Chapter 34- Retarded Crickets

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I was shaking as the nurses walked me to the room where I am "to be drugged" so I can be put back into the simulator. I adjusted the glasses nervously. How will my friends react? Will they be happy or mad? I have no idea. The real question was, should I tell them about what I found out?

I shook my head. It would ruin this entire plan. I had to keep it a secret. But what about Carlyn? She can read my thoughts, how am I supposed to keep it a secret from her? I sighed, for now, I shouldn't think about anything from the lab. If I do accidentally, and she finds out, well I guess we'll just have to see.

I passed Spencer, as he motioned for me to come over. I was nervous, was it about the kiss? It wasn't really a kiss. Plus, I wasn't sure if it was an I'm sorry I can't be with you kiss or a goodbye kiss or what. I wasn't sure if it would even be possible for us to even be together. No matter what Jason will always also be on my mind.

Spencer pulled me near him, where the nurses couldn't see. "Hey, just follow your heart. If it's me or Jason- or hell even Chase, just be happy and I'll support any decision you make. Remember, this time, you're the one who chooses, not just Jason," he said. I smiled and hugged him. "You're a good friend Spence, I'll miss you," I smile. He hugged back and rolls his eyes. "Jason might seem like a dick, but believe me, he does care about you. A lot. Don't let him go so easily, he might be better for you than I could ever be," he chuckled. "Remember I said might." I laughed and headed with the nurses. Parting is such sorrow. IT'S SHAKESPHERE BITCH.

I lied down on the table, this is it. I hissed when the needle went in behind my neck. MOTHER F-and with that I was out.


I woke up in a lush green field. "SHIT NO!!" I screamed. Let me explain something to you. When I and the others woke here, it took us a full hour, hour to get to the mansion. And it's a lot better when you're with others.

Basically, I walked a whole hour to the mansion cussing a stream of words that would make even a sailor blush.
I got to the mansion, and I could tell everyone was in the ballroom. I ran to my room and picked out a random article of clothing, which happened to be a cute Galaxy sun dress. I took a shower and headed right to the ballroom. Everyone was dressed up, I wonder why?

I remembered. SHIT ITS STACIE'S birthday! Surprised they're celebrating when I'm 'missing'. I decided to be nice and make it seem like I'm not there, an illusion that I blended right into the wall. I mean, invisibility would be better, but like the illusion thing is pretty good as well. Though I can't move if I didn't want to be caught.

Everyone was celebrating but seemed rather somber. Of course, I didn't want to crash and ruin Stacie's birthday party, but that's only because I'm being NICE.
She was in a rose designed purple floor length dress. I wanted to whistle. That must've cost moooooney.

Zoey wasn't looking where she was going, and accidentally spilled her punch ALL OVER Stacie's dress.

Well then. That escalated quickly.

Stacie screamed. "My DRESS!" The drain was blood red, and I knew even Jason's water power wouldn't be able to save the dress. Zoey was apologizing profusely to Stacie, who was just weeping as she ran out of the room.

Chase was the one who ran after her.

I was confused. Why didn't Jason?

I looked over to him. He was playing the piano. BITCH YOUR OTHER CHICK JUST RAN OUT. Don't you want to do something? But he was just playing the piano like I don't give a single fuck and kept playing. I liked the music, it reminded me of the duet we had to play once, for a recital. We had to play since we had the same teacher, and it was a pretty good piece I tell you. I closed my eyes, listening to the music. God, I'd give almost anything to have Carlyn's power right now, just hear what Jason might be thinking.

I stared at the boy, his blue eyes concentrated on the music he was making, his brown bangs barely managing to not cover up the beautiful color.

I heard a gasp. I turned to look at Caryln, who was frantically whipping her short hair about, looking for something. Or someone.

Shit! Can she hear me?

Think, OK! I started thinking about cricket noises. Retarded Crickets.


I went over and sneaked over to see Chase comforting Stacie. I never knew them to be close, but I remembered when she was helping with his room. Who knows, maybe while I was gone they bonded.

I chuckled at the thought, Stacie, bold and rigid and seductive to any guy she wanted. Chase, quiet, bashful, and shy mostly. They were opposites. But they seemed to be... attracting?

I looked at Stacie. Even a fucking sobbing mess she looked pretty. Her purple colored eyes rimmed with water and her golden and purple hair cascading down her shoulders. She had a perfect body.

I frowned, remembering her past.

It explained so much. And I still only knew so little.

I looked down and saw I was wearing a necklace, one I didn't own, but I suppose was there when I reentered the simulator. At once I knew what to do with it.

Chase, the boy who lived in - well poverty- was there, rubbing her back. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it seemed to be working. Stacie leaned onto his shoulders as her face stopped looking like an upside down kidney bean and she calmed down. She seemed peaceful and tired, like anyone who had finished crying. I sneaked up to my room and got out any wrapping paper I could find, as well as a gift. If only I had Tyler's power, then I could travel quicker. But then I could just have Chase's power too. 

The gift wasn't much, but it was enough in my opinion. It's her 17 birthday after all. July 22. I frowned, that meant we were here for what, 4 months 2 days? I sighed, my birthday was going to be next month, but no one will know. I chuckled to myself, I'm keeping a lot of secrets aren't I?

The gift was simply a necklace, with the letter S on it. I placed it in a box and neatly wrapped it, and placed it on the pillow of her bed. The card attached with Calligraphy the words 'Happy Birthday'.

It seemed like everyone was returning to their rooms as I went into mine, removing the illusion. No one would catch me here. I sat on my bed,  lot to think over.

I guess they will find out tomorrow.

Shits gonna get real.

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