My cheeks were red. I was SO busted. "You remember all of those times huh?" He smirked. "Uh, I-I just remember almost all my m-memories at camp. It was just my happy place," I mutter. He stared at me. He seemed a little disappointed, which made me a little sad. "Oh! I meant to give you this," he pulled out a small box. Oh shit. "Just so you know we can't get married. We don't know if we're partners," I joked. He turned red. "Oh shit, did you?!" I ask. I was shocked if he did. "Uh . . .no," he chuckled. "I got you this." He opened the box and inside was one of the most beautiful bracelets I've ever seen. It matched my dress perfectly. "Oh my god! Jason I-I can't accept this," I said. It was the sweetest thing he had ever done for me. "No, take it," He said. He held my wrist as he placed the bracelet on.
"Where did you even get this? I'm sure it's not in the mansion, and that no one else here has it," I ask. "It doesn't matter, all that matters is that I want you to have it," he said. I was so happy right then. Even I was still positive he didn't like me, and that I wouldn't find my soulmate, it felt good to have a friend.
A song started playing and we all started dancing. I think it was some Dubstep or something. Anyway we were dancing and all having a good time together. Nothing overly sexy. Except for Stacie trying it on Jason and Chase. At the same time. I looked around and I saw Bailey . . . making out with Richard. His eyes and hair were green. He must've just gotten his last power and we didn't notice! Damn. Anyway Bailey was really . . . um . . . handsy. Their highlights match so I guess its OK since they are mates. I turned towards Carlyn. "What are they thinking?" I asked her. "She is thinking . . . I knew it and he is thinking . . . why is she touching my butt? I like it," WTF?! I decided to go tell them to get a room. "Bailey! Good to know you finally got in someone's pants! And Richard green looks good on you!" I told them. They stopped and looked embarrassed. "I'm only telling you two this so that you can not get cum on the dance floor," I said laughing. "There are some leftover condoms in Tyler's room and lube in Stacie's. Don't ask," They nodded and walked out. Holy shit . . . I wasn't serious. I'm not even sure if either of the people I mentioned actually had that stuff. Crap I'm gonna have a hard time sleeping tonight. We continued dancing, by the way it's hard to do the whip in a gown. I ended up slow dancing with Jason, who surprise surprise, wasn't very good at it. But I taught him the steps and it was really cute, in a quirky adorable way.
It was an AMAZING night! It was fun as we danced all night. To the best song ever. Sorry I had to! We drank soda and ate nachos and it was all SO much fun! We went to our bedrooms. And let me just say that even with all your speakers turned all the way up, blasting Dubstep, it STILL won't drown out the noise of your two best friends screaming each other's names. Yeah, I didn't sleep that night. Our generation should burn in lava. Just kidding! Or am I? >;D
I woke up the next morning. Let me just warn you that we have been here for a little OVER A MONTH. Yup ladies you know what I mean. Periods. Me, and the rest of the girls oddly had it ON THE SAME DAY. Maybe it's because of the food. Anyways I felt awful, as I stamped over to the table for breakfast. "Babe, will you please make us some breakfast?" Richard asked Bailey, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. "Get the FUCK away from me right now! And go make it yourself! What do you think I am a HOUSEWIFE?! Now get the fuck away from me!" She growled at him. Damn. He turned to leave, clearly shocked and confused. "Where do you think you're going?! Not even giving me a kiss after we fucked last night?" she shrieked. He looked at her and leaned in to kiss her but then she growled "Don't. Touch. ME!" And with that he took off running. She must be on her period too. It seemed like all the girls are.
The girls and guys separated to one side of the table, girls on one side boys on the other. The girls because the guys were pissing us off, and the boys because they were scared of us. I blame hormones. Jason was the last to come in. "Hey guys!" he said cheerfully. HOW DARE YOU BE HAPPY TODAY OF ALL DAYS? The guys gave him a warning look to run while he could. We girls, even me and Stacie, gave him a death glare. "Um . . . What's going on?" he asked. "Just sit down and shut the fuck up. And don't touch my man cause I don't like how close you guys are to each other. GAY GUYS GET AWAY FROM MY GUY. Make it NO HOMO!" Zoey shrieked. Hell yeah sister. Jason just stared at us as he took his seat. "Dude what is going on?" he whispered to Chase. GOD WE ARE RIGHT HERE YOU IDIOT!
"EXCUSE ME BUT I STARTED MY DAY IN A POOL OF BLOOD DO YOU WANT TO END YOUR DAY IN ONE?!" I screamed at him. He looked freaked as fuck. I stood up, and so did the other girls. "Tch, guys are idiots," muttered Carlyn. "Carlyn I-" started Marcus. "Lay a finger on me and I will chop it off!" she mumbled angrily. He sat down again quickly. "Men are stupid, they'll never understand. Let's go," Stacie said as we linked arms and walked away with the rest of the girls. I guess this is the one week me and Stacie get along. I pulled my glasses up into a headband.
We left the table, leaving the guys trembling in fear and confusion as to what just happened. They are SO stupid! They had no clue!

Super Simulator
HumorEmera Pisces was a dweeb, a nerd. No other way to put it. A bashful girl who had a hopeless crush on the same boy for two years, who failed to notice her. Pathetic, huh? Well, what happens when she unexpectedly wakes up in an unknown place with nine...