Note: The picture above is the living room. Carry on.
Stacie ran for her life as I laughed my ass off. What? She deserved it. I'm surprised her power didn't develop into super speed.I got a bit awkward over the tension so I played with the ball of fire in my hand. Yup. Totally normal.
"You guys, seriously, stop staring you guys will get powers soon as well." They still stared a me. "I'm going to my bed room," I said, trying desperately to escape the situation.
I closed my hand gently into a fist, as I say curls and whisps of smoke escape from in between my fingertips. I headed to my room and closed the door.
I sat upon my couch, wondering how Jason thinks of my now. Really Emera? He probably already thought you were a freak. C'mon! Suddenly I heard a knock at my door- which,by the way- startled me to where I fell off the couch.
"Uhm, come in?" I answered, not sure of what to do.
The door opened to reveal Jason. Oh god . . . This is the first time a guy has been in my room. And . . . And . . . It's JASON!
"Nice room," he commented, his eyebrows raised by the extravagance of my bedroom.
"T-Thanks" I said, feeling flustered. Way to go Emera! I wanted to face palm at my sudden lack of proper enunciation.
"I'm guessing we're the only ones in this group who aren't complete strangers with one another huh?" He chuckled, closing the door behind him. Gulp. He sat down next to me on the couch and asked, "Why do you have two laptops?" Seriously? That's what you ask? Oh, he is trying to break this ice. Well he didn't do a damn good job at it. Usually it's me who has to do that in our conversations.
"U-uh yeah, one for school and the other for Youtube, Games, and W-Wattpad . . ." I trailed off.
"That's cool . . ." He trailed after a pause. It was silent as we didn't know what else to say.
Oh hell no Emera you are NOT gonna let your first ACTUAL conversation where he is actually FOCUSING on you and not some rubix cube go this way!
"Huh, who'd have thought years ago that you and I would be here?" Jason chuckled. "I don't know, I m-mean. . . I-It's so much to take in," I muttered. "I mean, who'd have thought that of all the kids at camp you and I would have the potential to have superpowers?" Jason laughed," Yeah, just go to camp and I'd point to you and say 'Hey! Guess what? We may have powers! You'll have fire! Who'd have thunk?!'" I laughed with him. Jason bumped into me playfully. "We can get to know each other better, I mean there's plenty I don't know about you."
"Dr. Jackson said our powers reflect on parts of our p-personality. How is m-mine like that?" I asked him.
"Oh," he replies. "Well you seemed a bit. . . fiery just a minute ago, and a lot of people say you can be warm and kind at camp, and plus you're a Leo." He remembers? I think I only mentioned it once. Plus he is a Taurus, they say we aren't supposed to get along. *Sigh* Stupid horoscopes.
I laugh,"D-didn't think you actually knew anything about me."
No stupid! Stupid! He is gonna think you think that he likes you! And you CANNOT I repeat CANNOT let him think that you think that he likes you! Wait what?
He chuckles. "Well yeah, I've known you for like two years."
Oh, yeah, stupid Emera.
"Haha, t-that's true." I nervously chuckle. GOD! He must think I'm an idiot!
"What do you suppose I'll have?" Jason asked me. My heart was beating by the millisecond. "Lightning," I said quickly. I didn't even have to think about it. "How come?" he asked me. Because you make my heart zap every time I see you, and I feel like a jolt is running through me every time you talk to me, and it feels like lighting and energy run through me every time we touch. "A. . . feeling," I say. He gives me a look, and his dreamy eyes make me want to melt into a puddle.
"Hey do you mind if I ask you something?" he says, looking into my eyes. Oh gosh those blue eyes. I could drown in them- though that would make sense since they are the same color as clear blue pool water when the clouds and sky reflect off the surface.It reminds me of that one time I was mixing his rubix cube while he fixed the in less than 50 seconds. We talked about what we have in common- such as piano and school plays. I did my best to keep the conversation on him though- about his family, stepdad and sisters, and his mom's job.
"Uh, s-sure." Really Emera? Best you could come up with? Shut up brain. I chuckle again nervously stupid. Or is it stupidly nervous? Yeah, that's it.
"What did Stacie say that made you so mad? It must've been bad. And please tell me honestly." He started staring into my eyes. Or soul. Goddamn.
"Uh . . ." I could feel my cheeks turning pink. "Let's just say that if I told you you would A) Think weirdly of me B) Be mad at me or Stacie or C) Just feel really awkward." I said. Wait did I say that without melting into a puddle or stuttering while staring into Jason's eyes? Dang, I'm getting better! Yay me!
"OK just answer me this. Was it about me?"
Well shit.
My face felt like it was on fire.
He smirked, "I'll take that as a yes?" I just nodded. I grinned deviously, and I felt like I just ozed the aftermath of being crushified."Haha well thanks" he replied, having a glint of prankster-ness in his eyes, before turning to crack open the door . . .putting one foot out . . .and looking into the hallway towards his room. All the color drained from his face as he quickly stepped back in the room and closed the door. His eyes were wide and panicked.
"On second thought can I just sleep here?" He asked, looking frightened for his life.
"Why? What's out there?" I asked and cracked open the door. My eyes were wide as my face was drained from color. My jaw was gaping wide open, showing my clear braces.
Out there, in front of his door, stood Stacie.
In THOSE kind of pajamas. You know what I'm talking about. NOT THE KIND A 16 YEAR OLD SHOULD BE WEARING!
I closed the door and said, "YES! Please DO!" I wasn't even over complicating things! The girl was only 16 and Jason was 17! I mean has she no DIGNITY? Or COMMON SENSE?I was even more shocked that Jason didn't wanna go meet her. I mean, I'm not a lesbian or anything but she had like THE BEST body a girl could want! At 16 anyway. Guess it shows Jason isn't that kind of guy.
I quickly turned off the lights and ran to my closet and threw a fuzzy blanket at him. Oops. Well I was in a crazy state.
"Oh. W-wait, do you want the bed or couch?" I asked. My face was red at the question and just the thought of Jason Kimber sleeping in my bedroom. Before he could reply I saw a silhouette of Stacie in front of my door. She's onto me!
Jason grabbed my wrists and pinned me underneath the blankets. The blankets fluttered around us as they covered the both of us. Gulp. I could see his face in the dark. Our faces were only centimeters apart, and this was perhaps the closest I've been to a guy. I could feel his heartbeat on mine, slow and steady, while he could probably hear mine at the rate of a hummingbird's. He put his hand on my cheek and stared into my eyes in the dim dark. "Shhhhhh," he politely told me to shut up as he placed a finger on my lips. His eyes seemed to be both panicking and enjoying this quite a bit. I hate to say I felt the same.
The door cracked open, and Jason quickly fell beside me on the bed and pretended to snore.
I pulled the blanket over my neck and shut my eyes, breathing deeply. My heart was going crazy even more than it does when I'm around Jason, which probably means I have to see a doctor. The door opened wider as I saw her outline. Suddenly a flash of light was on me. Right on my face. Bitch, get that light the eff off of my effin' face. But I was too scared to care. OK, I still cared THERE'S A FREAKING BRIGHT LIGHT ON MY FACE! Never mess with a girl in THOSE kind of pajamas!

Super Simulator
HumorEmera Pisces was a dweeb, a nerd. No other way to put it. A bashful girl who had a hopeless crush on the same boy for two years, who failed to notice her. Pathetic, huh? Well, what happens when she unexpectedly wakes up in an unknown place with nine...