*PLAY I'm Dancing With Tears In My Eyes*
I was back in my room when Tyler transported and Richard appeared in my room.
"Guys . . . What is it?" I groaned, throwing a pillow in Richard's direction. "You people need to get outta my room before you seem like female shark rapists." I didn't even understand what that meant.
"Jason and Chase are home. We want you to see what he's been like before you see him," Tyler said. I stood up and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked them. I crossed my arms before my chest.
"Richard is coming with you, but you will have to 'illusion' yourself or whatever. Just . . . to see Jason. OK? Trust us," Tyler said. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"I don't understand why you guys are acting so strange with me being here, but if it means you won't stop treating me like I betrayed you or something I'll do it," I said. Richard grabbed my hand and disappeared, but I could still feel his hand.
I made myself blend into the surroundings when he dragged me.
We stopped at the dining room to see Chase and Jason placing the groceries on the table. Jason, his eyes became dull and the bags under his eyes looked, more prominent, I suppose. He seemed to have a lifeless, sad aura around him, and my heart felt like someone left a dent.
What happened?
"You OK? Did going out make you feel any better?" Chase asked.
Jason slammed his hand on the table, creating a big THUNK! against the wooden table. I flinched automatically.
"No! It just reminds me she could be anywhere! And I can't save her! I just want her back . . ." His face seemed red, as his breathing became uneasy. I felt Richard squeeze my hand, but I didn't squeeze back.
"You still have Stacie . . ." Chase trailed off, but the hurt was in his voice. Did he care for Stacie? Jason turned to him. "You have her in a sense as well! And she isn't Emera, and Emera is the girl who needs to be here now . . ." Jason's jaw clenched as I saw his teeth grind together.
"What if she left?" Chase asked. Jason's face got redder. "She couldn't have left! We saw, she was kidnapped! And it's all my fault! I could have saved her, but then again I was the one who hypnotized her! It should've been me, and now she is paying the price for my actions," he said, kicking his foot against the wall in frustration.
He ran his hand through his hair, exasperated at his thoughts.
"There's no way to know for sure man," Chase said, patting him on the back. Jason's tense shoulders slumped, as he sat down, burying his face into the palms of his hands. A look of utter defeat was buried into the palms of his hands.
"Dude, I-I don't know. I just, I want her back. Here. With me. I've realized now more than ever how much she means to me, and you guys too. Like how she would always blush, and I'd try to make her do it as often as I could. Or how she would get mad and scowl with a cute expression . . . I miss her so, so much. I feel dead inside since she left, and it's only getting worse. And-and I'm scared. I'm scared for if she never comes back. I'm scared if I'll never see her again, never be able to hold her in my arms, never be able to tell her . . ." His voice had a slight tremor as it cracked. It let out what was the saddest noise I've ever know, the sound of someone's voice cracking because they are about to cry. I was all too familiar with it. With that he got up and pushed the chair away, stomping up to his room.
I heard the door slam, and only then did Richard reveal himself to Chase. Chase raised an eyebrow at him before I revealed myself too.
"E-Emera?" Chase stuttered. But I didn't answer him, tears were brimming my eyes. Jason, oh poor Jason! How could I be so ignorant, so blind, so selfish?
I ran up to his room . . .
Jason's POV
I slammed the door behind me, before falling onto my bed. I grabbed parts of my hair.
My fault, all my fault.
She's gone, and now . . .now. Now, what?
I sighed, as I felt tears begin to crawl to the corners of my eyes, fat tears rolling down the sides of my face.
I miss her, and I'm scared.
I'd give anything to see her again . . .
I heard the door creak open but just squeezed my eyes shut. Probably Stacie, while it's true I sorta like her. I just, I don't know. All my thoughts are concentrated on Emera lately.
"Jason?" I heard a voice. It sounded like Emera's. But no, it couldn't be. Could it? But she was gone.
Was I going crazy?
I peeked open my eyes to see Emera. She had shorter hair now, a few inches shorter. And she was wearing a Galaxy themed dress.
"Galaxy? Am I hallucinating?" I whispered to myself, wiping away the tears. Even if this isn't real, I don't want her to see me cry.
Clearly she noticed, though, because I could see her eyes, glassy and rimmed with water.
Without saying anything, she came up to me and placed a hand on my cheek. It was soft and barely grazed my skin. I held it. She felt real. But, but . . .
"Am I dreaming?" I whispered, staring into her eyes. Her eyes were chocolate and had pale blue whites, comforting and warm. Her pink lips looked as if they were going to smile. The corners of her mouth tilted upwards as if she were having a sense of nostalgia, as she hugged me. I could feel water on my sleeve, and I was sure she was crying now as well. All of the times I've seen her hold in her tears and refuse to cry, I realized this was the first time I've seen her actually break down.
I hugged back when it dawned on me.
She's here! She's actually here!
Without thinking, I held her upwards in my arms and spun her around, her toes not even touching the floor.
"Galaxy! Emera! Y-you're back!" I exclaimed. I smiled the biggest I had in well, ever! As she was caught by alarm from the spin, she quickly smiled back as I put her down and hugged her again.
"I'm so sorry- I-" I began, but she placed a finger on my lips, shushing me.
She stared up at me, her eyes a chocolate brown. "I should be apologizing, I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner." With that, she kissed me on the cheek.
At that moment, I believe we both realized what just happened. My face burned red as I buried my blushing, beet red face into my hands in a failed attempt to cover my blushing. I couldn't help but smile, though, at the thought. Little fireworks of happiness were exploding in my head. She's here! She kissed my cheek! She . . . she was here! I grinned wider, unable to contain my smile.
I peeked through my fingers at her, her face pink from blushing too. She looked embarrassed and seemed to be trying to hide her face too. Her cheeks were rosy against the hue of her skin.
I held her hand and spun her in a circle, her galaxy dress twirling around, her face caught with surprise. I gave her a light peck on the cheek, not even a fraction of a second to count for a real kiss, as I buried my face into the crook of her neck, hugging her into my embrace. I smelled vanilla and a slight smell of coffee, which is weird because she doesn't drink coffee often. I closed my eyes, unable to open them due to my joy.
I whispered in her ear, "This time I'm never letting you go."

Super Simulator
HumorEmera Pisces was a dweeb, a nerd. No other way to put it. A bashful girl who had a hopeless crush on the same boy for two years, who failed to notice her. Pathetic, huh? Well, what happens when she unexpectedly wakes up in an unknown place with nine...