21: Another Tag

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Log_Lady: I was tagged by Tyranosaurus_Rex to do this tag! I think they tagged me a while ago to do one too and I finally did it because someone else tagged me too. Aaaand if you tag me you just automatically tag Erik too (since this is his book and I'm too lazy to make my own book for tags and stuff) So here we go!

Erik: I'm almost certain we have unanswered questions. And it is 2:00 in the morning and you have to get up at 8:30 to get ready for art class.

Log_Lady: Shhhhh hush child we are doing tag. "1.) What was your first pet?"
My first pet was a kitten named Tinkerbell. I was five. She probably hated me.

Erik: I hid a stray dog from my mother for a few weeks while it was recovering from a broken leg. I called him Diminuendo because I thought maybe it would make him be quiet. It didn't, but we weren't caught.

Log_Lady: "2.) What's your best friend's name?" Mahal. I also am great friends with a Mikaela (tT.A.R.D.I.S.pocalypse13 hehe you know her), a Danae, and also the person previously tagged (which is Sam).

Erik: ................. Who do I even like? I can't think of anyone because I don't know if Log_Lady counts. I guess maybe Sam. Or Raoul when he's not being an insufferable fop. Merlin's nice as well.

Log_Lady: "3.) What's a song you HATE while everyone loves?" THAT ONE ABOUT THE TIMBER. And also the horse one. Neigh something. Oh my gosh they just AGH.

Erik: *takes a deep breath and prepares to go on a long rant that I doubt even Enjolras could match* *names like every popular pop song ever in the last 20 or so years*

Log_Lady: I don't care for pop in general but they're not ALL that bad! "4.) Do you speak any other languages?" I can speak a little French. I am also fluent in Smeagol.

Erik: I can speak fluently in French, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, English, Persian, Gaelic, and just recently I have started studying Tolkien's Elvish.

Log_Lady: "5.) Favorite video game?" Professor Layton! I like the Curious Village best so far. Erik doesn't care much for video games so next question is "6.) Favorite social media?" Tumblr. (Follow me! je-suis-log-lady-winchester. I also run a blog called cascastiels-keychain-conundrums.)

Erik: Does Spotify count?

Log_Lady: "7.) What would your dream boy be like?" Uh...... Tall. And musically inclined. Nice to people. You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat strangers and how they react towards others. Uh................. Also Erik. Basically him. Yeah.

Erik: I do not have a "dream boy"..... So I will refrain from answering.

Log_Lady: "8.) If you had three wishes what would you wish? (You can't wish for more wishes or infinite wishes.)" Hmmmmmm loophole! I would wish for magic of my own.

Erik: I would wish....... That anything I desired would come to be.

Log_Lady: "9.) What were you doing before you entered Wattpad and noticed I tagged you?" I was playing Neko Atsume.

Erik: SLEEPING. *glares at Log_Lady*

Log_Lady: Hehe....... "10.) Favorite ship?" Crap how AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER THIS. The Doctor and Rose I guess. And maybe Sculder (why won't they just get together already wow they are idiots).

Erik: Jane and Rochester.

Log_Lady: "11.) What's your OTP?" Uh........................................ Too many......... To name......... "12.) If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?" I would want the ability to move my consciousness, like so I could put it into another person's brain, be it just to speak to them quietly, or to control them. And you could do others stuff like talking to animals with that power too because you'd just have to put yourself inside their head.

Erik: To be likable- but it's more than just that. Everyone I meet would be find me absolutely charming and would be filled with an overwhelming desire to please me and make me happy.

Log_Lady: "13.) What's your favorite animated show or movie?" Well my favorite movie ever (it is animated) is My Neighbor Totoro. (Although When Marnie Was There has recently become a very close second.)

Erik: The Aristocats.

Log_Lady: And that's the end! I tag..... Uh....... KitWells tardisapocalypse13 Phantoms-Daughter DixieFerchalk Jojo1228 and uh..... Anyone who feels like doing if you can pretend I tagged you too. (You don't have to do it even if I did tag you). So see y'all next time! Bye!

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