Nine: Dares from Kit

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OOC: I incorporated many other fandoms into this book. Castiel is from Supernatural.

Log_Lady: Hey guys! We're gonna do another couple dares today! "Erik must be locked in a closet and forced to listen to "I'm Sexy and I Know It" and find a way out of the closet. (I recommend that you close off all of his secret passageways and heavily padlock the door.)"

Erik: I am not familiar with this song, but judging by the title I am going to assume that I will not like it.

Log_Lady: I've only heard it once I think. It's not that great......

Erik: Oh, joy. *note the excessive sarcasm and eye rolling*

Log_Lady: Alright..... SMEAGOL!!!! *knocks on closet door* We need to use your closet! So get out and play with the cat or something!

Smeagol: Alriiight, master-lady.... *trudges out of closet*

Log_Lady: *inspects closet for secret passageways and such* Get in there! *pushes Erik in* *shuts door and puts a bunch of locks on the outside*

Erik: It's cramped in here! I can't even stand up straight!

Log_Lady: Too bad!

David Tennant: Pretend that the song is playing continuously this whole time. It would be written out, but your author does not know the words (and has no wifi access at the time of writing this and cannot look them up).

Erik: *shouts of agony* THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *covers ears*

Log_Lady: You can turn it off if you can get out!

Erik: *kicks down door* *turns music off*

Log_Lady: Well, there we have it. If Erik's willpower is strong enough, he can kick down a heavily chained door! No wonder he was such a good Phantom!

Erik: *turns on some Bach instead*

Log_Lady: We're not done here!

Erik: I have to cleanse my ears. Give me a moment.

Log_Lady: *rolls eyes*

David Tennant: A few minutes later.

Log_Lady: Okay, time's up. "I also have questions! Erik, have you read Keturah and Lord Death? If you haven't, I recommend you do, and give a review on it. YOU WILL BE CRYING AT THE END."

Erik: I have not read this book. I shall eventually!

David Tennant: Please note that Erik's ability to read the books and watch the movies that you readers want him to revolves heavily around the schedule, schoolwork, and personal life of Log_Lady. Movie and book dares may not be gotten to for a while, if at all.

Log_Lady: Now this next one is going to be FUN.

Erik: Oh dear.... Fun for you usually means torture for me....

Log_Lady: "I also dare Erik to walk in on the rehearsals for Phantom of the Opera and NOT make any comment whatsoever."

Erik: *grins* This doesn't sound so bad! We ought to ask Castiel to zap me into the middle of the room. For even more of a shock factor!

Log_Lady: GOOD IDEA!!!

Castiel: You called?

Log_Lady: Will you take us to the theatre where they're doing rehearsals for Phantom of the Opera on Broadway please?

Castiel: I suppose. *puts a hand on each of their shoulders and teleports them to the balcony of the theatre* Will that be all?

Erik: Can you send me down to the center of the stage without coming down yourself?

Castiel: Yes. *does that*

Cast members: *all scream*

Director: Now THAT is what I call getting into character! *applauds* How on earth did you pull that off??

Erik: *walks off to the side of the stage, making no sound* *stands and observes*

Director: Um..... Are we going to run through the Final Lair or not? Isn't that why you're here?

The guy who ACTUALLY plays The Phantom: *walks in* Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!

Director: Wait a second.... *To Erik* Then that must mean you're the understudy! My apologies. Please do watch.

Understudy: *walks in* *sees Erik* *mortified* YOU'VE REPLACED ME?????

Director: What?? No!! I thought he was you! WHO IS THIS GUY???

Erik: *hypnotizing voice* I am your angel of music....... *continues*

Cast members: *freeze, hypnotized*

Log_Lady: I guess that's out cue. Take us back home now please?

Castiel: *teleports them back*

Erik: *grinning* That was fun!

Log_Lady: Oh yeah! Thanks Cas! We're done here so you can go now.

Castiel: *vanishes*

Log_Lady: Aaaaand that's the end of the session! See y'all next time!

Erik: Adieu!

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