Session 34

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Log_Lady: Hey guys! Can you believe we're done four sessions within the space of a  MONTH??

Erik: It's been a while since we've even done four sessions within the same year....

Log_Lady: Right?? To start us off, I'm going to announce the winner of our dance-off. Me!! I won by 2 votes!

Erik: And only two people voted.... We seem to have... lost some readers in our absence....

Log_Lady: No matter. We do this for the fun of it! Today we've got questions from DarkWolf0902! "1) Erik, before the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera, did no one ever try to go down and find you? Were they just unable to find you? Or do you have traps or something of that sort?"

Erik: Oh, mon ami, many people tried to find me. So many. Most of the ones that were smart enough to find my secret passageways were still too dim to make it past all of my traps. If you've read the original Gaston Leroux telling of my story, some of my traps are detailed there. I killed on sight those that did find me.

Log_Lady: *shudders* You didn't really.....

Erik: You forget, I used to be a very different person. You and the modern world have mellowed me out quite a bit.

Log_Lady: I suppose you're right... You really have developed a lot as a character in my universe here.... Ok, the next question is for Raoul! *yells across the house* RAOUL GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE!!

Raoul: *comes into the room wearing a silk robe and a face mask* What? I was just starting my nightly skin routine.

Log_Lady: You have a question!
"2) Raoul, I'm not sure if you've answered this question yet, if you have I'm sorry and you can ignore this, but what kind of superpowers would you like tho have if possible, and please refrain from saying any sorts of powers with hair styling as the main conclusion of it."

Raoul: Hmmm..... I'd like to have the power to soften people. Not physically, but emotionally. If someone is feeling intense anger towards me, I could just soften them with the snap of my fingers. In a world full of such malice and hardness, I think there is a great deal to be said for being soft and kind.

Log_Lady: Well said! Aaand this one's for.... GUSTAVE!!! YOU GET IN HERE TOO!!

Gustave: *runs in from the computer room* A question?? Lit!!

Log_Lady: Yep!  "3) Gustave, are you still 10 years old? Do you guys never age? Are you all immortal?"

Gustave: So uh.... as long as time keeps passing, TECHNICALLY I get older, and so does Dad, and so does Raoul. But physically and mentally, I don't think I've really aged at all, and neither have either of them. So you could say.... IM IMMORTAL!! YEET!!

Erik: *rolls his eyes* Why did you have to teach him modern slang?

Log_Lady: I thought it'd be pretty lit. "4) What is your opinion on the 1990 portrayal of all of you, excluding Gustave as, Sorry, you are not in the film. Also Raoul for this I think your name was Philippe."

Erik: I've not seen it!

Raoul: Neither have I, but I do have an older brother named Philippe who was an active member of the Opera Populaire. Perhaps this adaptation highlighted his role in the events rather than mine.

Log_Lady: "5) Are you my mummy?"

Erik: No?

Log_Lady: I can be!! I'll adopt anyone. Need a good and supportive mother who gives sound advice and who also tries too hard to be cool?? Boom I'm here. "6) What are your favourite parts of the human body? Like eyes, lips, hands or something like that. (If Raoul says hair Erik can steal his conditioner)"

Erik: I would have to say hands? They are incredibly useful, and also you can tell a lot about a person by their hands.

Raoul: Eyes! If someone has nice eyes, I could get lost in them forever....

Gustave: *muffled giggles* butts because I think it's funny.

Log_Lady: Aaand finally, "7) Doctor Who?"

Erik: Doctor him. *points over to the T.A.R.D.I.S. parked in the corner of the room*

Log_Lady: Aaaaalright we've got a pretty good session here! If you've asked a question, I can almost guarantee you that it's in my draft called "The Questions Masterlist"! I'm trying to space them out so that we don't fall into a rut like before of not having anything to answer, and having no consistent content. I promise I'll get to them all eventually though! See you next time!

*all wave goodbye*

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