We all got into our separate dorms. I carried my box and set it down on the ground. The walls were plain-like eggshell?- color. There was a bunk bed on the right side of the window. There was a desk at the foot of it, and another desk on the other side of the room. By the other desk, there was a small love seat with a TV set across from it. A small coffee table was in between them. They had some wardrobes, one for her I guess and one for me. They had a massive bookshelf, bare of course. They had cork boards over both desks. Other than that it was pretty standard. No posters or anything interesting. It was better than the lab's rooms but wasn't as good as our old rooms.
I started unpacking, pinning up pictures above the desk beside the cork board. I placed some supplies and pictures of my family on the desk and checked the rolling chair for anything bad. Ya know, rats, bugs, the usual. I looked in one of the wardrobes and immediately noticed that it was filled with uniforms. The uniforms were all the same, and hanging up on a small horizontal pole. At the bottom, there were shoes, same size, same everything. There were small dressers built into it, tiny drawers on the side of the hanging uniforms. I placed a few clothes into the dressers and pulled out one of the uniforms.
It was a white button up shirt, with sleeves that stopped just above the elbow. There was a navy blue blazer to cover it up, which stopped just below the elbow. It was dark, navy blue, and had a single gold, coin-like button to place it together. Between the fabric of the shirt and blazer, was a single tie. It was the kind you'd see in most school uniforms. It was a plaid pattern, the stripes a shimmery gold, and the tie itself an earthy green. The skirt- which stopped just one inch above the knee- was the exact same pattern as the tie. I looked back at the shoes, with where navy blue converse with white laces and tips.
Way to show your fucking school spirit ya boarding institute.
I put back the uniform and finished unpacking. I floated up to the top bunk, which I assumed would be mine since there was no ladder and I could simply float up there.
"Emera," Stacie said. She had finished packing as well as I turned to look at her. "I want you to know that, well, I want to be friends. Can we put the whole simulator feud behind us? I mean, you and I were mainly fighting because we both liked Jason. I mean, I really like Chase now, and I'm over Jason, plus he's YOUR boyfriend. I know I was kind of bratty and snobby and . . . slutty, but I swear I'm changing. My father, when I was 8 years old my father sold me into prostitution and human trafficking for drugs. I never saw him until we all saw our families those few days ago. It turned to be the thing I could do best, the only thing I really knew. Seduction. That kind of stuff. So, when I saw Jason, and I knew I wanted him, I did what I knew best. I think because Jason was the only boy who ever resisted me, so I just became more determined. I realized that you were the reason he didn't really return the feelings, so I instantly hated you."
She sighed and took in a deep breath, closing her eyes before shaking her head. "I see now how awful I was acting. But my life has changed now and I can do more than one thing right. I have a chance at having a future. I have a boyfriend who I want to marry when we're older, I'm actually at school, I have friends. I have the life I've always dreamed about. So, I want to start my new life, the new me, by asking you this."
She looked at me in the eye and stretched out her hand, "Truce?"
I stared at her for a minute.
I took her hand and shook it, "Truce, roomie." We smiled.
I had a feeling a lot of things were going to get better.
But I had no idea, things would only get worse.
But that's a story for later on.
We got dressed into our uniforms, grabbed our backpacks and school maps and schedules and rushed to the Cafeteria to get our food and meet the others. Since we had gotten there later in the morning, it was already lunchtime.

Super Simulator
HumorEmera Pisces was a dweeb, a nerd. No other way to put it. A bashful girl who had a hopeless crush on the same boy for two years, who failed to notice her. Pathetic, huh? Well, what happens when she unexpectedly wakes up in an unknown place with nine...