Session 25

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Log_Lady: *clicks a button on the computer* And THAT is how you start a new session! That all you need?

Erik: No! Wait! Can you....... Stay and do the typing.....? I accidentally deleted the whole thing earlier, when I tried to do it myself and Gustave helped me open the new chapter.....

Log_Lady: Wait- so you mean to say you already did this WHOLE session and didn't save it??

Erik: Yes.......

Log_Lady: It saves things automatically! How did you even do that?

Erik: These darn computers are too complicated!

Log_Lady: Whatever, gramps. I'll do the session then!

Erik: Hold on a moment.... You're writing this part down?? No don't do that! I'm supposed to be a genius, I don't want people knowing how bad I am at this! Delete it!

Log_Lady: Let's get started. Our session today consists of questions from Nalitie ! "1) What is your honest opinion on monsters? Like... Actual monsters, not people that other people call monsters."

Erik: It all depends on what monster you speak of. So long as a monster poses no harm to me, I don't mind it. If it is causing harm, however, I'd say I don't care much for it.

Log_Lady: "1.5) If you were in a battle with said monsters, would you spare them or would you kill them?"

Erik: Seeing as they were attacking me, that would classify them as monsters causing harm, and I would likely kill them. Assuming they weren't one of those types of monsters that put a curse on any person who kills it.

Log_Lady: Are you counting monsters that cause harm unintentionally? Like with werewolves and some others, they can't control themselves.

Erik: It depends on the individual situation..... Although certain stories and versions of monsters will have their exceptions, my general rule would be if they can't control themselves or be contained, they still constitute as a threat. It would be safer for everyone if they were killed.

Log_Lady: That's a bit harsh...... "2 + 3) here, I asked my brother these too: Would your rather live with a killer robot or a murderous flower? How about skeleton brothers or the "evil" Candle Grandma?"

Erik: I don't exactly know what the implications of each are, but I will make my best guess...... Murderous flower and Candle Grandma I think....

Log_Lady: "4) have you ever heard of the National Candle Association?"

Erik: I have now that you've mentioned it.

Log_Lady: You smart-alec. "5) If you were trapped on a deserted island with, um... Just Gustave, what would happen? What about if you were trapped there with a bunch of highschoolers?"

Erik: I believe Gustave and myself would be capable of either setting up permanent residence on the island or escaping. Highschoolers....? It would depend on which specific people, but we'd likely be able to (under my direction) form a standing civilization. There would probably be too many of us too escape. Depending on how annoying they were, I'd escape by myself and leave them there.

Log_Lady: You could build a bridge out of them and cross over to dry land! They'd have to have some really strong muscles though........

Erik: ........... There are so many things wrong with that idea that I do not know where to begin.........

Log_Lady: "6) Would you rather live on a spaceship with an overbearing motherly "computer" or in a town where you know you'll be sacrificed?"

Erik: Overbearing motherly computer for sure. It would be nice to know the kindness of a mother.

Log_Lady: "7) Did you know that the flip flop is the most lethal of all of the shoes?"

Erik: I guessed as much. Log_Lady has tripped many times in them and hurt herself. It's only a matter of time before they cause lethal damage.

Log_Lady: Hey! I'm not THAT bad. "8) if an agent came to you claiming that there was an evil grandmother on the loose, what would you do?"

Erik: I would avoid grandmothers. I assume this has to do with the evil candle grandmother?

Log_Lady: "8.5) And how would you respond if they told you that "in this world, it's kill or be killed"

Erik: I would explain to them that a mentality like that one simply is not true. You need not kill to avoid being killed. You need to hide from the killer is all.

Log_Lady: "9) do you think that... After the war... Depending on how things go... Can our dimensions still be friends?"

Erik: Of course! As far as I'm concerned we're still friends now and always will be. I don't quite understand about this war or how it involves me, so I won't let it interfere with anything.

Log_Lady: Yeah I don't really get it either....... Unless someone attacks me and I have to defend, we're just gonna stay neutral in whatever this war is I think? I don't understand really..... "10) What is a star? Can you touch it? Can you kill it? Are you a star?"

Erik: A star, to put it simply, is a great big burning ball of various gases. You can touch it, but I would strongly advise you don't, unless you feel like losing a hand and possibly the rest of your body along with it. A star can burn out if it runs out of gas. If you were to somehow remove the gas, you could theoretically kill it. I am not a star, I am a human being.

Log_Lady: You sure man? Because you shine so bright...... *puts on sunglasses* I gotta weeeaaaar shades!

Erik: *groans* You're not going to sing that song are you?

Log_Lady: Oh you bet I am! It's a cool song! I don't know why you don't like it. See y'all next session and remember to comment your questions and dares!

Erik: Goodbye!

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