Chapter 69- Haha, 69

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You'd think at this point I'd be used to waking up to those oh so familiar faces.

Well, you thought wrong.

"AHH!" I yelped. Stacie looked bashfully at the floor as I saw the faces of the others glaring at me.

"What did you do this time?" Carlyn said. I looked at her confused, "What do you mean?"

Zoey pulled out my own phone and put it on the school's news cite. Apparently, this wacky, snobby and stuck up school only cares about LOCAL news. Which explains why they never found out about us being previously missing children since we used to be on the news. They could care less about a war unless it was near them.

An old man was on the screen on the live stream.

"And it appears that there was a human trafficking right here in California. No one knew but a few policemen, who've been arrested by their own peers and will go to court soon. Boys and girls from ages 5-17 have been here, some for years. They've been raped and kidnapped and sold to a man by the name of Garfield Willows. Mr. Willows died in the fire when the building burned to the ground, but luckily all of the children evacuated and escaped unharmed. They traveled to the Garners Orphanage where they accepted all 146 victims. They revealed nothing of how they escaped and will be questioned as soon as their mental stability is confirmed. Adoption requests are already being sent for these young children, who will hopefully begin a new, pure life. They claimed angels guided them out and saved them all. Perhaps this does prove God is real." With that Zoey clicked the phone off.

"You were behind it weren't you?" Marcus asked me. They all glanced at Stacie, who was glaring a hole into the floor.

I shrugged, "So what if I did. We saved those kids, and you heard that the police were part of it as well. I had to take it into my own hands, and the bastard deserved it."

They looked at each other. "I still don't think you should go killing people . . ." Richard said. "Well, I've killed those people attacking the lab, and now a man who sold children as objects. A soldier may kill the same amount in a war, and he's a hero. I only kill the ones who are bad. You've killed people too, don't forget that," I reminded them.

Jason nodded, "Emera's right. She did the right thing." I smiled at him."Thanks for justifying my murder," I shrugged. "Well, he did deserve it," he said. I decided not to tell him about the lustful stares I received and how the man anticipated I would be a new 'subject' for his purposes.

"How did you know it was us anyway?" I asked.

"Fire," they said at the same time. "Plus the place," Carlyn said.

"Fair enough," I laughed. "Let's get to class."


Me and Bailey got to English class. Our still too-old-to-dress-like-a-hoe teacher ignored everyone talking about the news that happened this morning

We took our tests-which was easy- and once finished the test we replaced our pencils with red pens. they told us to switch with the person behind us. Bailey was to my left, and the girl I sorta-made-fall that one time wasn't in class today. I turned around to see who I'd switch with, and looked eyes with no one other than Molly herself.

3rd POV

Molly snatched Emera's paper and handed her own to the girl. The girl's rainbow eyes stared and Molly's, and lingered for a moment. Molly thought she might melt from the intensity of the stare, but was glad when Emera turned back around. Molly looked at the paper, and saw all of the answers were right.

Great, she's smart too, Molly thought.

Later on today, Emera would be going to the movies. And Jason would be with her. Molly glared at Emera's hair with such intensity there should've been a hole where her head was.

Molly snuck her pencil from under her desk and erased and replaced as many questions as she could find. She once again glared at Emera, her perfect and colorful hair cascading down her back. Molly's skull still ached from the ponytail last night.

They switched back papers and Emera found that for #5 she placed 'watermelon'.

Oh, she thought. I see how we're going to play. She put on an evil smirk as she raised her hand.

"Uh, ma'am? I believe Molly erased my answers-which were correct- and replaced them with incorrect answers. As you can see here, you can faintly see the real answers here underneath the re-written answers, which aren't even in my handwriting." The teacher scuttled over in her tight pencil skirt and examined the paper.

"Oh my, Emera. I deeply apologize. Molly, I expected better of you. Emera, because of what this student has done-and I can see your real answers here- I'll give you your well deserved 100. As for you Molly, you'll get a 0 and detention for this afternoon." She said.

Emera snickered, "Amateur," she muttered. Molly stared in disbelief. Wha-? How foolish had she been! Emera saw at first sign of her stupidity! Not to mention of course it was FREAKING EMERA who could do it! Molly hid her face in her hands, blushing madly as the class snickered at her failed attempt to humiliate Emera. Her own plan back fired!

She glared harder at Emera, who was turned towards her with a small smile on her face.

"Nice try, maybe you'll do better next time," Emera chuckled. A small gleam shone through her multi-colored eyes as she turned forward. Molly glared at the perfect girl, as a small note floated down in front of her nose.

Amateur, it said. It was scrawled in perfect cursive, a heart at the end.

Emera was definitely like the popular antagonists in the books, Molly thought. Though they are usually blonde and more social. Emera's just an untouchable. A Streak. And she was mocking Molly's stupidity as if she had more experience in more things!

Tonight, Molly would be having detention with a granny in vintage glasses, and Emera would be hanging out with the love of Molly's life.

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