Session 10!

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Log_Lady: Hey guys! Here we are for session the tenth! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I didn't realize we had more questions. (And for those of you with dares that are not yet completed, I will get to them, no worries. Just might take a while....)

Erik: You know it's rude to keep people waiting, Log_Lady.

Log_Lady: *ignores him* Our first eight come from DixieFerchalk! "1. Have you ever went hunting?"

Erik: Well...... I've never been hunting in the traditional sense for animals and such. But I have hunted people (as all you Phans know).... And ghosts and demons! (Log_Lady drags me along when she joins her brothers, the Winchesters, sometimes.)

Log_Lady: "2. Have you ever used a bow and arrow?"

Erik: No. We don't own one my size. Log_Lady's are so small that I can't properly pull it back all the way.

Log_Lady: They're not THAT small!

Erik: They are children's bows. Yes they are.

Log_Lady: Well maybe I'm still sort of a children. *sticks tongue out* "3. What do you think would happen if you used a bow and arrow?"

Erik: I don't mean to sound conceited, but I do believe I would have pretty precise aim.

Log_Lady: I can hit the target! Sometimes... "4. Have you seen Edward Scissorhands?"

Erik: Not yet. As soon as Log_Lady can get it we will!

Log_Lady: "5. Who is your favorite Disney princess or queen?"

Erik: My favorite princess is Tiana. I admire her strength and determination. My favorite queen is Elsa. I find her very relatable.

Log_Lady: *starts singing* Erik and Elsa, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-

Erik: *blushing loudly* Next question!

Log_Lady: *giggles* "6. Who is your favorite Disney villain?"

Erik: Maleficent, from Sleeping Beauty. NOT from the movie Maleficent. I do not accept that movie as canon. I honestly don't agree with all of the "villains aren't evil, just misunderstood" things that are going on. Tragic pasts explain villainous actions, but they do not excuse them or make them acceptable. Mine included.

Log_Lady: Yes, I agree, but I would also like to point out that while these actions cannot be excused, but they can be forgiven, which is a different thing entirely. No one's ever done anything so bad that they can't be forgiven for it.

Erik: True, true.

Log_Lady: "7. Who is your favorite superhero?"

Erik: Daredevil, from a show of the same name. He's blind and I think it's just amazing how he can fight using only his other senses.

Log_Lady: Plus he's a really nice dude. "8. Who is your favorite evil villain?"

Erik: I'm a Loki fan.

Log_Lady: *drools* Looookiiiii........

Erik: Log_Lady......? *waves in her face* The rest of the questions.....? *pokes her* She is unresponsive..... I suppose I'll continue on my own. The next three are from Emerald_hawk: "1. Does Erik like kids? (like 10 year olds, 5 year olds etc.)."

Yes, I do like kids. Most kids, anyway. I suppose it's because I envy their innocence. Kids, however, do not usually like me. I frighten them.....

"2. What would he do if one of that age made his/her way into his lair (say it's during Christine)."

I like to think that I would have helped the child to find its parents. Although I can't be certain, as..... well...... my temper can be fairly unpredictable....

"3. What's his thoughts on fanfictions that are based on those"

Some of them are very well done, although there are important plot points that must be addressed to make them work properly. One: My lair is very well hidden. People looked for it for YEARS. Smart, adult, people. I seriously doubt that a child could just "accidentally" discover one of my secret doors, walk all the way through the maze of hallways, not get caught in one of my traps, and make it the lake. Two: I'm not fit to be a father, and the cellar of an opera house is no place to raise a child, so I would not adopt the child as my own like in some of these stories. I'd probably find someone else to give the child to. Three: I am not quite sane. I am intimidating. As I said earlier, children fear me and I am unpredictable. It just doesn't make sense for the child in some of these fanfictions to feel such a bond towards me. Four: The ones where this child who accidentally stumbled into my lair just so happens to be Christine's daughter? Kind of absurd. Unless Christine specifically told her child to seek me out, the probability of that happening is extremely low. A story's got to have verisimilitude, and that plot line just doesn't. Five: There are so many stories based on that prompt, and so many of them are so very similar. If it is to be good, it has to have something memorable to set it apart from the others.

The final question is from KitWells: "If you couldn't have Christine the first time, would you rather have Ariel (The Little Mermaid) Maria (The Sound of Music) or Sara Crewe (A Little Princess)? (Ps they're all characters that Sierra Boggess has played)"

Maria. I feel like her personality would complement mine nicely.

See you all next time! Happy Halloween! Bye! *pokes Log_Lady again* Say goodbye!

Log_Lady: Looooooookiiiiiiii......

Erik: Close enough I suppose....

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