatly enjoyed both Bronte's Jane Eyre and Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulu.

Log_Lady: Tag 20 people? Umm..... Do I even know 20 people? I guess I'll tag y'all that comment most and stuff. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. DixieFerchalk MissChristineDestler StarringTheNight klidio MaddysBeauties
Okay this is too hard it takes too long to tag people. (I love you all, just because I didn't tag you doesn't mean I don't want to know about you!) Do the tag if ya feel like it! See y'all next session (which I promise will be 1. Soon and 2. Consisting of your questions).

Erik: Adieu!

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