Session 22

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OOC: This begins the transferring of old sessions from the other account! It was the first one done there.

Erik: Hello all! We're here for the first session on our new account! Log_Lady will, at some point, transfer the rest of the sessions (as I have no idea how), but if I were to wait for her it would take quite a while.... We have questions for all three of us! A lovely way to start things out, I should think!

Gustave: The first one's for you, Dad! It's from emerald_hawk: "What would you do if you met Sierra Boggess?"

Erik: I..... I can't rightly say. I like to think that I would say hello, introduce myself, congratulate her on her amazing voice..... and acting skills.... and face....... and everything about her..... *blushes* But I cannot be sure I would remain collected for long enough to be able to do this.

Raoul: Oooooh, someone's got a crush! *pokes Erik* Erik and Sierra, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-

Erik: *slaps a hand over Raoul's mouth* OH would you look at that another question! For Gustave! From our same friend as before. "How did you attempt to take over the world, I'm curious?"

Gustave: Oh....... Sam (tardisapocalypse13) and I kind of sort of trapped everyone that would fight us and then declared ourselves supreme rulers.... It was fun until after and I got grounded.

Erik: It wouldn't have been fun after a while. There's more to leadership than the pleasure of it. Or at least there ought to be, in a good system. Okay, emerald_hawk's last question is for Raoul: "Do you have any tips for hair?"

Raoul: *eyes light up* Yes! As a mater of fact, I do! First off, it is ever so important that you use a nice brand of shampoo and conditioner on your hair. Be sure that you use a kind suited to your kind of hair. For example, if your hair is curly, use things specified for curly hair! Don't just shampoo; conditioner is SO important, especially if your hair tends to be dry. My favorite brands are Paul Mitchell, Big Sexy Hair, and Bedhead. Also! As far as brushing your hair goes, make sure you start at the ends and work your way up, so as not to put unnecessary stress on your hair. Another thing, be sure to use heat protectant if you frequently use a flat or curling iron on your hair. Now, as I don't typically braid-

Erik: Are you SURE you're not a girl?

Raoul: Who says that men can't be beautiful too if they want to?

Erik: Well..... I...... *huff* Fine. I guess you have a right to do what you want. But enough talking about it.

Raoul: But-

Erik: Nope.

Raoul: Fine. If I didn't sufficiently answer your question, emerald_hawk, I'm more than happy to answer any more specific questions you have about it!

Gustave: Let's call this the end! See you all next time!!

Erik: Adieu, mes amies!

Raoul: Goodbye, all of you lovely

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