Eventually our periods passed. And the hell in our vaginas and the boys' hell on earth disappeared. Everything was back to normal. We still had footage of us embarrassing them HAHAHA! XD. Anyway the guys were trying to find out what to do for next month. They decided we need another visit to the mall to restock on our supplies. So we got in the teleporter and got back to the mall. Oh, I miss home so much. I promise I'll be back once I finish my mission, whatever it is. We got there. The girls decided the guys buy our stuff, because THEY don't want us cranky and moody. The rest of us were in Victoria's Secret. To get stuff for Bailey and Stacie . . . Oh God. Me, Carlyn and Zoey were blushing red and refused to buy anything, so we just stood there. Suddenly the guys came running in. All the girls inside screamed. They were with arms full of . . . "Feminine Products" We looked at them strangely.
"Uh . . . we might've accidentally . . . stolen tampons . . ." Marcus said. "WHAT?!" All of the girls screamed. The boys shushed us. "How do you 'accidentally' steal TAMPONS?!" Bailey asked them. "Chase was stocking up on tampons, not sure what to get for you girls. And Richard here kept telling Tyler that the tampon boxes smelled like vanilla. So Tyler sniffed one and the clerk saw him and started freaking out. She kept screaming 'SNIFFING TAMPONS!' and we freaked out and ran with . . . these." Jason admitted. We stared at them in disbelief. Suddenly the sirens went on and the intercom said "ALERT ALERT A LOT OF TAMPON SNIFFING BOYS STOLE TAMPONS." Oh shit. "We gotta run," Richard huffed. They stuffed all the products into the backpack and we ran to the food court. Its the only place we had enough room to teleport. We ran.
We got to the food court. People started murmuring and taking photos. What they didn't know WE stole the tampons.
"Aren't THOSE the missing kids?"
"They've been gone for weeks!"
"I thought they were DEAD!"
"Emera?!" I then saw my ex/childhood friend Brian standing there, with a phone. His blue eyes were barely covered by his brown hair and stuck out against his tan skin. Oh shit, not this turd pipe! Oh shit! "I thought you were dead. You guys have been missing . . . How are you HERE?" he asked me. My eyes widened. We've been known as missing? They didn't KNOW? What? I heard more whispers.
"Why do they have highlights?"
"Keep filming they've been claimed gone for WEEKS!"
"GET THEM!" I heard some mall cops shout. "Emera come on!" Carlyn shouted. I ran into my place as we disappeared into smoke.
"We are claimed as MISSING?" Stacie asked. The scientists, our parents didn't know, what was going ON? We were all breathless. Shit, Brian saw me. "Uh . . . guys you might want to see this . . ." Tyler motioned towards the screen. We looked at the TV. It was us . . . on the news.
"Attention. The kids that have been claimed as 'missing' for weeks have been spotted at the Memphis mall stealing . . . Is that right Jeff? TAMPONS? Wow, uh, well they were spotted there. We don't know if they ran away and came to visit or if they escaped their kidnappers. Some seemed to have highlights matching another's. They then disappeared into a cloud of smoke. We don't know if its a trick or what. We know they are healthy and alive, and we will continue this search party. They can't be far away. If you know anything about these people please contact the authorities about these 10 missing kids AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We have here one of the friends of Emera Pieces who was there at the scene. Going to you." The reporter motioned to another reporter.
The screen flipped to Brian. Looking as handsome as ever. What, Emera focus, plus your mate is somewhere in that room. "I was there. I'm Emera's . . .well boyfriend." WHAT?! HELL NO WE BROKE UP YEARS AGO! WHY THE FUCK YOU LYING. WHY YOU ALWAYS LYIN! MMMM OH MY GOD! STOP FUCKING LYING!!! "I thought she was gone forever, dead maybe. Then I saw her, there, beautiful as ever. With the other missing children. She looked at me when I said her name . . . then she ran to the others and. disappeared!" It flipped back the reporter. "Young love has its price. We have some pictures of the group and a video at the end." We paused the screen.
"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" Jason screamed at me. "No! He is lying! We broke up YEARS ago! When I get my hands on him I'll burn his sorry ass!" I growled. "Guys, pay attention." The TV flipped to a picture of each of us with our names underneath. I looked when it flipped to me. I was looking at the camera, I seemed to be panicked, my dark hair flying past my shoulders like there was wind brushing through my hair. I seemed terrified but brave.
The screen then showed a video. We ran to the circle and formed in our positions, people were shouting. It showed a part where Brian captured my attention. Then I ran and we all vanished. The smoke was of a glittery grey as it rushed over us like a wave. And we were gone. Chaos erupted in the video as people screamed and ran to the circle wondering where we went. I saw in the corner Brian falling to the floor and banging his fists onto the ground, screaming. I couldn't hear what he was shouting.
"Please, if you know anything about these children, alert the authorities. Anything that would hint where they are." And we turned off the TV. We stared at each other in silence. "Great, now we are known as tampon robbers!" Stacie said. With that the TV turned back on to reveal the face of Dr. Jackson from our first night! "You kids made a lot of trouble! Now listen to me, you will all 'FACETIME' with your classes tomorrow on laptops there tomorrow to prove you are OK. You will in a way 'attend' your classes for one hour or less. Don't say ANYTHING about where you are, or your powers, just pretend everything is NORMAL. We are impressed in the progress all of you are making. We will check on your progress next week. Good luck." With that she signed off.
We looked at each other. Seems like we are seeing our classmates again AFTER ALL.

Super Simulator
HumorEmera Pisces was a dweeb, a nerd. No other way to put it. A bashful girl who had a hopeless crush on the same boy for two years, who failed to notice her. Pathetic, huh? Well, what happens when she unexpectedly wakes up in an unknown place with nine...