We were meeting in Jason's dorm today. I kicked the door in and threw the paper at Jason- and then put on my sunglasses. "There will only be 7 planets left after I destroy Uranus," I said.
"Emera please do not be like this," Jason pleaded.
"So what's the news? What happened?" Chase asked.
"Read, bitch," I said. I wasn't going to say it aloud for them at the moment. They all started reading over Jason's shoulder. "No way!" Stacie exclaimed. "Yes way," I groaned. I shoved Jason aside and sat next to him. The headline freaked me out in all honesty.
"So what do we do? I mean, what do these guys hold against us?" Zoey's lower lip trembled ever so slightly. She seemed on the verge of tears at the thought of someone disliking her. I guess it's only because of us she's disliked, because she's the kindest, sweetest person in this group.
"They think we're weird because we only stick with each other. We're never with anyone other than ourselves. Maybe if we join one extracurricular each we can get them to think of us more as peers than outsiders," Carlyn said.
"Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold . . ." Marcus muttered. I slapped him upside the head, "You do NOT just bring up the death of the greatest bromance ever, Johnny and Dally! Those two were my favorite!" I said. "Wait, wait, Johnny and Dallas die?! QUE?!" Tyler asked.
"You guys!" Stacie snapped.
"So who will join what clubs?" Chase asked.
"I'll get into the book club, Emera I think you'd do well in Drama, honestly. And Tyler since you already speak fluent Espanol you can be in Spanish club. Chase, you play basketball so you can join their team. Zoey, you seem to like to write a lot, plus you do have a knack for journalism; try writing for the newspaper. Stacie, you can do cheerleading, they'll accept you in a heartbeat. Jason you'd go join the baseball team and Marcus can play in the orchestra since he plays the cello. Bailey you'd do good for the girl's wrestling team and Richard why don't you go down to the gardening club," Carlyn assigned us.
"You play the cello?" I asked Marcus. He hissed, "You got a problem with it?" I whistled,"Just a pity that Carlyn won't be able to handle the big piece of wood between your legs,"
"I CAN HEAR YOU!" Carlyn shouted at us. "What, the guy is going to be making love to tissue papers for the rest of his life. It's not our fault you're asexual. But that's fine of course. But this guy, if he wants a stranger in the bedroom he'd have to go leftie!" I said. "Actually, I'm left handed." Marcus snapped as if to prove me wrong. Richard smirked, "Then I suppose for that you're RIGHT!"
"Guys, why are none of us in the same clubs?" Bailey asked,"Like, dafuq I'm not complaining about being covered in sweaty women all day and- since we're mentioning sexualities, I'm pan- stuff, but why are we so split?"
"I think it has something to do with us making sure they don't think our entire life is just this one group," Tyler said. "RIGHT YOU ARE SHIT FACE!" Bailey said. "Guys, it's fine. We'll just do it that way." I said.
"Um, I'm kinda nervous about this whole thing, can one of you please go with me?" Zoey asked. I smiled, "Sure, I'll go."
I heard a loud cough, "Uh, she's MY girlfriend!" Tyler said. He got up but I pushed his face away with my hand and he fell back onto the bed. "Shushshushshushshushshush, everyone ALREADY KNOWSSS," I roll my eyes. He pouted," Zoey-woey." She pouted back and reached towards him, "Ty-Ty!"
Bailey stepped in between them, "Guys, simmer it down with the sexual tension, we get enough of that from Emera and Jason." At that moment, both I and the boy mentioned blushed madly.
Richard rolled his eyes and pushed me closer to Jason. I started blushing and covering my face as Jason stared up at the ceiling. Both Bailey and Richard rolled their eyes and at the same time said, "Just FUCK already," Then they high-fived.
"You guys are an evil couple you know that," Stacie laughed at them.
"You're a pretty evil girl," Richard said back.
"Yeah, you and Marcus," Bailey said.
"What did I do?!"
"Please, you're colder than the brick I mistook for a sandwich and put in the freezer for a month before biting into it," Richard said.
"You bit into a brick?" I asked him.
"Yup, it was colder than Marcus's testicles."
"You tasted Marcus's tes-"
"LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW," Marcus screamed, giving us a cool, icy glare.
I giggled at the shenanigans.
My middle finger started burning, and I twisted my new ring around the finger. Maybe the metal isn't good with heat or something. Though I shouldn't be able to FEEL THE BURN. Well, the ring is pretty. I looked at the carvings on the inside, something in Latin. I'll have to translate. I slipped it back on and ignored the pain as it simmered down. Still don't know who gave it to me, in all honesty.
"OK, Zoey, you and me can go to the newspaper to get you a part in it tomorrow morning," I said.
"But Galaxy, your birthday is tomorrow . . ." Jason said.
"You're birthday is tomorrow?" Zoey asked. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've prepared earlier for your party or gifts!"
"Your birthday is tomorrow? You don't think about it very much." Carlyn said. "You need to stop poking around people's heads without permission," I said. She shrugged.
"Your B-Day is tomorrow? Don't you have plans?" Stacie asked.
"Well, we'll go out for dinner as a group. And then you get to decide the group's activities for the rest of the day! It's a Friday anyway so it should be fine if we ditch." Chase said.
"Thanks, Chase, sounds nice," I smiled.
Jason then picked me up and spun me around, setting me back on the ground and dipping me. "Doesn't mean I don't have plans or a present for you," he winked.
Before I could blush, Bailey and Richard shouted, "Just FUCK already!"

Super Simulator
UmorismoEmera Pisces was a dweeb, a nerd. No other way to put it. A bashful girl who had a hopeless crush on the same boy for two years, who failed to notice her. Pathetic, huh? Well, what happens when she unexpectedly wakes up in an unknown place with nine...