18: With Sapphire Destler!

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Log_Lady: Hello everybody and welcome to another session!

Erik: Hello everyone!

Log_Lady: This time, we have a special surprise guest.... She should be here any minute now!

Erik: A surprise guest....? You never told me we were going to have a guest....

Log_Lady: That's because it was a surprise!

Sapphire: *runs in, adjusts mask* Bonjour! I am Sapphire Destler! Daughter of the Phan- *gasps happily* DADDY!!!!!!! *runs to him and hugs him*

Erik: Oh.... *very surprised* Hello!

Sapphire: *looks up at him* Hi! *adjusts mask still, blushes in shame* Forgive me, I'm making sure....no one can see it.... *steps away from him*

Erik: Oh, you don't have to worry here. I can take mine off freely. *takes mask off* See? No one minds!

Sapphire: *blushes* O-Okay..... *hesitantly takes off mask to show the deformity on the right side of her face*


Sapphire: *smiles softly* Thank you....Mademoiselle....

Gustave: *comes running in* WAIT A MINUTE!!!! Dad!!! Why didn't you ever tell me I had a sister??? What's your name??? How old are you??? Is Christine your mom too??? *really excited*

Sapphire: Well....My name is Sapphire Rose Destler, I'm sixteen years old, Christine IS my Mother....but she.... *gets sad* Ditched me when I was born because I was deformed....Since she didn't want to lose her reputation.... *looks down so no one sees she is crying*

Gustave: Aw, don't cry! *hugs her* I'm pretty sure Mom felt bad about it. She was sad sometimes but she wouldn't tell me why. Maybe she was sad about leaving you.

Sapphire: *hugs him back, trying to hold back her tears* S-She hurt me, though....Too many times.... *lets go and shows the healing scar on her wrist* She...tried to hurt Father, so I grabbed her wrist and she cut me.... *looks down and turns her wrist*

Erik: It's alright, mon ange. You're safe now. *picks her up and hugs her (because he's just big and strong like that)*

Log_Lady: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM YOUR MOTHER NOW! And no one will hurt you again. Sound good? *hands her a cookie*

Sapphire: *smiles* Yes. That sounds nice. *takes the cookie* Merci! *nibbles on it, cuddling into Erik*

Log_Lady: De rien! Shall we start the questions then? Let's move to the couch!

Erik: *follows into the living room, sits on the couch and puts Sapphire on his lap*

Sapphire: Yes! This'll be fun! *smiles at Erik and leans into him*

Log_Lady: Alrighty! First three questions come from TruestBeliever13! "1) Can you check out my books please?"

Erik: I already have, mon amie! Your drawings are very cute!

Log_Lady: Agreed! "2) Erik, if you had a machine to make you any age, what age would you be and why?"

Erik: Hmm..... I would like to be a child for a bit, I think. Maybe 7 or 8. So I could have a proper childhood. Only for a bit though. I'd miss all you guys if I stayed young for too long.

Sapphire: *still nibbling on the cookie*

Log_Lady: "3) If you could have any magical pet, what would it be?" You have to say an Alicorn! Of course it's an Alicorn!

Erik: Nope. A dragon! I could fly it everywhere.

Sapphire: I want a unicorn! *blushes* Um....did I-I say that out loud? *smiles shyly*

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