Session 23- Raoul is Angry

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Hello everyone! Tis I, Raoul DeChagny. I am here to answer some questions (that I am less than happy about) from ErikPhantom.

"1.) Why did you feel that trying to MURDER me would make you win Christine?"

I have quite a good answer to your question actually, thank you for asking! I had already won Christine, the night of Il Muto. She accepted my proposal, and we were engaged from that night on. When you scared the living daylights out of her, hypnotized her, kidnapped her, and killed a man in front of her, I was there to comfort her. She came to me for solace and protection, and I gladly gave it to her. Now, the masquerade, where you, once again, publicly harassed and terrified her. You forced an opera upon us, making her play a quite a promiscuous part, one which such a sweet and innocent girl like her would probably be uncomfortable playing even if it WASN'T something required of her by a man that was stalking her. She didn't want to do this; the very thought of it drove her to tears, as you could see in the track of the musical entitled "Notes/Twisted Every Way". What was I to do, just let the love of my life be tormented over and over again? The plan to trap you the night of Don Juan was for her own good, to free her of this man that had haunted her and scared her so. I assume this is the murder attempt you speak of? Keep in mind, through all of this, I had done nothing to FORCE Christine to stay with me. She could have at any moment told me to shove it and gone to you instead. (Just to note, Erik (at least the one of this universe, whom I know personally), I do not hate you. As the years have passed you have gotten much better as a person, and I can see that you truly do regret all of those actions that I spoke of. While it doesn't make those actions acceptable, it does make them forgivable, my friend.)

"2.) Why do you have a completion like a girl?"

"Completion"? Did I complete something in a girlish manner? I assume you mean "complexion", in which case, I don't rightly know, actually. I'm not a biologist, nor do I understand very well how genetics work. I assume that perhaps my mother had more dominant genes than my father? My face is the way it is for the same reason yours is the way it is, likely: it's just how I was born.

"3.) Why do you steal things from people who are less fortunate that you? I mean come on! You don't care about anyone other than yourself. You know what? You're just a drunken fool with no feelings! Good day Monsieur."

Excuse me, but what did I steal from someone less fortunate than myself? I have no memory of doing so. If you are referring to Christine, allow me to reiterate my earlier statement: I did nothing to force her to stay with me. She could have chosen you if she had wanted to. And clearly I cared about HER, seeing as I was there to help her whenever she came to me, and even wanted so desperately to keep her safe from you when I was inebriated beyond reasonable thought. I care for many things, Christine, my so- I mean Gustave, Sam, Log_Lady, my hair and face, among many other things. Bringing up my past drinking problem is quite a low move...... I really, deeply, with all of my heart and soul, regret that, and am trying my damnedest to recover from it and move on. I may actually be a fool. I'll admit to not having a very high intelligence level.

I hope that I have sufficiently answered your questions, monsieur. Good day to you as well.

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