"Why isn't the bitch reacting?" I heard a voice behind me.
"No idea, slap some more sense into her," another voice hissed.
I felt a sharp sting on my right cheek -causing me to crumple to the ground.
I collapsed to the ground, my knees slamming into the cold ground, surely bleeding by now. I was in an unfamiliar-sad bedroom.
The mirror was old and dusty, the corners of the dark room filled with cobwebs. Cracks and chips ruined the once beautiful, now creaky floorboards. There was a sad, old mattress on the floor. There was a window, but heavy curtains covered it, so I could see no light.
It was pitch black, and the voices were still whispering in my ear.
"Has she no emotion?" the voice was snaked like hissing in a harsh tone in my right ear. I didn't react, to the pain in my cheek or the blood from my knees.
"Who hurt you so badly to where you can no longer feel pain, young one?" Another voice had a pretty, alluring tone to it. But what is beautiful is dangerous. A fool should know that much.
"Answer him!" The snake-like voice said. I felt a blow to the back of my head, and I face planted into the floor. I didn't move or grimace.
"Tsk, tsk. We'll break you eventually, we have time," the beautiful voice said.
"Yes, but you can't really break what has already been broken, can you?" the other voice replied.
My right, middle finger felt like it was burning into my skin.
I felt my hand, and nothing was there. I could barely see, but I could tell there was no color to my nails. That meant the nails weren't the color, and that meant I didn't have my highlights, which meant I was powerless.
"Should I ask what hurt you?" The voice hissed into my ear.
"The world," I felt myself whisper. My mouth wasn't to my control, and the voices seemed to be everywhere, yet nowhere. Right next to me, yet far away. They were circling me, and everything was an eerie quiet.
"Go ahead young one, throw a punch. What harm can it do? You have my consent," the beautiful voice said.
I closed my eyes and stood still.
I felt a punch in the face, the hand big and cold hitting me smack in the nose. It was bleeding now, warm blood dribbling, trickling down in a steady stream. The back of my head smacked into the floor. I didn't even raise my hand up to my nose, I did nothing but lie there and wait.
"Go ahead . . .fight back," the voice hissed into my ear.
"Haha! Smarter than it looks, isn't it?" The beautiful voice said. It was like caramel, smooth and deep and buttery.
"That's not saying much . . . it doesn't look like much does it?" the voice whispered back.
"True, true," the voice said. "What do you suppose we do? It doesn't do much . . ."
"What do you suggest, young one?" the voice hissed. "Entertain us."
I stayed still, I didn't know what to do.
"Who are you?" I asked, in a small voice.
"Ah! There's the voice! Such a small, small voice . . . hm?"
"Well, answer the question!"
"Ah, ah yes."
The voice melted into my ears.

Super Simulator
HumorEmera Pisces was a dweeb, a nerd. No other way to put it. A bashful girl who had a hopeless crush on the same boy for two years, who failed to notice her. Pathetic, huh? Well, what happens when she unexpectedly wakes up in an unknown place with nine...