I guess we were just waiting to be sent home. Or at least expecting it. We didn't really know exactly how it would happen or when. We just thought 'well, we finished what we were supposed to, what now?' I mean, we didn't know what would happen. We were here to get our highlights, which everyone did. But we were still here. It's like when you finished everything you wanted to do in life, and you're just ready to die. You know it will come, you just don't know when or how.
So imagine our surprise if the next day we found a small note on our dining room table.
Each of you will find a box in his or her room. Pack it with the things you want to bring into reality. It can be money or possessions, but have it ready by noon sharp. You will be extracted immediately.
Right away we began to pack. I didn't bother with clothes since I knew we would all wake up in the bright white ones. I didn't know what to pack because I didn't know what we might be prepared for.
I put in Jason's charm bracelet, the one he gave me. I packed all of the outfit when we had the little dance too, since it was pretty sweet. I ended up packing one million dollars, which everyone seemed to do. There was plenty of money in the safe room in the back of the house. I never bothered to pack my phone, since I never seemed to use it since I was here. I'm sure Carlyn packed The Book, for her own purposes. I got the other small essentials, and a small mirror.
I also got a photo album. I didn't know where it was from, but I just found it on my bed. It was a photo album of all the most memorable moments here. Me and Jason showering Richard with orange juice. The dance. The crazy tampon stealing at the mall. Some random pictures of us just smiling and goofing around. Heck, they even had one where Chase was in the sexy Santa Claus suit and giving Jason a lap dance. They had some of us using our powers too. They had one where Jason was holding me in a force field, protecting me to the soccer ball Chase accidentally kicked my way. They had the one where we first woke up in the field. And the one of us at the pool. They even had one of me saving Tyler from drowning. They had pictures of some of the murals me and Zoey made, to the lion, the mermaid, and to others. They had a picture of all of us about to FaceTime our classes. They even had some of me in every Fear dream of my friends. They also showed some pretty funny scenes from Drunk Jason. Somehow they got pictures of me and Spencer goofing off in the lab, being pals. It's been a while since I've seen him. They had one of me fighting in the arena thing. They also had one of us in the tubes, unconscious. Though I admit that's a little creepy. My favorite picture was the one of me and Jason kissing under the tree. Our first kiss. Also the one where we dressed up to cover the highlights. They had one with all of us around the book. They had many more photos, but those were the most memorable ones.
I turned back to the small mirror.
I stared at the reflection. Before, I was a rather plain girl, dull brown hair and eyes. Now I seemed to have vibrations of colors coming in waves. My eyes seemed enchanting like you couldn't stare at them long enough. Though I still like Jason's more, who's eye somehow became more beautiful than the blue. They seemed to make the previous blue a dull, boring azure sky color. At least compared to how it was now.
For a second, I was scared of what would happen. Would they kill us? Experiment on us? Torture us? No Emera, you know these people. And we all came willingly. By choice. And we wouldn't do much I'm sure. Maybe we would be weapons, and we've already been experimented on. And Spencer is there, and he wouldn't let anything happen to me since we were friends. I frowned, I wonder what will happen when he and Jason meet.
I packed the rest of my things, also adding some nail polish and heart shaped sunglasses. I decided to pack some of my favorite clothes after all. I carried my box where everyone met in the living room.

Super Simulator
HumorEmera Pisces was a dweeb, a nerd. No other way to put it. A bashful girl who had a hopeless crush on the same boy for two years, who failed to notice her. Pathetic, huh? Well, what happens when she unexpectedly wakes up in an unknown place with nine...