Chapter 73- Mr. Marsh Mellow

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"Hey guys, guess what," Tyler hopped over my tray of food, knocking over a soda. "Wow, THANKS, asshole," I rolled my eyes, my voice oozing sarcasm.

"If only I could see things from your eyes, Emera," Tyler grinned. "Oh, like from a sarcastic teenager's POV? Yeah, that'll be a hit!" I said. "That's the Percy Jackson series," Carlyn said.

"So what's the news?" Marcus asked. "Oh, well THIS!" Tyler flipped out a piece of brightly colored paper and held it out. Bailey went up and snatched it out of his grasp. "THANKS, HUN!" She said.

Richard snatched it from her too, "Thanks, HUN!" He mocked. Stacie snatched it from him, "Stop you two," she opened it and it was an invitation.

"Chase, read it," I shoved it at him. "Why me?!" He asked. "Because I said so, now read."

He cleared his voice, 

"Dear Streaks, 

   We formally invite you to attend our party. It will be at 8:00 pm in the boy's bathroom on the second story. We will make sure you are on our list so you can make it past the bouncer. Refreshments and snacks will be served. Play cast will be announced as well as any other newsworthy mentions. Performance and loud music will be provided and we hope you choose to attend. Please wear party clothes."

"SERIOUSLY?! Why the HELL in the guy's bathroom?!" I asked. "You don't think it's a prank, do you?" Chase asked, putting the card down. "Doubt it, after what they saw Emera do recently I don't think they want to face her wrath," Stacie pointed to me. "Hey!" I shouted. "Hey," Zoey quietly answered.

"OK, so are we going?" Jason asked. "You want us to go in a guys' bathroom?" I asked.

"What you two haven't done it yet?" Bailey giggled. My face turned red. "Guess me and Richard have already gone on that adventure," She said. "Early bloomers," Richard laughed, as he high-fived her.

"You guys are the worst couple, EVER," Tyler said. "Sorry we aren't as mushy as you two," Richard said to him.

"GUYSSS!" Chase yelled. "What are we going to do?"

"Well, I'm excited. Who's gonna be the cast? I mean, I don't even know what the play is, and auditions were just yesterday. I'm curious, plus why the hell not see someone drunk AF and doing a striptease on top of a urinal?" I said.

"'I'm curious, plus why the hell not see someone drunk AF and doing a striptease on top of a urinal,' -Emera Pisces, 2016," Richard said. "Quote me on that I want that on my gravestone," I requested. "I'll make the word urinal in comic sans font," Bailey said, writing it down. "Really? I think Arial would be better for Emera," Richard said.

"You guys are an awful bunch, shouldn't she pick the font? It's her gravestone," Tyler said.

"ARE WE SERIOUSLY GOING TO TALK ABOUT A MEN'S TOILET ON MY GIRLFRIEND'S TOMBSTONE?!" Jason cried out. "Yes," Tyler, Richard, Bailey and I said at the same time.

"Not to mention that Molly Stone who seems to like you much more than just a friend huh?" Marcus said.

"Hmmm?" Stacie smugly hummed. 

"She doesn't like me like that!" Jason protested.

"Oh sure, because 'just friends' always try to lean in uber close and absolutely hate your girlfriend and flirt and blush and talk about you 24/7 with their best friend," Marcus said.

"Ooh, Marcus is savage," I said.

"Since when is he not?" Richard asked.

"Damn, Marcus be roasting you like marsh mellows left and right," Bailey said.

"Guys!" Jason protested. "Girls!" I shouted back. He glared at me as I smiled innocently at him.

"How do you know that she talks about him 24/7?" Chase asked Marcus. "I sit behind her in a lot of classes, and it's all she talks about! That and books," Marcus said.

"Believe me, Jason, as thick headed as you are, it's kinda obvious. Take it from someone who used to-" Stacie glanced nervously at Chase, "- she's obsessed with you and hates Emera's guts. Speaking of which, Emera you gave me hell when I liked Jason, why are you all the sudden OK with this?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I've been wondering that too," Jason said. "Shush, I'll explain Mr. Marsh Mellow," I paused.

"Honestly, I was really insecure next to Stacie, who wasn't COUGH! being very subtle COUGH! about her tactics. Plus, Jason was closer to her than he is to Molly. AND, Jason is MINE now." I kissed him on the lips quickly, "Plus, who says I don't like playing this very . . . Amusing game?" I grinned evilly.

"I'm scared of you now," Zoey joked. "As you should be, she was vicious in the fight yesterday!" Carlyn said. 

"Oh yeah! I heard about that you were all like BAM! BAM! WHOOSH! WHASH! CA-BLAM!" Chase imitated my movements. I blushed, "Haha, it was just the adrenaline," I insisted.

"No, you KNEW what you were doing out there!" Tyler insisted. He pretended to fight Chase as I rolled my eyes at their bromance. "Even I must admit, I'm mildly impressed. Especially since you didn't cheat," Marcus said. I rolled my eyes, " 'mildly impressed', Gee, THANKS, Ice-boy."

"Ice-Boy?" He sneered. I grinned smugly, "Yeah, Fire wants to call you Ice-boy," I said.

"Gee, Galaxy, what do I call you?" He joked. "Only I call her that dude," Jason said.

"Alright, Ice-boy, notify me when you come up with something," I smirked.



We shook hands, calling the deal.

"What do you suggest? Fire-girl?" He suggested. "Isn't that kinda on the nose? And copying from fire-boy and water-girl?" Carlyn said.

"S'pose you're right. Coal-ette?" he asked. "Gee, way to be cheesy," Carlyn commented.

"And I wonder whatever your fangirls see in you," I rolled my eyes. Marcus sent his signature smirks. The girls at this school really seem to like bad boys, and while Marcus keeps acting cold, distant, and Emo, or as I like to call it CDE, they kept coming back. There was legit a T-Shirt of him smirking, like WTH? Apparently he seemed like a bad boy. Though, everyone in this group has for some weird reason fans.

Weird, am I right?

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