Session 30

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Here's the first new session since the transfer of accounts! I won't delete Erik's account, I just won't be active on it.

Log_Lady: Helloooooo everyone!! It's been..... like........ Months. Hopefully, now that we're back on my account, updates should be more consistent! We had hoped that giving Erik his own account would mean more updates, but he refuses to learn how to use the computer properly.

Erik: I'm still trying to catch up on the centuries of technology I've missed. It's just easier this way.

Log_Lady: We have questions!! We'll start off with the ones from Nalitie : "1) Do you know who Mrs. Doubtfire is?"

Erik: I do not..... I feel I've heard the name before though.

Log_Lady: Isn't it an old movie or something? "2) Would you like to visit Cheesemound sometime? It's all cheese." That sounds so cool! I love cheese!

Erik: Does such a place really exist? It sounds interesting, sure!

Log_Lady: "3) I think I've asked you to do your more dramatic entrance.... Now do your most dramatic exit!" We'll do this one at the very end! That's how Erik will exit the session!

Erik: Oh boy, do I have plans..... *grins*

Log_Lady: "3.5) Oh, and also do your most dramatic pose because why not."

Erik: *jumps up onto the couch, pulls out his Punjab lasso, and pretends to strangle Log_Lady with it*

Log_Lady: *rolls eyes* Yes very dramatic. "4) Do you think even the worst person can change?"

Erik: Absolutely! All it takes to change is making the choice to do it. People cannot control their thoughts, and therefore are not defined by them. What makes a person who they are is how they choose to act about those thoughts. It might hard, but even the worst person can choose to act nicely.

Log_Lady: "5) Want some spaghetti? We have a surplus here in Erscoga."

Erik: Yes! I love spaghetti!

Log_Lady: "6) How do you envision "the Beast"?"

Erik: Any specific beast? Or are you referring to the general manifestation of mankind's evil and sin, sometimes referred to as "the beast"? I'll go into specifics if you like, but for now I'll answer the latter. I imagine the thing to be tormented, and sad. It didn't ask for people to be evil and bring it into existence. It's probably rather large, considering the amount of evil deeds that people do. Red seems to be a popular symbolic color, but I think black is more appropriate. So dark, there's no changing or escaping it.

Log_Lady: Wow... deep.....

Erik: It's a subject I've given much thought.

Log_Lady: Next from from Always_Severus_394 : "Erik! What would you do if Jason, the guy with the hockey mask and chainsaw, came into your house claiming he wanted to kill you?"

Erik: He'd be dead within the minute. I've never seen the movie, but I don't want to risk anyone I care about being in harm's way.

Log_Lady: Next one's for Raoul too, better go get him......... *returns a few minutes later dragging Raoul in*

Raoul: Erik ate the last cookie!! I don't want anything to do with him right now!!!

Erik: You ate 7 of them! You didn't need any more! I was well within my rights!!

Log_Lady: Children! You have questions. From Phantoms_Girl01 : "For Erik and Raoul, who portrayed you the best/worst?"

Erik: Best: Ramin Karimloo. Worst: Gerard Butler.

Raoul: I rather liked Patrick Wilson's portrayal of me best. I would have to say that the worst goes to whoever played me in Love Never Dies- although it's not his fault that I was written out of character. I'm sure he was just doing as the director said.

Log_Lady: "What would Erik do if he met Ramin?"

Erik: I'd congratulate him on a good performance!

Log_Lady: And our last one! "How does Erik feel about Log_Lady?"

Erik: She is very nice and I do love her! Just not romantically. We have come to the mutual agreement that age is of an issue, and that we are not meant to be.

Log_Lady: Yeah.... Anyway! Time for your dramatic exit!

Erik: Very well! See you all next time!!

David Tennant: The lights dimmed, suddenly. Vivaldi's Concerto in A Minor began to play from an unknown source. A hole opened up in the floor, smoke pouring from it. Erik flashed a menacing smile and his eyes glowed red as he slowly descended into the hole. The hole closed back up, and all was as before.

Raoul: *scoffs* Show off.

Log_Lady: See you guys next time! We'll get to more of your questions then!

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